
Chapter 97 You have 10 minutes

a new day.

At seven o'clock in the morning, Lin Feng woke up from the hotel bed and received an unexpected call when he was about to go downstairs.

It was Zeng Rui who called.

It turns out that at this time, several new team mates who were far away in Magic City had already arrived at the God Club’s training base early to prepare for a new day of training. Zeng Rui said on the phone that they had been doing everything as usual in the past two days, and that with God and Hayami and KG's players competed against each other, and with the guidance of No. 3, the speed of improvement was obvious.

Zeng Rui also said that Chen Ting's current state has improved compared to the previous few days.

Half of it is due to No. 3.

The other half is his own personal effort.

Indeed, some people are like this. As long as you give them a better environment and see more strong opponents, they will be inspired to have stronger fighting spirit and force themselves to work hard to improve.

"Then, everyone's cooperation became more tacit than before."

"Eleven and Chen Ting's teamwork in the upper and jungle areas even posed a threat to God and Hayami several times."

"Of course it's still worse against KG."

"Yuan Shen's laning ability is so stable, Chen Ting is learning from him now."

"When you come back... you should see a lot of progress and changes."

Zeng Rui said this on the phone.

Lin Feng also felt sincerely happy for his new teammates.

At the end before hanging up the phone, Zeng Rui also asked with concern:

"So, when will you come back? Is everything going well in Xiacheng...?"

On the one hand, this question is of course a member of a new team asking his own captain. After all, the team has just been officially formed. If someone who is the captain of the mid laner is absent for too long, it will definitely have a negative impact on the overall training effect of the team.

on the other hand……

It's the concern you show as a friend.

Lin Feng paused after hearing this.


"Well, it's okay."

"It will probably take a few days. I will go back as soon as possible."

Zeng Rui on the other end of the phone seemed to be nodding: "Okay, no rush, you can finish the important things first. We are making good progress here, so don't worry."

Then the phone hangs up.

Lin Feng breathed a long sigh of relief, stood up, and went out.

At the same time, Zeng Rui, who was in the living room of the God Club training base in Magic City, had also just put away his mobile phone. He raised his head and looked at Tang Bingyao, Chen Ting, Li Shiyi and Tian Tian in front of him, and shook his head:

"Fengzi said it would take a few more days."

Li Shiyi smiled bitterly after hearing this:

"Then it seems... it's just not going well."

Tian Tian couldn't help but look a little worried: "Aqiu's temperament, nothing will happen to him, right?"

Li Shiyi sighed:

"It's up to Fengzi himself. I hope the two of them...can solve it."

seven thirty.

Lin Feng took a taxi to Lecheng Internet Cafe.

This is the third day he has been surfing the Internet at Lecheng Internet Cafe. The other network administrator at the front desk is already quite familiar with him. When they met, they just said, "It's still Baotian, right?"

Lin Feng smiled and nodded "Yeah".

Then he entered his identity information, turned on the computer, and walked to the computer booth at the corner of the corridor where he had been sitting for two days.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Mu Qiu came to the Internet cafe and went to work as usual.

Sitting down at the front desk, he casually chatted with his colleagues next to him, and glanced towards the corner of the corridor as if inadvertently.

I saw that familiar figure.

Then there was a pause.

Look back.

At about 10:30 in the morning, Xia Ziyou, Sun Zheng, Wu Tian and others also came to the Internet cafe. They also went to the front desk to say hello to Mu Qiu, and then swarmed to their usual box as usual. They were still enthusiastic when they passed the corner of the corridor. Say hello to someone, and while Mu Qiu at the front desk wasn't paying attention, Wu Tian and Zhu Ming expressed their admiration and praise to someone.

Wu Tian even dared to ask one more question without fear of death:


"How did you and Brother Mu meet? Did you play games together?"

Then, before someone could decide whether to answer, Xia Ziyou grabbed his ears and dragged him back to the box, screaming in pain.

In the morning, it was still the usual training for Xia Ziyou and the five of them in the box.

After resting, a few people discussed the next regional selection competition. On the one hand, they wanted to determine the name of the team. On the other hand, they could also submit the team's roster first.

Zhou Yang also provided one more piece of information:

"This time our Fujian province seems to have only two divisions."

"One in Xiacheng and one in Fuzhou."

"I checked online last night and found that registration has just opened. There are already 80 or 90 teams registered in our Xiacheng division."

Everyone was stunned:

"so much!?"

Sun Zheng next to him shook his head: "There should be more in the future. After all, although there are only two sub-divisions in Fujian Province, teams from other surrounding cities who want to participate will also go to Fuzhou or our Xiacheng side to sign up. ”

Zhou Yang looked heavy:

"The competition...will be fierce."

"I saw that among the teams that have signed up, there are several teams with very familiar names. They seem to be strong teams that have played in semi-professional competitions before. Their average strength level is at least 2 or above. They may even be masters on average -"

The atmosphere in the box became a bit more solemn.

In the end, Wu Tian scratched his hair and broke the silence:

"Hey, no matter what happens... if we encounter him, we'll be fine."

"There's still more than a month left. We have Brother Mu as our coach. When we meet these semi-professional teams, we might not be able to do it, right?"

Zhu Ming nodded vigorously:

"That's right!"

"If you get cold feet before the fight, then we don't have to train so hard every day."

Sun Zheng laughed: "That's the truth, then keep on...get on with it."

Xia Ziyou also made a decision: "Okay, we will continue training in the afternoon, and then we will decide on the name of the team tonight and report the membership status of the five of us."

Several people stopped worrying about whether Mu Qiu could join the team as a team member.

Since the other party's attitude has been made clear, there is no point in forcing it.

On their own...

You can also create a piece of the sky!

The afternoon passed without any unexpected changes.

At 8:30 in the evening, Lin Feng checked out and got off the plane after finishing his Internet time for the day.

Walk out of Lecheng Internet Cafe.

I still came to the late night snack stall, smiled and said hello to the boss, ordered some skewers and beer like yesterday, and sat in the seat I had two days ago to wait patiently.

Then he waited.

"What do you want?"

The voice sounded.

Lin Feng raised his head and looked at his former partners and teammates who had arrived in front of him at some point. He paused and smiled:

"I just wanted to talk to you for a moment."

Mu Qiu looked at Lin Feng with an indifferent expression.

After a moment, he nodded and spoke calmly:

"You have ten minutes."

I was on a temporary business trip and I was in the hotel. The next chapter was about ten o'clock, so I went away and continued typing.

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