
Chapter 163 No problem

The game officially begins.

Ten heroes from the blue and purple sides appeared in the springs of their respective bases, purchased entry-level equipment, and then quickly rushed to the jungle and the third route.

The surrounding spectators were still communicating in low voices, discussing the lineups of both sides.

On the blue team's top team, top laner Gnar, mid laner Syndra, jungler Digger, and ADC Vainga assist Morgana.

The Tian'a team on the purple side consists of top laner Jess, mid laner Trickery, jungler Prince, plus ADC's Paladin Ranger and auxiliary Japanese girl.

In fact, it can be seen that the lineup chosen by the Tian'a team is quite random.

Strictly speaking, this five-man lineup does not constitute a rigorous enough tactical system, and it cannot be said to form any skill combo connection in the mid-to-late team battles.

There is only one thing -

Very aggressive and offensive.

"Almost all of them are strong heroes in the lane..."

The crowd whispered:

"If you show your personal ability, it will snowball during the laning phase, right?"

"As expected of God...you are so confident."


Whether it's Jess, Enchantress, or the Obama plus Japanese girl in the bottom lane, they are all extremely powerful heroes in the early laning stage, and they are all types that can achieve solo kills through operation.

If it is a close match, such a lineup does have some shortcomings.

But if it’s a food abuse game——

This kind of lineup hero selection can maximize aggressiveness and suppression.

The killings could start at any time.

"But the blue team's lineup seems to be average, right?"

A member of the Sting Team whispered this, and the other teammates beside him subconsciously nodded in agreement:

"It's average."

“But it seems like they got heroes that they are better at and familiar with.


"It's okay, after all, instead of engaging in those tactical systems...it's better to choose your best natal hero, at least in the early stage, you can be more stable in the laning."

Yes, actually this is what I just did in ba

During the selection stage, several members of the Peak Team communicated with Zhou Mo.

Zhang Xin's Syndra and Yang Ke's Excavator are their most proficient heroes.

Gnar is also the top laner who works best with their team.

In this round, we try our best to let everyone perform to their full potential.


This arrangement also has drawbacks.

The poisonous bee frowned slightly:

"Vayne's living space is very small."

Indeed, one must know that the lineup of Tian'a team on the purple side is most threatened by Night Hunter Vayne, the ADC on the blue side.

As an ADC hero, he is the easiest to target in mid- to late-game team battles.

But this one is against the top laner Jace, the mid laner Enchantress, the jungler Prince, and even the support Japanese girl. Each of them has the skills and control to pierce the face, or has a set of skills that can directly defeat your Vayne. The ability to kill instantly.

To put it bluntly——

As long as people are determined to target you Vayne, and a few heroes forcefully attack you without any thought, you will have no chance of survival at all.

The only consolation is probably that the blue side has selected Morgana in the auxiliary position. A magic shield can provide Vayne with some life-saving and survivability.

But this is never enough.

"If you choose Shen as the top laner or Lulu as the mid laner, there will be some room for maneuver..."

Venomous Bee shook his head and commented like this.

Supporting Morgana, plus single Eye of Twilight, or mid laner Lulu, this kind of protection system may allow Vayne to have certain survivability and output space when facing an all-rush lineup like the purple army. .

But if not...

It's just really difficult.

Poison Fan himself is the top AD master in the King of the Chinese server, but at this moment he asked himself, in this situation, if he is allowed to control Vayne, there is basically no room for him to perform in the middle and late stages.

Even if the positions of the coach of Wushuang Sword Immortal and Peak Team were reversed, the former might not be able to perform tricks if he was ranked among the top 30 Korean server kings.

"Only someone at the level of Master Ye Ge can handle this situation, right?"

The auxiliary member of the Sting Team next to him muttered this.

Stinger nodded slowly, but then shook his head:

"Even if it's Huang Xue Ye Ge..."

"Not necessarily."

In the crowd, Mu Qiu's eyes also fell on the computer screen in front of him. Compared to other ordinary spectators around him, he was actually better able to understand Zhou Mo's choice.

Of course, letting your teammates choose heroes like Shen and Lulu can take a lot of pressure off your ADC position.

But asking his teammates to make sacrifices for him was never the style of his former partner and friend.

Even back then, in their team of five, even as the most critical ADC in the team, his partner and friend was always the most selfless one, choosing to give more resources and economy to his teammates on the wing. Silently resisting stress and developing alone——

Then, we can still generate enough economy within the time it should take.

In key team battles, he still delivers unparalleled damage output.


Mu Qiu's eyes dropped slightly:

Something that his partner could do with ease back then.

Can it be done again now?

On the field.

On the blue team's side, in the team's voice channel, Zhang Xin and others were also expressing corresponding worries and concerns. They also saw that the opposing lineup was too "unfriendly" to Zhou Mo's ADC Vayne. ".

But in response, Zhou Mo still just smiled and replied:

"rest assured."

"I'll be fine."

This sentence.

Just like before.

Game time is just over 2 minutes.

The three-way heroes of the blue and purple armies on the field have all arrived on their respective lanes.

Start finishing the lane.

The eyes of all the spectators around were naturally focused on the bottom lane. Firstly, they were curious about the strength of the coach of the peak team who had temporarily replaced him. Secondly, they wanted to see their top AD Wushuang Jianxian, the top AD in the Xiacheng Division. One will show how powerful the suppression is.

To be honest, the blue side's choice to assist Morgana is somewhat cowardly in comparison.


He restrained the opposite purple side's auxiliary Japanese girl.

As for the auxiliary heroes, we probably can’t see much difference in operation for the time being.

But the matchup between AD...

From the moment of laning, it should start.

Almost everyone thought that in the early stages of the game, Vayne was destined to be beaten by her opponent, Obama, without the ability to fight back.

This is also the idea of ​​the Wushuang Sword Immortal himself.


Just over a minute later.

The atmosphere among the spectators seemed to have undergone some subtle changes.

There was a faint startling commotion.

On the court, on the purple side, the face of the Peerless Sword Immortal in front of the computer screen also began to change.

The rhythm of this line is not quite right.

Here's an update. I'm too tired from work today, so I'll go to bed early and get up early to code.

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