
Chapter 127 Stiff smile

We had just dealt with an "evil dragon" earlier, but we didn't expect that there was a tiger waiting for us.

If they meet the so-called Tigers again, Lin Feng and others may be able to win the title of "Slaying Dragons and Capturing Tigers"...

However, unlike the Dragon Team that they had just crushed easily, this Tiger Team was undoubtedly far stronger than the former.

After all, they are the seventh-ranked team in the Magic City Division.

You must know that Magic City is one of the three top competition regions in the country in this LSPL selection. The ranking in the combat power list is frighteningly high, and it may even be slightly better than the two competition regions in Beijing and Guangzhou.

The top three teams on the list, Jiutian, Meilan and TO, are naturally at the top and it is difficult for other teams to shake them.

But the other teams in the top ten that followed were not easy to come by.

Perhaps even if these teams were placed in other divisions, they would be qualified to rank in the top three, or even the top spot.

This Tigers team is in a similar situation.

"Although they are only ranked seventh in the Magic City list, their overall average rank strength is still very strong."

As a collector of information and intelligence, Zeng Rui gave a popular science introduction to his teammates:

"To put it simply, there are three kings and two masters."

"But the kings are all the kings of electricity and network."

"The master is the master of Korean clothing."

"And this is not a grassroots team that was put together casually. I checked the information on the Internet before. The Tigers were established two years ago. There are dedicated investors behind it. They have always wanted to hit the LSPL and enter the professional world. Last year, they were only one year away. A little bit, but in terms of real strength, it shouldn’t be much weaker than the teams currently at the bottom of LSPL.”

Having said this, Zeng Rui couldn't help but look up at Li Shiyi.

Didn't tell the whole story.

But several others could also guess the meaning of this look.

The team at the bottom of the LSPL rankings...Li Shiyi's old team, Alpine Team, is probably a good example for comparison.

Chen Ting showed a somewhat understanding look:

“Then this is a tough idea.


"If you encounter one, you have to fight more seriously."

Indeed, the reason why they were able to win the match against the Dragon Team so easily and effortlessly is that on the one hand, their personal strength stabilized their opponents, and on the other hand, the Dragon Team itself cannot be counted as a winner. A mature team is, at best, just a few passers-by getting together to play black games.

But this Tigers team is different.

They can be regarded as a semi-professional team. They should have their own tactical system and have enough experience in competitions - compared with the grass-roots teams formed by casual players, they are completely different in nature.

Lin Feng also nodded and glanced at the other teams in the venue:

"I hope I can meet you."

"Otherwise, the first few rounds are too unchallenging and a bit of a waste of time."

Although the time and number of matches have been arranged in advance, the teams in the venue do not know who their respective opponents will be next.

Lin Feng and others probably walked around the stadium and watched a few games. When it was almost noon, they finally arrived at their opponent for the second game.

A little disappointed and regretful, the team they met in the second game was not the Tigers.

Even if Zeng Rui remembers correctly, their opponents this time are not even ranked in the top 100 in the division list, which means that they will not be much better than the previous Dragon Team.

"Let's just fight."

Zeng Rui shook his head and said this.

Li Shiyi is more cautious:

"Don't be careless. Your opponent may be hiding his level of strength."

Lin Feng nodded, showing approval:

"That makes sense."

But for the opponents of this decisive team, the members of this team called "Tianfeng" turned a little green when they saw Lin Feng and others, and their mood suddenly dropped.


Why did I encounter these monsters?

Quite coincidentally, in front of them was one of the several spectator teams watching the battle between Juesheng and Evil Dragon, and they saw with their own eyes the terrifying strength of Lin Feng and others.

Originally, I prayed that I would never encounter these murderous gods.

It turned out to be such an unlucky coincidence that they met them directly.

Hiding your strength level?

Several members of the Tianfeng Team were on the verge of tears. Are you kidding me? Their strength is only what it looks like on paper. They didn’t even make it into the top 100 on the list. They may even be weaker than the Dragon Team. One or two points ago, how can we beat this encounter?

There were also other teams that had not yet had their turn in the competition, and they all came together. They also recognized Lin Feng, the decisive team here, and started to commotion and whisper:

"Hey, this is great."

"The decisive team, right? They were the fastest to win the first game in 21 minutes."

"They are even more awesome than the Tigers. The Tigers took 24 minutes to defeat them, and they were already defeated one-sidedly. This fucking 21 minutes is simply magical——"

"Fortunately, we didn't encounter...the Tianfeng team was so unlucky."

Some people just want to watch the excitement and gloat, while others come here specifically to study and observe their opponents in advance.

Several members of the Tigers team have just finished their second game. Now with two wins in hand, they feel relaxed and accompanied by a coach from their team.

This is immediately a level higher than other participating teams.

There are dozens of teams in the second branch here, ranging from strong to weak. Some teams only have five main players, and some teams have one or two more substitutes. But the team also has a dedicated coach. , there are probably only one or two teams in the entire venue that have this condition.

At this moment, several Tigers players were chatting with their coaches:

"Is this the decisive team?"

"I heard it was the team that won the first game the fastest. It's pretty good."

"On the combat power list...it seems to be in the forties, right?"

"That's enough. There is a girl in my team - I just heard that this girl seems to be very fierce at playing ADC? Hey, if you can meet her, you can learn from her."

The coach of the Tigers is also relatively relaxed, but he still reminds his team members with a smile:

"Don't underestimate people too much."

"Being able to crush the game in the first round shows that their level is not bad."

"Let's see first. If we encounter it, it will always be easier to be prepared in advance and win."

Several Tigers players were laughing and joking.


The match between the decisive team and the Tianfeng team has begun.

And then.

competition is over.

After winning the second game, Lin Feng and others stood up from the computer. Chen Ting took one last look at the performance data and time display on the computer screen, feeling a little regretful:

"It took more time than the last one..."

It took them 25 minutes to win this game.

Zeng Rui shook his head:

"The opponent's strength is average, but he is really good at delaying..."

Tang Bingyao comments:

"Too cowardly."

Li Shi nodded in agreement: "Yes, if the opponent is not so timid, this one should be solved in 20 minutes -"

Lin Feng looked around and seemed to find something:

"Hey, why do those people keep staring at us?"

Zeng Rui followed Lin Feng's gaze and said, "It seems... from the Tigers. "

"Really? Their expressions are very strange."

"is a bit."

"Do you need to say hello?"

While consulting his companions for their opinions, Lin Feng waved to several members of the Tiger Team.

Several Tigers members looked stiff and managed to smile in response.

But behind the scenes...

But he was already covered in cold sweat.

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 10 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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