
Chapter 95 Telling the truth

It's already night time.

It was almost time for late night snacks, and the late night snack stalls on the entire street became more and more lively and noisy. Every dining table was filled with student customers who came out of the evening self-study in the university town.

The uncle boss and Lin Feng chatted for a few more words, then he apologized with a smile and turned back to his charcoal grill to continue business.

Lin Feng was left alone to continue sitting at the dining table and silently finished the remaining barbecue on the plate.

Before leaving, the boss smiled and said something to Lin Feng:

"Xiaoqiu, that kid, usually looks quite free and carefree."

"But in fact, if he accepts death, he can be so stubborn that even ten cows can't be pulled back."

"When he first came back a few years ago... I saw him so depressed for the first time. It was also only when his teammate named 'Amo' came to see him a few times that I saw him smile again. Look."

"So I guess, for him, the so-called 'teammates' are probably the people he values ​​and cherishes the most."

"I heard what you and Xiaoqiu said last night."

"It's probably the first time in so many years that I've seen him have that kind of attitude and reaction."

"As for me... I won't ask too many questions. I don't need to know what happened between you and who is right and who is wrong."

"You don't have to rush to explain to me or excuse him."

"Right or wrong, it's actually not that important."

"After spending all these years with Xiaoqiu, apart from other things, I think I can still understand one thing. Although this child is so stubborn when he recognizes the truth of death, he is the only one who really cares about the people and things he cares about. , that makes him like this.”

"In the past, as an outsider, I didn't know how to persuade even if I saw it; but now...since you are here, maybe I don't need to worry about these things as an old guy."

"Now that you're here—"

"Then the decision should have been made."

"So I wish you good luck, and I hope that one day soon, when you come to my stall again, it will be the two of you together,

Hahaha, uncle, I will sponsor you a box of beer and barbecue tube! "

The uncle boss has returned to the grill, once again skillfully picked up a skewer and flipped it over the charcoal fire. Hot white smoke spread over the late night snack stall, carrying the aroma of barbecue.

Lin Feng raised his head and drank the last can of beer on the table.

The empty wine can was placed back on the table, and the money for tonight's supper was gently pressed under the wine can.

Turn around.

He glanced in the direction of Lecheng Internet Cafe.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Get up and leave.

And by coincidence, shortly after someone took a taxi and left, Mu Qiu, who had seen off Xia Ziyou and others, walked out of the Lecheng Internet Cafe and came to the late-night snack stall, where she met the boss who she had known for many years. Say hello and order some barbecue skewers.

Mu Qiu seemed to have noticed something. She looked at the boss in front of the grill and raised her eyebrows curiously:

"Uncle Zhang, are you in a good mood today?"

"Something good happened."

The boss uncle laughed:

"Oh, not bad."

"I just... met a very interesting kid, and he said some things that are probably worth looking forward to."

The next day.

At 10:30 in the morning, when Xia Ziyou, Sun Zheng and others came to Lecheng Internet Cafe again to start a new day of training and preparations, as expected, they saw someone familiar on the computer seat in the corner of the corridor. figure.

Seeing Xia Ziyou and others walking over, Lin Feng still took off his headphones and greeted them with a smile.

Xia Ziyou and Sun Zheng also nodded politely and said hello.

A little reserved.

Even Wu Tian, ​​Zhu Ming and Zhou Yang were a little in awe.

after all……

This is a top master whose strength is equally unfathomable and is probably on the same level as their coach Mu Ge.

Although they still don't know what kind of inside story and past interactions there are between these two people, it does not prevent them from secretly making various associations and speculations in private.

Mu Qiu walked over, without even looking at Lin Feng who was sitting in front of the computer. She just said to Xia Ziyou and the others in a casual tone:


"Go in and start training first."

Several people looked at each other and nodded obediently.

Seeing Xia Ziyou and others swarming into the box, Mu Qiu turned around and walked back towards the front desk.

I passed by someone sitting in front of the computer indifferently.

It seems that there is still no intersection at all.

For Xia Ziyou, Sun Zheng and others, this is already their third day of training and preparation at Lecheng Internet Cafe.

Compared with yesterday, the state has been improved and improved again.

As a "coach", Mu Qiu also began to spare more time on this day, giving various teachings and guidance to several people in the box. Several people also listened more attentively, and the results became more and more significant.

Line up, team up, and cooperate.

Each actual combat exercise seems to be more mature and perfect than the last one.

Mainly because the tactical system with Sun Zheng's top laner as the core was established, the entire team began to have a plan and focus. It was difficult for other five-black opponents encountered in the team to compete head-on with them.

This also built up the confidence of everyone in the box little by little.

During the lunch break, several people began to discuss and plan the specific matters for the regional selection competition in one and a half months.

"There are forty days left in the competition, but...it seems like registration starts now, right?"

"Our team's name hasn't been decided yet."

"Tsk, you have to have a louder voice! Looking back, you may not be able to break into the LSPL and become a professional team. First of all, you have to make a name for yourself and be famous."

Wu Tian, ​​Zhou Yang, Zhu Ming and others were talking with great interest.

Xia Ziyou waved his hand:

"Hey, it doesn't matter, as long as it's not too weird."

"Speaking of registration, there are more important things to consider first."

As she said that, she turned her eyes to Mu Qiu next to her:

"I checked online. For the regional selection competition, teams that sign up for the competition can have seven player quotas, five main players and two substitutes."

"And only registered players can play in the game at that time. Temporary additions during the schedule are not allowed."


"Would you like to think about it?"

Wu Tian and others next to him were stunned when they heard this, and they all reacted immediately:


"Brother Mu, please write your name first!"

"What if we can't do it by then... Brother Mu, why don't you take care of yourself? If you don't say 10,000, are you just afraid of what might happen?"

Everyone looked at Mu Qiu eagerly.

If the competition regulations stipulate this, then it really needs to be confirmed in advance now.

Although Mu Qiu had given a clear attitude on this before, Wu Tian and others could not help but hold on to their last few hopes and expectations.


Facing the expectant looks of everyone in the box, Mu Qiu's expression remained calm:

"Need not."

"I said, I won't participate."

The update is here, two updates are done, go away and continue working overtime, see you tomorrow, friends.

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