
Chapter 2082 The economy is not important

Judging purely from the wave of battles that just took place on the road, no matter how harsh the explanation is, one has to be amazed by the tactical coordination of the God team.

This is a serious interpretation of the global flow tactics like a textbook.

After clearing the army line, the duo of Destiny Master and Tahm Kench in the bottom lane choose to return to the city in a wave, and then rush directly to the top lane.

The middle card relied on the right to push the line and used the line of soldiers to contain the opponent's mid laner Victor under the tower, and then also walked into the river in the upper half of the jungle.

Jess seized the opportunity and made a decisive move.

Then Tahm opens up.

The card opens big.

In an instant, a four-for-one situation was formed on the top lane. It was so strong that even if the opponent SSK team was prepared, Mafa's jungle excavator, which came with only one support, could only feel helpless.

Finally completed the killing of Gnar.

"This is the power of a global lineup!"

"Quickly support, creating a situation where there are more people and fewer people."

"The numbers are so fair and honest that you can't stop them even if you're on guard."

At the official commentary desk, several European and American commentators once again praised Team God without hesitation.

At the China commentary desk, the three commentators, Lao Mi, Mo Sheng and Fei Yan, were also smiling and couldn't help but smile:

"very good."

"And it's not just this wave. It can really be seen that the overall state of God's team has improved a lot compared to before."

"This lineup is really understood by God, it's not just put out casually."

"Global support, poke suppression, and the functions that this lineup can play are all perfectly utilized to the extreme with the cooperation of the five members of the God team."

"If the fight continues like this, I try to think from SSK's point of view, but I find it difficult to find a way to deal with it."

These compliments could also be heard from the commentary desk in the backcourt area. Zeng Rui looked at Lin Feng and couldn't help but wonder:

"So... you still only have a 60% chance of winning?"

In this current situation,

SSK has almost been led by God.

The initiative of the battle situation is completely under the control of the God team.

In this case, there is no talking about 91 opening or 82 opening, but at least God has more than 70% chance of winning.

But when it comes to someone...

"Sixty percent."

Lin Feng shook his head again and added:

"At most sixty percent."

Tang Bingyao, who was next to her, couldn't help but look confused when she heard this: "But... the purple side is already much ahead."

In the past, the economic advantage was only over 2,000, but after passing through the top lane, the God team not only got a kill, but also took advantage of the opportunity to push down the opponent's outer tower in the top lane. Coupled with the large amount of resources in the upper half of the jungle, they were able to The economic gap has been widened to nearly 4,000.

Therefore, if the chance of winning was 60% before, now it should be at least 50% to 10%.

This time, before Lin Feng could speak, An Xin smiled and explained to Tang Bingyao and Zeng Rui:

"It's not as simple as you think."

"The lineup of Team God certainly has the advantages you see now, but it also has one of the biggest disadvantages."


Tang Bingyao still looked confused, but Zeng Rui seemed to realize something:

"Baozi, you mean..."

An Xin laughed:

"A Zeng should be able to imagine it. Although many of the data on the table are very intuitive and important, there are some things that cannot be explained by just looking at the data."

"God's team's lineup determines their early flexibility, and it also creates a natural restraint effect on SSK's cumbersome lineup."

"So there will be the kind of saw-and-saw poke that just happened in Xiaolongfjord to successfully get the dragon."

"And this wave of instant 4-pack-1 kills on the road."

"So you should find that the God team's tactical operations these few times have tried to avoid direct and fair battles with their opponents."

"Even, taking a step back to say -"

The girl who said this paused for a moment and continued to add:

"In fact, as long as the God team continues to operate in this way, even if they are in a disadvantageous situation with an economic disadvantage of 2,300 to 3,000 yuan behind their opponents, they will still be able to do the same thing as now."

One sentence made Zeng Rui suddenly wake up from a dream:


"The wave of the fire dragon and the wave on the road, God basically killed the opponent."

"They are all things that can be achieved by relying on lineup and tactical operations. How far the economy is ahead or behind... has little impact."

An Xin nodded:

"Well, this is the advantage of God's lineup, but it is also the disadvantage - even if the economy is lagging behind, it will not affect the performance of their lineup, but similarly, even if the economy is leading, it will not affect their performance. The lineup helped more obviously.”

Lin Feng took over the words:

"It's very simple. To put it bluntly, I was just two thousand ahead of you in economy, but I still can't compete with you head-on. Now I'm four thousand ahead of you, and I'm still no match for you head-on."

As he spoke, someone turned his head and looked at the big screen on the stage:

"Even if the paper economy is six thousand ahead -"

"But as long as SSK catches the opportunity to make a positive move, God's side will explode in an instant."

Tang Bingyao opened her eyes wide and looked worried:

"What should we do?"

Lin Feng touched his nose:

"Nothing can be done. The only thing God has to do now is to continue to operate their tactics and do everything possible...to never let the opponent seize the opportunity to start a team fight head-on."

Playing is actually just a heartbeat.

It seems that the rhythm of the battle is now completely under the control of the purple side God team, but only a very few discerning people like Lin Feng and An Xin can see it. At the moment, it seems that SSK is being controlled everywhere and is extremely uncomfortable. In fact, God is also walking a tightrope. .

If one is not careful and falls off the wire, the opponent will instantly pounce on him and eat him until no bones are left.

In fact...you have to sweat a lot of nervousness.

One side is cautious and cautious, easily making no mistakes; but the other side is also experienced, experienced and patient, and is good at waiting for the opportunity to strike and kill with one blow.

It's still not clear who will have the last laugh.

The 17th minute of the game.

The top laner of the God team, Jayce, came to the bottom lane to eat and develop. Opposite him was the SSK bottom lane ADC auxiliary duo who had not yet made the choice to change lanes.

In a 1V2 situation, Jesta's ability to withstand pressure is not bad.


If there were one more person, the situation would be different.

In the OB screen from a God's perspective, you can see a figure passing through the lower half of the opponent's purple side.

At the scene, at the official commentary desk, several European and American commentators exclaimed:


"Oh! F takes action!"

next moment.

In the bottom lane of Summoner's Rift, the troop line is pushed to the purple side defense tower.

The blue side's assistant Nami directly opened up, and a wave of waves swept towards the target Jace under the tower.

at the same time.

In the triangular grass behind the tower, the figure of the blue square mid-lane mechanical pioneer quickly appeared.

Five seconds later, the kill announcement from the system's female voice came from the bottom lane.




ed (a friendly hero was killed). "

The Mechanical Pioneer gets the kill.

The record data came to 2/1/0.

The scene was filled with thunderous cheers and applause.

On the stage, in the SSK team's competition room, in front of the computer screen, Han Shihao's face remained calm.

Here's an update. I have to catch the high-speed train again soon, and I haven't been able to rest at all lately. .

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