
Chapter 41 The first battle of team building

When Lin Feng brought Chen Ting to the God Club base, he had no intention of hiding it from others, so all the God players and coaches in the entire club base knew that this was the top laner candidate for someone's future team. .

Moreover, these two days of getting along were enough for these God team members to have a certain familiarity with Chen Ting's strength, and to have some admiration and admiration for him.

As for Li Shiyi, Tang Bingyao and Zeng Rui, they are partners who have worked side by side in training and discussions before and after the finals from preparation training to competition, so naturally they are not unfamiliar with them.

So just when they saw Lin Feng taking Tang Bingyao and Zeng Rui into the training room, and looking at the five people in the training room, the members of the God Club already knew in their hearts like a mirror——

This team...is assembled.

Naturally, such a team that has finally put together a lineup will also make the God team members more curious and expectant. They are eager to know how these five people can officially get together to fight as a team for the first time. What kind of strength level comes out.

So No. 3's order was given. Not only did Lin Feng accept it with joy, but the members of God's team couldn't wait for it.

In the blink of an eye, ten people were already sitting in front of the two rows of combat seats in the training room.

On one side is the brand new team of Lin Feng, Tang Bingyao, and Chen Ting.

On the other side, the God Club sent out a lineup that was a mix of its own second team and substitute players.

"There's no rush. Let's see if you can pass this level first."

Huangxue Yege stood beside him with his arms folded, looking carefree:

"We will play with you later!"

Lin Feng glanced at Huang Xue Ye Ge:

"Bet on three more midnight snacks?"

Huangxue Yege rolled her eyes: "Why do you think about midnight snacks all day long...Can't you think of something else?"

Although he was complaining like this, Huang Xue Ye Ge did not just agree to it casually.

He's not stupid.

Although the five-man lineup on our side is not weak,

This team is even placed in the LSPL division, and they may be able to achieve something famous, but the opponent opposite cannot be underestimated——

Not to mention anything else, just a mid laner is already at the level of a Yonko.

Jungler Li Shiyi once stood at the top of the professional pyramid.

Although Chen Ting, Tang Bingyao and Zeng Rui are considered newcomers, their abilities and talents are all astonishing and limitless. If current professional players are not careful and go all out, they may capsize at any time and suffer huge losses.

"Our side probably has little chance of winning this one..."

"I think so-"

Other God players in the training room were also talking quietly, not particularly optimistic about their own club teammates who were playing in this training match.

Soon, the club coaches and analysts nearby also picked up notepads and tablets, staring at Lin Feng and the others with shining eyes——

It is no exaggeration to say that this can be regarded as collecting intelligence information in advance.

after all……

After a while, in the near future, perhaps these five young newcomers will truly become their God-God's Hand's formidable rivals in the LPL arena and even the world arena.

A battle quickly enters the ba

Select the link.

On the blue side where the five Lin Feng players are, the lineup is confirmed to be locked, with top laner Dao Mei, jungler Digger, mid laner Syndra, ADC Obama and assistant Nami.

Regardless of specific tactical strategies, this is already a very solid lineup.

Moreover, basically each position has its own best hero, especially the three C positions at the top, middle and bottom. Sword Girl plus Syndraga and Obama are all heroes who can maximize the advantages of personal operation ability in the early laning. type--

The only thing Tang Bingyao regrets is that she didn't get her most commonly used hero Draven.

But having said that, after spending a month or two with the girl, the members of the God team have already experienced the terrifying power of the girl ADC Draven. Even if it is just such a training match, they are definitely not willing to take it easy. Release it... I have learned a painful lesson before, and I really don't want to experience it a second time.

The game enters the progress bar interface.

The training match is finally about to begin.

Lin Feng glanced at the four teammates beside him and breathed a sigh of relief:

"The first battle of building a team..."

"Come on everyone!"

Thirty-one minutes later, the match ended.

In the center of the game screen on the computer screen, the blue "Victory" emblem appears prominently.

The God players who were watching the game gave a round of cheers and applause, and several coaches and analysts were also whispering beside them:

"The coordination is a little weak...but my personal ability is really amazing."

"It would be useless if we put it directly into the professional competition."


In this game, whether it was Chen Ting's top laner Dao Mei or Tang Bingyao's ADC Obama, they almost achieved amazing personal control in the early laning. Even Zeng Rui's assistant Nami showed a lot of improvement compared to before. level, coupled with Li Shiyi’s calm and experienced jungler roaming the three lanes, the members in each position performed quite well - not to mention a certain mid laner Syndra, who was close to being super in this game. Won the MVP directly.

So at this moment, Tang Bingyao, Zeng Rui and Chen Ting also showed a bit of joy on their faces.

This kind of victory is different from usual.

On weekdays, they mostly serve as sparring partners or as individuals, participating in the lineups of players from teams such as God and even Hayami and KG. So winning or losing actually has little to do with them.

But this game... is really a team composed entirely of their five "newcomers".

The challenge is the second-team lineup of God-Hand of God, the top team in the national server.

Being able to win is already a very satisfying achievement for newcomers like them.

Only Li Shiyi frowned slightly, as if he was thinking about something; while Lin Feng also showed no joy on his face, looking at the final statistics panel on the computer screen in front of him, silent.

Huangxue Yege started gearing up:

"Senior, it's our turn now, right?"

Since the lineup of their second team is not up to par, it is up to the main players of their first team to find a place.

However, No. 3 glanced at Huang Xue Ye Ge:

"No hurries?"

Then he looked at the God second team and substitute players from the purple side who had just lost, and waved casually:

"come over."

Several God members stood up as instructed and came to No. 3's side honestly.

Then, Number Three seemed to give them a few simple instructions and arrangements, and waved his hand:

"Go up."

"One more round."

Several God team members sat back in front of the purple square computer seats.

Another battle begins soon.

And this one...

Unexpectedly, I played for 40 minutes.

Here's an update, ah, I'm in the hotel on a business trip and have to work overtime tonight. Guys, go to bed early.

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