
Chapter 164 Perfect Pull

When masters compete against each other, even if they are just on the line, you can quickly feel each other's strength from the opponent's positioning and last-hit operations.

For Team Tian'a's captain, Wushuang Jianxian, choosing ADC Obama and supporting his teammates with Dawn Goddess is ready to absolutely suppress the early laning.

What's more, the opponent also has a combination of Vayne and Morgana.

It almost gave him complete confidence and assurance.

Consume poke at the first level to lower the opponent's HP.

Grab level 2 and directly look for opportunities to force the attack.

Maybe if things go well, they can directly use the opponent's summoner's skills in one wave, and even achieve first blood in the opponent's single kill.


Although I had already made such an idea in my mind.

But in actual operations, the direction of the laning situation did not seem to follow the script he wrote.

Level 1 alignment.

The ADC heroes of both sides spent their last hits smoothly.

Under the control of the Peerless Swordsman, the Holy Spear Ranger tried several times to find flaws in the opponent's position and attack them, but to no avail.

To be precise, he failed to find any flaws in the positioning operations of the opposite ADC Vayne.

There is no opportunity left to take advantage of.

Instead, he was eager to step forward and consume the opponent's HP. As a result, when he stepped forward, he was hit by the opponent's ADC Vayne with a small AQ combo.

Wait until he wants to fight back again.

The Night Hunter on the opposite side had calmly withdrawn one step ahead of time and retreated out of Obama's range.

Once, twice.

That's all, let's just say it's the other side's luck.

But after several consecutive times, this situation always happened, and Wushuang Sword Immortal finally realized that something was wrong——

This Vayne opposite...

Moving operation,

There seems to be something.

It’s not just the Unparalleled Sword Immortal either.

During this match, players from other teams who were watching the game quickly saw some tricks.

Especially the ADC members of each team.

After discovering some strange clues, they stared at the operation and movement of the blue side ADC Vayne.

And the more I look at it...

The more I couldn't help it, my eyes widened, and my mouth even opened in surprise to the point where I couldn't close it:

This, what the hell——

"What a delicate pull!"

On the Stinger team's side, Venomous Bee, the team's ADC captain, couldn't help but look a little shocked.

Among all the people present, he was the one with the highest level of strength and the one who could see it most clearly. He saw the intention of the unparalleled ADC Obama, and he also saw that every time Obama pressed in, Vayne seemed to Resolved in an understatement.

You enter.

I retreat.

When you retreat, I turn around and press in.

This is a perfect control of the distance pull, so delicate that it is an artistic level that is simply pleasing to the eye. Maybe lower-level players cannot understand it, but in the eyes of high-level players, they will only see it more and more. The more I feel frightened.

Not to mention that the Q skill "Transparent Holy Light" of the Paladin Ranger was dodged once by Vayne's position.

Even Obama's flat A forward swing was forcibly canceled several times because of the distance between his opponent Vayne.

What does this mean?

This shows that Vayne seems to have the upper hand in the field of distance.

And as the top-seeded strong team’s ace ADC in the Xiacheng Division, the Peerless Swordsman...

But he actually fell into a passive and controlled situation!

Compared to the shocked Venomous Bee and the others, Mu Qiu in the crowd was now fixated on the blue ADC Vayne, her eyes also filled with surprise and surprise.

Zhou Mo's operating status...even exceeded his expectations.

He originally thought that with the current strength of his former partner and friend, which was not as good as it was back then, it might be a little difficult to face a master of the Wushuang Sword Immortal level.

But I didn’t expect——

He underestimated his friend's abilities.

these years……

It doesn't seem to have caused the opponent's strength to decline too much!

At least, the stable basic skills that were the strongest among the five of them are still there!

Of course, if he was really at his peak that year, his partner and friend should be able to play more calmly and with ease at the moment, but that's okay. Being able to perform like this is an unexpected surprise.

Mu Qiu's eyes flickered brightly:

If only I could maintain this state of play.

This one, at least in terms of early bot lane laning, has already stabilized half of it!

After all, he is one of the top 30 players in the Korean Server King Rank. After a few losses in the early stages, Wushuang Swordsman quickly calmed down.

Now he finally took a few glances at Vayne in the blue square.

Indeed, not a rookie.

Dare to choose Vayne in front of him, she really has two skills.

But that's okay.

At the beginning of the game, it was true that he was a little too relaxed and careless, and was too impatient, which caused some flaws in his positioning. In addition, the opponent's distance was really good, so he suffered a small loss.

It doesn’t hurt either.

The eyes of the Peerless Sword Immortal flashed with cold light:


He also needs to be serious.

Facts have also proved that the reason why Wushuang Jianxian has become the most famous top ADC in the entire Xiacheng e-sports circle is that his strength is indeed unadulterated.

After putting away some of his initial underestimation of the enemy, he entered a serious state and was no longer as impatient as before.

Under the control, the Paladin Ranger also played more and more calmly.

In this way, the laning rhythm in the bottom lane quickly returned to normal. The ADC Vayne on the blue side had no chance to counterattack and consume more of the opponent Obama's health, and his own bottom lane combination did not have an advantage in pushing the lane. ——

So the opponent's purple side bottom lane combination successfully grabbed level 2 first.

Fortunately, Vayne and Morgana were cautious enough and retreated in advance.

However, the initiative in the military line was firmly regained by the two bottom laners of the purple side.

Vayne can only defend and hit last hits under her own tower.

However, it is easy to see that Vayne's basic tower sword skills are also very solid and stable. While constantly moving under the tower to avoid being consumed by her opponent Obama, she still steadily receives the last hit of every minion.

Players from various teams watching the game couldn't help but nod:

The basic skills are solid.

Vayne's proficiency is indeed good enough.

But if that's all... It seems that the value of Vayne's hand is still not seen. At least so far, Vayne has not been able to produce anything more.

The bottom lane is temporarily stuck in a stalemate.

And at the same time——

On the upper, middle and jungle side, the top team on the blue side gradually began to show a state of weakness.

"Personal abilities... there is still a clear gap."

There was such a murmur among the crowd.

In exchange for a nod of approval.

Here’s an update, I’m on a business trip again today. . Just settled in the hotel.

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