
Chapter 43 Current Problem

Two training matches.

Although the Dark Head Syndra used by Lin Feng in the first game is not as powerful as Enchantress with explosive and roaming personal ca

y ability, but he is still an extremely powerful mid laner burst hero.

As for the mechanical pioneer Victor in the second game, he is really a type with a steady development flow.

Indeed, based on someone's personal ability, if you want to win in such a training competition, you only need to focus on choosing the person who is easiest to show off your skills and the easiest person to rely on yourself.

Just be the hero of the whole game - and if he is facing an opponent like God's second team lineup, he does have such strength and capital.

But he didn't do that.

The two comments and compliments made by No. 3 at this moment pointed out the reason.

Can win.

But...it's not necessary.

At least, there's no need to win this way.

"What is the essence of a training match?"

Number 3's eyes swept over Chen Ting, Tang Bingyao, Zeng Rui, and the other God team members in the training room, and his tone was leisurely and casual:

"It is to allow you to check for leaks and fill in the gaps, find your own shortcomings, and then work hard to adjust, improve and make changes."

"And not just to win."

"How easy is it to win a training match? Just choose your best hero and come up with your best tactics."

"But what's the point?"

"What you win is only the training match. What you win is your teammates who practice sparring with you. It's not like you win an LPL championship or a world championship trophy."

God's team members all looked enlightened.

Chen Ting, Tang Bingyao and Zeng Rui were also slightly ashamed. After all, they had not yet become real professional players. They still lacked some awareness in this regard and were not mature enough.

Number 3's eyes fell on Chen Ting who had just asked the question, and he raised his eyebrows:

"Of course Xiaofeng can choose the heroes he is best at, such as Enchantress and Jace.

I believe he will win even if he just took it. "

"But that doesn't solve the problems that your new team has now."

"This kid's mid laner is the strongest point in your team. When his light shines too brightly, it will cover up your team's shortcomings."

"The training match...is to expose these shortcomings."

"You have to see clearly, without Xiaofeng's powerful mid laner ca

Y, how much useful ability does your team have left? "

Tang Bingyao couldn't help but retorted in a low voice:

"But, Fengzi has always been cavalier.

y's. "

These words made No. 3 turn his head and glance at the girl. He was not as rude as he usually taught other LPL players. He raised the corners of his mouth and smiled playfully:

"You girl, you really don't want others to say anything bad about this kid."

Tang Bingyao's face turned red and she lowered her head to play with the corners of her clothes.

Number 3, on the other hand, waved his hand indifferently and continued:

"Of course, I didn't deny it."

"It's a good thing to have a top mid laner in a team."

"But the question you need to consider is what to do when your mid laner is targeted by your opponent."

Every team has its own trump card or main force.

For example, KG’s Tian Tian, ​​Assassin’s Nian Shisan, God-Hand of God’s Wild Snow Night Song and Dawn Morning Star.

But similarly, in the professional arena, the ones who are most likely to be targeted by your opponents are precisely your team's ace main players, because opponents are not stupid, and they all know that if you want to win, you cannot let your team's aces truly exert their full power. , will try every means to weaken your ace team member.

For example, when we were still in the finals, during the training matches of the teams in each major region, in the showdown between the Assassin team and the European BW-Blue Whale team, the BW team went to death to suppress Nian Shisan's jungler. The rhythm caused the Assassin team to be forced into a desperate situation by the opponent.

And that was the assassin.

It is the top team in the Taiwanese LMS division.

Except for Nian Shisan, the other main players have sufficient cooperation and rich experience in professional competitions.

But now Lin Feng's new team of five people does not have the expertise and advantages in this area.

Therefore, once someone's mid laner is targeted, the impact on their team will be more severe.

"Don't say anything else."

"When I meet your team, first of all I

It is easiest to drop the three strongest ca

y's operational mid laner. "

"No matter how deep this guy's hero pool is, he can't choose a hero against the meta and still achieve 100% strength."

Number 3 spoke in a leisurely tone and continued casually:

"In other words -"

"If you raise the standard a little higher, what if the opponent you face today is a truly top team? For example, Lege

d, such as MLG, or SSK? "

"If a top mid laner at the level of the Yonko goes up against Xiao Feng, I think he'll give it a 50-50 shot."

"Wouldn't it be up to your other four team members to face the rest?"

Speaking of this, No. 3 seemed to be a little thirsty. He picked up the water glass and drank some water before continuing:

"Just saying it probably doesn't make it obvious to you."

"Let's have another round."

Then No. 3 looked at the dawn star:

"Axing, this is your turn."

The original plan was for God to switch directly to the main lineup of the first team after finishing the second team lineup.

But now, under the arrangement and command of No. 3, the lineup of the Purple Legion, which had just played two training matches with Lin Feng and the five others, remained basically unchanged, except that Dawn Morning Star replaced the mid laner.

Then the third training battle begins.

31 minutes later.

The battle is over.

The purple "Victory" emblem slowly appeared in the center of the computer screen.

Number 3 raised his eyebrows, looked at Tang Bingyao, Zeng Rui and Chen Ting who were sitting in the blue square opposite, and asked casually:


Several people nodded slowly and solemnly.

Even Chen Ting, who was the first to raise objections, had no other objections at this time.

Because of this round, they lost with almost no temper at all, and more importantly, Lin Feng, who was in the mid lane position, already used his best trick, the Enchantress——

But what they encountered was Dawnstar's mid laner Morgana.

Restricted from beginning to end.

Although there are still operations that are enough to make professional players marvel and move, but in terms of the overall situation of this game, it is difficult to compare

y-level contributions.

"That's your problem now."

No. 3 gave a summary lightly:

"Let you play semi-professionally now, and you can crush and sweep them all."

"Playing LSPL should be enough to watch."

"But if you are allowed to stand on the level of LPL, unless Xiaofeng fights hard, there is no need for others to play any frontal operations with you, rely on ba

/pick and tactical operations will surely kill you. "

"Of course, each of you cannot delay the improvement of your personal strength, but this is another matter that needs to be done step by step."

"Right now, the most urgent thing is——"

"You must hone your teamwork skills first!"

An update is here. I am suddenly busy with tasks in the past two days, so I can only update it temporarily. . .

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