
Chapter 42 Meaningless

In the second game of the training confrontation, the sides of the blue and purple sides remained unchanged.

Blue Fang Linfeng's five-person lineup consists of top laner Dao Mei, mid laner Mechanical Pioneer, jungler Excavator, ADC Obama and assistant Braum.

Except for some substitutions and adjustments made to the heroes in the mid lane and support positions, the overall game is still roughly the same as the previous game.

As for the purple God team——

Top laner Gnar, mid laner Clockwork, jungle prince, ADC explorer plus auxiliary bull head.

It is exactly the same lineup as the previous game.

It stands to reason that the overall rhythm of this second game should be the same as the previous game. The blue side of Lin Feng's five-member team had enough active advantages in the early game, and then relied on their personal operation ability to take advantage. The snowball snowballed, and we won steadily in the middle and late stages.

But this time something unexpected happened.

The victory was won in about thirty minutes of the last game.

This one...

It was dragged to the last forty minutes.

Although Lin Feng and the other five still won the victory in the end, the difficulty was many times greater than the previous round.

It was as if just because No. 3 had just summoned several God members to his side and given a few simple and casual instructions, such a huge change had been caused.

The atmosphere in the training room seemed a little quiet for a while.

Even Huangxue Yege, who was gearing up to avenge his second team and substitute teammates forty minutes ago, closed his mouth now, frowned and thought about the second game just now, and seemed to have figured out something. smell.

Several coaches and analysts at the God Club looked at each other, exchanged glances, and then nodded slightly.

As professional practitioners, they were naturally the first to see the clues.

Tang Bingyao, Zeng Rui and Chen Ting were a little dazed at the moment. Even though they had won the second consecutive victory, they were not as happy as they were when they won the last victory. They were vaguely aware of themselves. Even some of the problems existing in their new team.

Li Shiyi smiled bitterly and shook his head.

He felt it.


It's also expected.

Lin Feng was still silently looking at the statistics interface at the end of the game. This made his mid laner Victor finally achieve the highest damage output in the game and win the MVP again, but... it still made him feel no joy at all. .

No. 3 raised his eyes and looked over:

"How was it? How did it feel?"

Lin Feng took a breath:

"not good."

The corners of No. 3's lips curved into a teasing arc:

"Oh, what's wrong?"

Lin Feng shook his head and sighed: "It's not good anywhere."

The reason why this round was so difficult and stalemate can actually be summarized very conveniently——

In the early stage, the jungle prince of the purple side God team cooperated with his own bottom lane to assist his teammate Niutou, and roamed ga in two consecutive waves.

In the middle of k, a [Flash] of someone's mid laner's mechanical pioneer was played and the blood volume was reduced, making someone unable to do much online suppression in the first six to eight minutes of the game.

The opposite mid laner, Clockwork Demon, has enough time and space to brush lanes and wild development in a relatively stress-free situation.

Then the purple side fights the wild prince’s ga

k focuses his energy on the top road.

Even at the expense of his own development rhythm, he forcibly helped his top laner teammate Gnar to hold down Chen Ting's top laner Dao Mei, and successfully achieved a tower-crossing kill. At the same time, the jungle resources he lost were given to his mid laner. Teammates clockwork.

Directly stock the bottom lane. An ADC explorer already has enough ability to rely on lanes, and he also made a piece of Tear of the Goddess and [Extraction] quite directly. He was determined not to face the opponent and slowly find supplementary development. .

In this way, the five members of Blue Fang Linfeng were forced to hold back the strong early stage.

Drag the battle into the mid-term.

It was the purple side's turn for the team battle lineup to start to work hard. EZ was responsible for poke. Although the prince's development was average, as a tool player, relying on EQ's second combo and ultimate move was enough to create opportunities for his teammates' follow-up skill combos, as well as the above. The single Gnar and the auxiliary Niutou can both cooperate with their own mid-lane Clockwork Demon to maximize the effect of skill combo.

In the mid-term, Lin Feng and others on the blue side were already quite cautious, but the opponent's purple side army still seized the opportunity and launched a nearly perfect 0-for-3 team battle.

As a result, the rhythm after the mid-term falls directly into the control of the opponent.

Even if it weren't for the last wave of big dragons, Lin Feng relied on his personal operation ability to find an opportunity to kill the Clockwork Demon that made a mistake on the opponent's side, and the final victory of this battle was destined to be taken away by the purple side.


Even if you win, it still looks ugly.

The problem is also reflected. After all, Lin Feng and the five are just a newly formed team. Their personal abilities may be outstanding, but in terms of tactical coordination and team operation, their lack of experience has become the biggest shortcoming. Their opponents only made certain tactics. The adjustment of the strategic layout took advantage of their personal abilities and easily put them in danger.

Lin Feng clearly understood this problem and saw the serious shortcomings of his new team, so he had such a reaction and sigh.

Although this game was won, it could also be considered a loss.

At this time, Chen Ting next to him couldn't help but said:

"However, if you had replaced Lin Feng with another mid laner, the situation should have been better -"

As soon as these words came out, many God players in the training room, including coaches and analysts, couldn't help but look at Chen Ting and nodded slightly with approval.


The fact that the blue team was playing so hard was indeed due to the opponent's purple team's tactics being effective, especially in the middle where Lin Feng was not able to exert enough pressure in the early stage. But in fact, having chosen the middle team, The mechanical pioneer alone is not an operational hero who has strong laning and can set the rhythm in the early stage.

If the Victor in this game is replaced by a hero such as LeBlanc, Jess, or Male Blade, then with someone's personal operation ability, even if he is targeted a little at the beginning, he can still penetrate the lane. ——The late-stage delaying plan of the opponent's purple army will be easily cracked.

Chen Ting had seen someone's ability to use an operational mid laner before, and now he couldn't help but feel a little confused - by choosing to use a hero like Mechanical Herald, Lin Feng was giving up what he was best at.

in other words--

This was even considered the easiest way to win the game when Lin Feng gave up on it.

Hearing Chen Ting's words, Lin Feng glanced at his new top laner teammate and shook his head:

"That makes no sense."

Chen Ting was stunned when he heard this, and was a little confused:

"no point?"

At this time, No. 3’s voice sounded leisurely:

"Yeah, it makes no sense."

Number 3's eyes fell on Lin Feng and he raised his eyebrows:

"You have some ideas this time and know how to do something like a training match."

"If I choose a strong mid laner who is best at what I do best——"

"The problems of your team are not so straightforward to expose."

The update is coming. The next chapter will be a little later, around 11 or 12 o'clock. I will be spending time with clients outside tonight.

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