
Chapter 96 As for

Wu Tian and others made suggestions cautiously, but in fact they were still expecting something lucky.

After all, according to the basic rules of the regional selection announced online, each team that registers for the competition has five main players and two substitutes. They have exactly five people now, and if Mu Qiu is willing, even temporarily as a substitute. Registering when you sign up will at least help them get a head start.

Because if they can really convince Mu Qiu by then, or if Mu Qiu himself changes his mind temporarily and has a registered substitute status, he can be substituted at any time in the game.

But if you don't register in advance, even if you want to take a rotation at that time, the competition rules will not give you this opportunity again.

However, Mu Qiu's words completely shattered the hopes of the people in the box.

He still refused without hesitation.

There is no room for debate.

So Xia Ziyou and others could only look at each other and shook their heads in frustration.

In this case……

It seems that they can really only rely on themselves for the regional selection competition in more than a month.

Mu Qiu walked out of the box and returned to the front desk to continue her network management work. Wu Tian, ​​Zhu Ming and others in the box couldn't help but sigh:


"Brother Mu, why are you so stubborn?"

"Just sign up as a substitute first... I won't lose any meat."

Sun Zheng shook his head:

"Forget it, if the coach doesn't want to, don't force it."

"If we work harder ourselves, we may not have no chance at the regional trials."

Zhu Ming scratched his head: "That's the truth...but there will definitely be many strong people by then. If we can have a great master like Brother Mu sitting in the rear, it will be like an extra layer of insurance, which may not be needed. But at least I feel more confident.”

Zhou Yang nodded in agreement, and Wu Tian seemed to suddenly think of something, his eyes lit up:

"Hey, you said-"

"Is it reliable to bring in that buddy from outside?"

Zhu Ming and Zhou Yang were both stunned for a moment before reacting: "Yes! That one is also a great god!" "He is no worse than our brother Mu..."

Before these three people could start discussing the possibility with great interest,

Next to her, Xia Ziyou was knocking on the chestnuts one by one without any courtesy:

"What are you thinking about?"

"Regardless of whether they agree or not, if you really invite people in, believe it or not, Mu Qiu will go crazy on the spot?"

The words hit the nail on the head.

So Zhu Ming, Zhou Yang and Wu Tian subconsciously thought of Mu Qiu's angry appearance, and instantly fell into silence, not daring to mention this method of seeking death again...

Lecheng Internet Cafe, in the lobby.

In front of the computer booth at the corner of the corridor, Lin Feng was still minding his own business ranking passers-by.

It was as if he himself had forgotten why he came to Xiacheng this time, and devoted himself to his personal solo queue without any distractions, winning one after another with ease and racking up points in a row.

Although he has not been in Magic City these past few days and has not trained with several teammates from his new team, but at his current level of strength, basically as long as he maintains the number of ranking games he should have every day, his condition will not drop. go.

The passer-by high-end game of the national server Dianyi can basically achieve ca every game.


After another qualifying round, Lin Feng was preparing to start another round, but just as he entered the matching queue, a chat window popped up.

Lin Feng took a look.

It is to read thirteen.

Speaking of which, the two of them haven't seen each other for a while since the finals.

At this moment, the chat window popped up, and Nian Shisan on the other end immediately sent a long series of messages:

"Are you not there? You are not there!"

Lin Feng smiled and typed:


Thought 13: "Your LPL is making a lot of noise this time! It's clear that we are paving the way for you!"

Indeed, some things may only be visible to most ordinary players on the surface, but like Nian Shisan, it is easy to guess the truth through the surface.

Lin Feng typed:

"It's not that exaggerated."

Across the Internet, one can guess that Nian Shisan on the other side of the chat window is rolling his eyes:

"Come on, these schedule changes and new additions this time are not tailor-made for you? From the regional selection to the LSPL to the LPL and finally to the S League, this is a ladder to the ladder. Except for you, Who else is qualified enough to get it right in one step?”

Lin Feng shook his head and continued typing:

"There are also experts among the passers-by. It's not that easy for us to fight our way out."

Thought 13: "'We'? Just look at it, I'll know it! Your team is all formed! It seems that we assassins also have to be prepared. If we meet you later, we will have to trick you no matter what." "Twice!"

Lin Feng smiled when he saw it:


"See you on the field then."

This topic was discussed in just two or three casual conversations. Nian Shisan on the other side of the chat window asked curiously:

"So have you been training recently? The regional trials will start in a month, right? Where did you train, with KG and God?"

Lin Feng typed: "Yeah, but I won't be here these two days."

Nian Shisan was puzzled: "Ah? Then where are you?"


"What are you doing in Xiacheng?"

"Find someone."

"Looking for someone? Is there anyone you know in Xiacheng that you can find? There's only one month left, so why don't you hurry up and get the new team running--"

After finishing this last sentence, there was suddenly silence on the other side of the chat window for three seconds.

Then Nian Shisan sent another message in a hurry:

"What the hell!? Don't tell me you went to find 'him'!??"

A series of question marks and exclamation points.

Lin Feng: "Yeah."

Followed by another series of exclamation marks in the chat window, it was obvious that Nian Shisan on the other end was already taking a breath:

"Do it! Do you think you can bring him back to the team?"

Lin Feng shook his head and typed: "No."

"Huh? Then what are you going to do?"

After looking at this message, Lin Feng was silent for a moment and typed a reply:

"I just wanted to talk to him."

Another afternoon passed.

The time came to eight or nine in the evening, and Lin Feng, who had finished surfing the Internet for another day, checked out, got off the plane, and left.

I still walked to the late-night snack stall on the roadside outside the Internet cafe, said hello to the boss, ordered a few barbecue skewers and two cans of beer, sat down, and ate and drank quietly by myself.

Pay the bill and say goodbye politely.

Grab a taxi and drive away.

Not long after, Mu Qiu came to the night snack stall, also ordered a few skewers of barbecue and beer, and sat at the seat where someone had left earlier.

The same person was eating silently.

The uncle boss came over, put down the two cans of beer, looked at Mu Qiu, and couldn't help but sigh:

"As for it?"

Mu Qiu was silent for a moment.

The look in his eyes was slightly complicated for a moment, and finally turned cold:

"As for."

An update is coming. The next chapter will be relatively late, probably after early morning. I suggest you guys get up and read it tomorrow morning.

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