
Chapter 128 Not a team?

Although it is a little regrettable that the opponents we encountered in the two consecutive games were not strong enough in terms of strength and the games were not very enjoyable, but after all, it was a good start for the second consecutive victory, and it is still worthy of a little celebration. of.

At noon, Lin Feng and others walked out of the competition venue and went to the shopping mall next door to find a restaurant for lunch.

After placing the order and waiting for the waiter to serve the food, Zeng Rui suggested:

"How about a brief review of the morning's game?"

This is also the process that a regular team should have after the game, reviewing, analyzing, reviewing gains and losses, and summarizing.

So several people nodded in agreement.

Tang Bingyao was a little confused:

"How...how do we review it?"

A question directly stumped several people at the dinner table.

Even Zeng Rui himself, who made the suggestion, smiled bitterly and shook his head after thinking hard:

"It seems...there is nothing to recover from."

It’s not that they want to be lazy after playing the morning game, but to be honest, the two teams they encountered this morning are indeed too weak, too weak to be used as a review case, and there is nothing worth analyzing at all. and summary value.

It's like you, the strongest king, go to the Bronze Game and beat two people to death. If you want to say what you gain, then there is probably no other comment other than "it's a great killing experience."

Lin Feng touched his chin:

"Then anyway——"

"Let's keep up the good work next time."

There was nothing more serious to talk about, so they changed the subject and chatted casually. They casually mentioned that at the God Club base, I wonder if the three LPL teams are still training as usual today. Just at this time, a call came to Lin Feng's mobile phone.

Lin Feng picked up:


Huang Xue Ye Ge's enthusiastic voice came from the other end of the phone:

"How's it going? Are you done with the fight? How many games did you have this morning? Did you win or lose? Did you meet any strong opponents?"

What comes up is a long list of questions.

Obviously nosy enough to wait.

Moreover, one can also hear that Shi Hang, Tian Tian, ​​Shadow Puppet, Dawn Morning Star and others are also present next to Huang Xue Ye Ge. Although they are restricted from coming to watch the game, they are all very interested in the progress of the game on Lin Feng and others. .

Lin Feng scratched his head:

"Oh, the fight is over."

"I won both games. I haven't seen any great ones, but they are all pretty good."

"That's it, it's a pity..." Huang Xue Yege on the other end of the phone was obviously extremely regretful, as if he wished that Lin Feng's decisive team would encounter some tough ideas and suffer a big loss.

Then the phone seemed to be snatched away by Shi Hang:

"Hey, you won two games in the morning? That's okay! Are there any games in the afternoon? No, I said you don't have a better team in each venue. Are you so lucky?"

Lin Feng replied: "There is a team called the Tigers, they seem to be okay, I don't know if I will meet them."

A shadow puppet's voice came faintly from the other end of the phone:

"Team Tigers?"

"It's a team that also participated in the LSPL selection two years ago, right? I've encountered this team before when I wasn't playing professionally. The strength is good, but the temper is quite arrogant."

Very arrogant?

Lin Feng thought about it and felt a little confused:

"It's okay. I saw them after the game just now and said hello to them. I felt they were quite polite."

Hearing these words, the shadow puppet on the other end of the phone was obviously stunned:


"Then maybe we're not talking about the same team..."

The time comes in the afternoon.

After lunch, Lin Feng and the others had nothing else to do, so they went straight back to the competition venue.

After waiting for about half an hour, the afternoon game officially started.

Lin Feng and others were scheduled to the third round in the afternoon, so they still had time for the first two rounds. They still walked around casually, observed the competition of other teams, and tried to learn from this group of teams. Try to find a few relatively reliable opponents.

As a result, while wandering around the venue, I met the members of the Tigers again.

They still just nodded and smiled at each other.

Then they turned around and left.

We were already competitors, and we might meet on the field later, so there was no need to get close and chat with each other.


For the current members of the Tigers, they do not want to meet the decisive team in the next game.

Even more precise.

It should be the entire LSPL selection schedule. If possible, they would all like to take a detour to avoid this team called the Battle.

Watching Lin Feng and others walk away with a stiff smile on their faces, several Tigers members let out a long sigh of relief:

It's time to leave...

"How could we... get such a terrible guy here?"

The Tigers jungler murmured.

The ADC member next to him answered the call, with a lingering look of fear on his face:

"Fortunately, I didn't meet them this morning. Damn it, I've never seen such a fierce and tough team. They're all so damn perverted, okay?"

At this moment, he didn't even think about "discussing and competing" with the ADC girl from the decisive team.

This is not to belittle oneself, it is simply the same as seeking death.

The mid laner captain of the Tigers also took a deep breath. Thinking back to the decisive game they watched in the morning between the winning team and the Tianfeng team, his scalp was still numb:

"This strength is not inferior at all to Jiutian, Meilan and TO who are the top three in our division, right?"

The team's coach shook his head and smiled bitterly:

"It doesn't matter if it's good or not."

"Anyway...it's not something we can handle."

"Pray, don't run into them in the game later."

Perhaps the prayers of the Tigers really had an effect. They did not meet the decisive team in the afternoon game.

But for Lin Feng and others, this is quite a regrettable thing.

After all, it is indeed a bit boring to always abuse food.

What is a little comforting is that although the opponents they were assigned in the afternoon were not as strong as the Tigers, they were at least better than the two teams of Dragon and Tianfeng in the morning——

Flying Star Team.

Ranked 51st in the Magic City Division’s combat power list.

Two diamond 2s, two diamond 1s, and a master.

It is considered to be very strong, and this Feixing team also won the two games in the morning. The current record is on par with the decisive team of Lin Feng and others.

Therefore, in this battle, the winning team also spent a little more effort than in the morning.

The victory came after 28 minutes.

Then there was once again a complete silence among the surrounding spectators, and there was even more awe in the eyes of Lin Feng and others who stood up from their computer seats——

This one...

Still crushing it.

The update is here, two updates are done. Good night, good night, friends. See you tomorrow.

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