
Chapter 44 Hope is more than just the past

It is destined to be extremely difficult for a League of Legends gamer to complete the transition from an ordinary passerby to a professional player.

In the same way, for a team composed of passer-by experts to transform into a truly qualified and mature professional team, it also needs to go through countless difficult trials.

Now, the five Lin Feng people are facing the above two challenges at the same time, and they are also limited to an extremely short and tight completion time.

This makes the degree of difficulty increase exponentially.

So during the entire afternoon of training in the training room of the God Club base, even though every member of the new team, including Lin Feng, worked extremely hard, the training room still echoed with No. 3’s unsatisfactory lessons and scoldings:

"Concentrate! Concentrate!"

"You still haven't figured out the mistake you made last time?"

"As I said before, choose a strong lineup, make a good plan in the early stage, and help the jungler along the way. Don't hesitate - what have you been doing in the jungle for half a day on the 11th, shopping?"

"The top laner is doing the splitting in the mid-term, and you lead him to death without thinking? You don't know how to take a look at the mini-map and judge the opponent's copying moves? Do you really think this is your ordinary passerby's abuse?"

"The jungler is already in a deadlock. Why can't you play stronger when there is no pressure on the bottom lane? When do you plan to wait to push another tower?"

"The middle lane... Well, the middle lane is just fine. Now, don't use a strong mid laner like Enchantress. Instead, go back to Victor and give yourself more training."

Everyone was sweating profusely from practicing.

He kept racking his brains while trying to absorb the various instructions and lessons from No. 3 while making adaptations and adjustments.

There was no time to rest in between, and the next training had to start while I was drinking water.

For example, the God players in the training room were okay. They could take turns to play, and those who came off could rest for a while to catch their breath. However, Lin Feng and the other five played seriously from beginning to end, constantly accepting the test of various wheel battles.

The attitude can be regarded as extremely hardworking.

But just like that, No. 3's disdain didn't stop, and he kept picking out the problems and shortcomings of the five people in a sharp and mean manner.

This made all the God team members couldn't help but feel sympathy for Lin Feng and the others——

This intensity,

It's enough for old pros like them.

And as a newcomer, you have to bear such heavy pressure... It's really too miserable.

However, not long after such an idea came to mind, several God players were rudely hit on the head by their coach:

"How miserable is it?"

"Don't just sit here. I'll replace you soon."

"Everyone, please pay attention to me. Do you really think that they are suffering? After a while, when you are beaten by them until you cry for father and mother, you will know that you regret it!"

While teaching their team members to put people back on the field, several God Club coaches looked at each other, and then looked at Lin Feng and the other five people sitting in front of the computer, with a bit more complexity and solemnity in their eyes. .

Huangxue Yege and Dawn Morning Star were rotated out.

The two core aces of the God Club sat together. Huangxue Yege drank water and watched another training match about to begin on the field. He asked his old friend next to him:

"What do you think?"

Dawn Morning Star thought for a while and slowly spoke:

"It's progressing very quickly."

As if he had expected such an answer, Huangxue Yege nodded and looked at Chen Ting, Zeng Rui and others sitting in front of the computer with a sigh of relief:

"It's really fast..."

"How many rounds have it been? I feel like the pressure of sparring with them has already begun to increase."

Dawn Morning Star said "hmm":

"With high talent and strong understanding, and with the guidance of Senior No. 3, and our help as a sparring partner, the speed of progress... is hard to imagine."

Huangxue Yege took a breath and her eyelids twitched slightly:

"It's only been half a day."

"Give them half a month, a month, or a little more time. I really don't know what their team will become."

In his tone, one could faintly hear the fear of the ace ADC member of the God team.

The morning star laughs:

"But it's a good thing, isn't it?"

Huangxue Yege glanced at his old friend: "Who do you mean it is for? To our team or to the LPL?"

Dawn Morning Star said without hesitation: "Both."

"That's right." Huangxue Yege nodded solemnly, and then looked at Dawn Morning Star as if he had thought of something: "By the way, you are facing off in the middle, how do you feel now?"

There was a bit more curiosity and inquiry in his tone.

Speaking of which, this is also the first head-to-head confrontation between Dawnstar and someone since the finals.

Compared with before the finals, everything has changed a lot.

after all--

Today's Dawnstar has broken through the bottleneck of the Four Emperors and passed the unattainable threshold for countless top professional mid laners.

If Dawnstar before the finals was a bit inferior to Lin Feng at that time in terms of overall strength, then the situation is completely different now.

One was the strongest mid laner in the national server, and the other is the strongest mid laner in the national server now.

When two people stand at their peak at the same time, who is stronger and weaker, and who is slightly better, is a question that even Huangxue Yege will be curious about.

Hearing the inquiry from his old friend beside him, Dawn Morning Star paused and shook his head:

"Hard to say."

"It's almost the same, but he and I each have our own strengths, so we can't compare them directly."

Speaking of this, Dawn Morning Star paused again, and then added after thinking:

"His style is very similar to F."

Huangxue Yege's eyes brightened slightly: "Oh, so, how about comparing with F?"

Just in the training match in the afternoon, someone also used the trick Enchantress. As the opponent who directly faced Han Shihao's LeBlanc in the finals of the finals, Dawnstar had absolute authority on this issue. say.

Dawn Morning Star shakes its head:


"The current F...no one can compare with him."

There was a hint of exclamation in his tone.

Huangxue Yege nodded in agreement:

"That's what I say, but...this guy is the only person who has ever been on an equal footing with F."

Dawn Morning Star said "hmm" and looked at someone sitting in front of the computer in the field:

"Hopefully...it's not just 'once'."

It's evening.

After half a day of training in the afternoon, Lin Feng and others stayed at the God Club base to enjoy dinner with the God team members.

After dinner, No. 3 showed a rare mercy and gave everyone about half an hour to rest.

So immediately a group of God team members cheered and rushed to the living room and threw themselves on the soft and comfortable sofa. Each body sank into the sofa and let out a sigh of contentment.

Chen Ting, Tang Bingyao, Li Shiyi, and Zeng Rui gathered together to seriously communicate about the problems encountered in the afternoon training match.

Dawn Morning Star stood up and looked at Lin Feng sitting across from the dining table:

"Go out for a walk to refresh yourself?"

Lin Feng couldn't deny it and nodded:


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