
Chapter 129 Just lie down

On the first day of the trials, he won all three games and got off to a good start. At the same time, he became a "big devil" in the eyes of other competing teams in the same venue, a being that must not be messed with.

Therefore, for Lin Feng and the five members of the decisive team, today's harvest can be said to be quite rich.

Moreover, because they achieved three wins on the first day, according to the rules of the competition, even if they lose the next two games, they will be able to securely advance from the first round of group matches.

"Then do you want to celebrate?"

When making this proposal, Zeng Rui himself was a little hesitant and hesitant.

Then the other four people also looked at each other.

Li Shiyi shook his head:

"This... forget it."

Indeed, it was just the first round of selection, and it was not so grand. What's more, winning was so easy, almost like playing, that it was difficult to make people feel too happy.

"Then go back."

Lin Feng made up his mind:

"God, everyone should still be training."

So the five of them, Lin Feng, took a taxi back to the God Club's training base. When they arrived at their destination, it was only around three o'clock in the afternoon. They pushed the door open and entered the training room on the second floor. Sure enough, they saw Hayami, KG and God. The players from the three companies are continuing their daily training and confrontation in full swing.

Seeing Lin Feng and others walking in, No. 1 raised his eyes:


Lin Feng nodded honestly:

"It's over."

No. 1 said "Yeah" and waved his hand casually: "Sit aside for a while, and you guys can come in after we finish beating them."

It also seemed that he had no intention of asking more about the game and would just do whatever he was supposed to do when he came back.

By the end of the last training match, Lin Feng and the other two were quite accustomed to sitting in front of the computer. Their opponents were the God team's main players such as Dawn Morning Star and Huangxue Yege.

Then a training match begins.

After 35 minutes, the battle ended.

It could be said to be a difficult and fierce battle. In the end, the blue side army where Lin Feng and others were included was unexpectedly defeated without much suspense.

But on the contrary, this made Lin Feng and others heave a sigh of relief, and even showed some expressions on their faces:


It just feels right.

What's the deal with those three trials we played earlier today?

The fierce confrontation now is the rhythm they are most familiar with and adapted to during this time, okay?

After the trials, I will continue training directly when I come back.

Perfect connection.

For Lin Feng and the others, they are very adaptable to such a tight rhythm, and indeed compared to such a brutal game, this kind of high-intensity training battle makes them feel more comfortable playing.

When it was time to eat in the evening, Huangxue Yege, Shi Hang and others came over to join the table and talked about this:

"Hey, why are you in such good spirits?"

"I just played in the trials during the day. When I came to train in the afternoon, it felt like I was on stimulants and it was even stronger than before..."

"Isn't it nice to just go back to bed and take a nap after the game in the afternoon? You also took the initiative to come to training, so you don't have to work so hard."

Lin Feng's answer is simple:

"The opponent is too weak and the fight is boring."

"It's fun to train with you."

This kind of answer was simply unbelievable to Huangxue Yege and Shi Hang:

"Is it bad to be weak?"

"Fuck, your mentality is too scary."

"It's so fun to play in the game of abuse. You can kill as you please. If you don't feel like it, you can do it with me. I've been thinking about playing Happy Yasuo all over the canyon and messing around with E for a long time..."

“That’s right, I don’t know how blessed I am when I’m in the midst of blessings!”

Both of them looked distressed.

Morningstar from the side smiled and chimed in: "In other words, the intensity may be lower in the first few rounds. After we screen out the weak teams, we will definitely encounter strong enemies slowly."

There are hundreds of registered teams in the entire Magic City sub-division. Although most of them can only be at the bottom and cannon fodder, it is impossible for them all to be parallel imports.

Lin Feng nodded:


"I hope I can meet you soon."

When preparing to leave the God Club base in the evening, Lin Feng was stopped by No. 1 alone and taken aside.

Number 1 finally asked a few questions about the winning team's selection process today.

Lin Feng naturally answered honestly.

After listening to the report, No. 1 nodded: "The quality of the teams in your sub-venue is probably relatively poor, so just play casually. By the time the top 32 starts, they shouldn't be as bad as they are now."

The judgment is roughly the same as that of the Dawn Star.

However, after saying this, No. 1 said another sentence in a casual and ordinary tone:

"After the top 32 begins, there is nothing for other teams to care about."

"But if you meet Jiutian, Meilan and TO——"

"Bring on all your skills."

"Hit me carefully and hard."

Lin Feng was stunned for a moment.

He vaguely heard some other meanings from the words of Senior No. 1, because if there were just a few strong teams, it would not be enough for No. 1 to specifically mention them by name.

Seeing the confused look on Lin Feng's face, No. 1 Yun Danfeng smiled lightly:

"It's nothing."

"I just helped you find a few good training partners. Later... maybe they will also be reliable partners who can fight side by side in the same competition area."

"But before that-"

"You don't have to think too much, just kill them when you encounter them."

Although he didn't quite understand what Senior No. 1 meant, Lin Feng still nodded happily and agreed.

After all, seniors will not cheat themselves.

in addition--

This has no conflict with his original plan. No matter what kind of opponent he encounters, he can just get down and be done with it.

Lin Feng returned to his home that night, and finally remembered to bring the key. When he unlocked the door and entered the house, he saw the light in the living room was on, and Su Xue was lying on the sofa, looking half-dead and dying.

Lin Feng was shocked:

"Sister Xue?"

Hearing the sound of Lin Feng entering, Su Xue reluctantly stood up from the sofa and looked up, still feeling weak:

"Are you back?"

Lin Feng nodded, closed the door behind his back, put on his slippers and walked in. He looked at Su Xue on the sofa and wondered:

"What's going on here?"

Although the LSPL trials have officially started today, if we talk about the commentary work, at least we have to wait until the top 32 are decided before there will be dedicated on-site commentary. Otherwise, there are hundreds of teams at the moment. The entire Magic City cannot find enough commentators to meet such a huge demand.

So it stands to reason that Su Xue shouldn't have any particularly busy work at the moment.

"It's not that simple!"

Su Xue sighed:

"It's true that we don't need to go to the scene for the time being to commentate, but this time it's not for the official purpose. The official team has specially combined several live broadcast platforms to provide online live broadcast of the event commentary, specifically to remotely monitor the competition status of various OB competition areas - —”

Lin Feng suddenly realized:


Su Xue had a sad look on her face:

"So I have been sitting in the official live broadcast room all day today."

"The commentary will be from 9:30 in the morning to 5 in the afternoon."

"Except for a few minutes of rest occasionally, the rest of the shift is almost non-existent."

"He commented on a total of thirteen games!"

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 11 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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