
Chapter 2081 60%

Not only is the God team on the purple side determined to win, this fire dragon is also extremely crucial for the SSK team on the blue side.

"The lineups of both sides are actually clear at a glance."

"God's team wins because of its agility. In the middle and late stages, it can use four-one points and even one-three-one advances to make the opponent's SSK exhausted and look for them in the process of constantly pulling the opponent's defense line. The opportunity creates a wave of team battles where more people fight against fewer people.”

"Then the SSK team on the blue side has a solid lineup. As long as they can start a 5V5 team battle, they are basically guaranteed to win in a head-on situation."

On the Internet, a special commentator in the official live broadcast room of a domestic event made this analysis and evaluation:

"So for the God team, the first thing to consider about this fire dragon is not how much buff benefit it can bring to itself, but to avoid letting the opponent get it as smoothly as possible."

"But now...if we want to make a fuss about this fire dragon, even if God has the advantage in terms of economics, it will still be very troublesome in a real fight."

Lack of team control.

Lack of explosion.

This is the shortcoming of the God team's lineup.

"Of course, if you really want to fight, you can still fight."

"But we have to do the pulling first, so that Jace and the card can start the poke consumption."

The 13th minute of the game.

In the river, Xiaolong Gorge, ten heroes from the blue and purple armies are already approaching here.

The two sides set up their positions and carefully tested each other on the river.

Indeed, as the commentator commented, in this case, it would not be God's team's first choice to pick up the team head-on. However, if the lineup's poke advantage can be used to reduce the opponent's health before the team starts, If it is disabled, then the battle for this fire dragon will increase a lot.

Right now, top laner Jess and Card Master of the God team have already taken action.

Jess's first QE shot followed by two shots.

The bright plasma cannon swished through the air and shot into the formation of the blue army in the distance.

One shot down, hitting the opponent's jungle excavator and knocking out a chunk of health.

At the same time, the card master stepped forward and used a wild card with the Q skill. The sharp card drew three ballistic trajectories and shot into the distance, forcing several of the opponent's blue heroes to quickly evade.

The blue side's auxiliary Nami had just turned around to avoid the card's Q skill poke, but was hit by the opponent's ADC fortune teller with a long-distance shot from the W skill "Fatal Brilliance".

The blood volume dropped a bit.

"Okay, okay! Just fight like this!"

At the scene, at the Chinese commentary desk, Lao Mi was beaming with joy:

"The advantage of our lineup lies in our long hands. We can keep the distance and slowly play with the opponent."

"As long as you are careful not to let SSK seize the opportunity to force it, this kind of poke can make the opponent lose their temper!"

Indeed, SSK's lineup also has shortcomings, that is, it lacks sufficient first-hand ability. Although the formation is solid, it is also bulky. When facing long-range pokes like the God team, it is really helpless.

“The more important point is that the last wave of excavators

K has already used flash in the bottom lane, and it is difficult to pose a threat to God before the summoner's skills have cooled down. "

Mo Sheng answered quickly, her eyes shining:

"So now we only need to guard against the opponent Gnar."

"As long as Gnar doesn't get around him, this wave of fire dragons should be able to capture it safely."

God-The Hand of God team has always been famous for playing steadily and without making any mistakes.

This characteristic is particularly vividly reflected in the tug-of-war in front of the Xiaolong Gorge in this wave of rivers.

Really make no mistakes at all.

Don't give the other side a chance.

Even after realizing that Gnar's figure on the opposite side had disappeared, Dawn Star immediately launched his ultimate move without hesitation, lighting up the whereabouts of the five heroes on the opposite blue side -

I won't fly at all, just to make it impossible for you to escape all the conspiracies and schemes on your SSK side.

And this big move lit up the whole map, and it really just took out Wolf's top laner Gnar on SSK's side. Sure enough, he was preparing to go around the back, but he had to choose to retreat halfway.

There was cheers and applause.

Even several European and American commentators on the official commentary desk exclaimed:

"It's so stable!"

"This is the hand of God. The handling is very solid."

"If SSK is the sharpest spear, then God is the strongest shield, so that SSK will never find a chance to poke out."

"It looks like the fire dragon can be taken down by God."


Gnar, the only one that could be counted on, got around and was defeated by the opponent's card with a big move.

Then the rest of the SSK team can only continue to be overwhelmed by the Poke firepower of the opposite purple side.

In the end, Mafa, as a jungler and commander, had no choice but to signal a retreat, led several teammates to give up the fight against the Fire Dragon, and turned around to leave.

Ten seconds later, the Fire Dragon was firmly captured by the God team.

The scene resounded with cheers and applause again, especially the Chinese students in the audience who were so excited that their hands almost turned red but they didn’t feel anything. Their faces showed unstoppable expressions of excitement and anticipation——

This one...is really interesting!

From the start to the present, more than ten minutes later, even if there was a slight mistake in the middle, the overall rhythm has always been that their God is suppressing the opponent.

If they continue like this, the balance of victory will only tilt towards their LPL side little by little!

Offstage, in the backcourt area.

Zeng Rui also couldn't hide the excitement on his face and turned to look at Lin Feng:

"What do you think your chances of winning are now?"

Lin Feng touched his nose:

"Sixty percent."

Zeng Rui was stunned: "Only 60%?"

Lin Feng looked at the big viewing screen on the stage, and his eyes fell on the blue mechanical pioneer in the mid lane, and he squinted slightly:


"At most sixty percent."

After the God team defeated the Fire Dragon, the rhythm of the game seemed to return to normal and calm.

The heroes of both blue and purple sides returned to their own lines.

It’s another round of last-hitting laning development.

And it seems that as time slowly enters the mid-term stage, both teams on the field are playing more cautiously, and even the jungle heroes of both sides are not easily making reckless moves.

k, still patiently waiting and looking for a better time.

The 16th minute of the game.

Hit the road.

Jace's set of QE hit Gnar twice in a row, and the next moment he instantly switched to hammer form and came forward!

Another second.

A cold and eerie one eye slowly opened above Nar's head, and the card was opened wide.

An arc of water quickly appeared on the ground in front of the tower behind Gnar, and Tahm arrived with his ADC, Destiny Master.

Instantly a wave of four packs!

Even Mafa's jungle excavator from SSK had expected it and came to support in advance, but when he saw the three people from the opposite side coming down instantly, he had no choice but to stop and choose to sell his top laner teammate.

The head was taken again by the card.



ee (a hero has made a killing)! "

The card record data came to 3/0/0.

The whole audience exclaimed!

At the Chinese commentary desk, Lao Mi shouted angrily:


In the backcourt area, Zeng Rui beamed with joy: "Yes! This global flow effect has also been achieved! The outer tower can also be pushed down on the road!"

Then he looked at Lin Feng again:

"How is it now?"

Lin Feng nodded, then shook his head:

"Sixty percent."

Zeng Rui was stunned: "Or 60%?"

An update is here, ah, I’ll try to see if I can code out another chapter in the early hours of the morning.

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