
Chapter 162 More than just resistance to pressure

A strong team beats a weak team, from ba

From the beginning of the selection process, you can see at a glance the strong momentum carried by the Tian'a team.

For the bottom lane combination, directly select ADC Holy Lance Ranger and auxiliary Japanese girl.

An extremely powerful combination.

Basically, this pair of bot lane combinations can only be described as tough in the early stage of their offensive performance. They have the Dawn Goddess who rushes forward and has hard control, and Obama, who has enough burst damage starting from level 2 and level 3, As long as you operate it properly, it is very possible to directly kill the opponent in one wave.

Not to mention, the Tian'a team's bottom lane combination is the core ace of their team.

Therefore, when seeing the purple side army come up with these two bottom lane heroes, the players from various teams watching the game were even more certain of their original opinions and judgments——

The blue team’s top team...

It is indeed necessary to choose an ADC hero who is humble and resistant to pressure and has strong survivability.

Otherwise, if you go head-to-head with a bot lane combination like Purple Fang, you will most likely end up with a bloody blow.

Then EZ is really the best choice.


No one expected it.

After the blue square selected assistant Morgana on the fourth floor, the last remaining ADC position on the fifth floor...

He actually took out Night Hunter Vayne!

In an instant, the crowd watching the battle was in uproar!


"Damn it...you dare to choose this?"

"What's going on? Are you a little too brave?"

Indeed, you must know that in the current version, especially in professional competitions, Vayne is no longer the T1 echelon she once was, because this hero is too easy to target and restrict, and it is also too difficult to operate.

Unless you have absolute confidence in your personal abilities and believe that you can completely overwhelm your opponent with your operations, you can only come up with such a hero.

But the problem is...

Opposite are two top bottom lane combinations of the kings of the national server!

Take out Vayne in one hand.

In the early stage of the laning, wouldn't it be necessary to be beaten by the opponent Obama and the Japanese girl?

Several members of the Sting Team also changed their expressions slightly:

"Hey, is this too thoughtless?"

"Wouldn't it be nice to choose an EZ? You have to do this kind of trick."

"Isn't it... the probability of getting threaded is higher?"

Even Venomous Bee, the captain of the Stinger, frowned. He also felt that the coach of the Peak Team was too casual and reckless in this choice. The so-called "avoiding the enemy's edge", but you have to choose what your opponent is best at. Being confrontational with others in the field of operation is simply seeking death.

Almost no one is optimistic about or understands Vayne's choice.


in the crowd.

The moment she saw Night Hunter Vayne confirmed to be locked, Mu Qiu's eyes suddenly lit up:

This hand...

Take it decisively!

The equipment is formed quickly, and it can rely on personal performance without being restricted by the level of supporting teammates.

The above two reasons were the reasons why Mu Qiu just thought that he could choose an EZ.

But at the moment when the top team of the blue army on the field locked and confirmed the night hunter Vayne on the fifth floor, Mu Qiu in the crowd suddenly came back to his senses.

Among all ADC heroes, the one who can meet the above two conditions...

Indeed, it’s not just explorer Ezreal.

Vayne, also counts as one!

And compared to EZ, perhaps Night Hunter has even more advantages in these two conditions.

Speaking of the speed of pretense, Vayne only needs to make the first big piece of equipment to be able to fight in team battles.

And to say that there is no restriction on the level of auxiliary teammates——

Night Hunter, who has Q skill displacement, E skill knockback and ultimate move, is also better than EZ in solo combat.

The only shortcoming is probably what the players from the surrounding watching teams think at this moment.

This hero is too difficult to operate.

If it cannot be operated, then neither of the two advantageous conditions mentioned above can be realized.

And once it's operational...

Vayne is indeed a more ideal and suitable choice than EZ.

to be honest--

This is a hero with a lower error tolerance and a more adventurous character.

Taking it out is gambling, and you are destined to dance on the edge of a knife.

Thinking of this, Mu Qiu's eyes dimmed slightly. If it were back then, he would certainly not have any doubts about his former partner and teammate, but now... with the current state of his old friend, Can it really be foolproof?

It’s not just Mu Qiu.

At this moment, on the top team on the blue side, several people including Zhang Xin were also worried:

"Brother Mo, is Vayne trying too hard?"

"This is to compete with the unparalleled swordsman..."

"no problem?"

Zhou Mo nodded:



His tone was as calm and gentle as ever.

But in fact, only he himself knows his true thoughts.

The right hand holding the mouse clenched slightly unconsciously.

In his current state, it is absolutely impossible for him to perform at his peak level, so bringing out ADC Vayne in this hand is definitely a difficult challenge for him.

But he had to take it.

Of course he knows that if he chooses EZ to play, he should have an easier time in the early laning.

But if they play like this, they will have no hope of winning this game.

Indeed, if he follows the original tactical thinking, looking for opportunities to open up the situation in the middle and jungle, and resisting pressure and developing his own bottom side, then he will have enough certainty and confidence to choose an EZ, and try not to let the opponent play. The road combination takes too much advantage.

This method did have a chance of winning in the last game against the Stingers.

But this game is different.

Because the opponents are different.

Team Tian'a is far stronger than Team Stinger.

Even if he can slow down the rhythm in the bottom lane, Zhang Xin, Yang Ke and others' top and midfielders will still not have any advantage over Tian'a's team's top and midfielders.

If you continue to fight like this, you will only be boiling frogs in warm water, falling into passivity little by little, and even losing the game in the end.


In this game, what his ADC needs to do is not just to resist pressure.

Zhou Mo raised his head and his eyes fell on the night hunter Vayne he had chosen on the computer screen.

There was a faint flame burning and beating in his eyes.

He needs to do more.

More than just stress resistance.

Rather, it is more important to ca


It's not just satisfying to slow down the opponent's bot lane combination. What he has to do... is to play his own advantageous rhythm even from the early laning phase!

The game finally officially entered the progress reading stage.

Even at this moment, looking at the combination of Morgana, Gavin, and the blue side on the opposite side, the unrivaled swordsman still couldn't help but laugh out loud:

"This is...very courageous."

How long had it been since he had seen someone dare to choose Vayne in front of him?

The last one was so reckless.

Probably, in about ten minutes, you were beaten to the point where you doubted your life, right?

The auxiliary teammate sitting next to him said very wisely:

"Captain, what are you going to do?"

The smile on Wushuang Sword Immortal’s face did not diminish, but the cruelty in his words was clearly revealed:


"Then as the other side wishes -"

"Go to death."

I finished half of the code at noon, and then rushed to work in the afternoon. The update was sent, and I went to have dinner. . .

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