
Chapter 2083 Same as above at the gambling table

After the previous three games, people have already intuitively understood Han Shihao's mid laner Victor.

Therefore, no one will despise and ignore the early lane brushing mid lane hero selected by the leader of the four emperors.

It's just that in the early stages of the fourth game, the single card master in Dawnstar's hand took up too much light, which made people exclaim over the card and at the same time, they ignored it and forgot about it. Victor’s understated presence.

"This is how you can make a fortune silently."

In Taipei, the Assassin team club base, Nian Shisan, the world's top wild king, gave his evaluation quite directly:

"I don't know when F started to change his nature... In the past, when playing mid-lane assassins in the control style, they used controls to crush the opponent, which made them lose their temper."

"Damn it, now that I'm playing with a veteran like Victor, my playing style has become even more oily."

"It doesn't look like it has any presence."

"Actually, I don't know how many soldiers and monsters I've spawned in secret. No matter how cold-blooded I am, I steal your heads—it develops without anyone noticing."

"The world's number one mid laner does this kind of routine, tsk, it's really dirty!"

When he said the last sentence, the jungle captain of the Assassin team smacked his lips.

But looking at the expression on his face when he said this, it was clear that he was filled with admiration.

And indeed it is.

The bottom lane side got the kill after a round of detours. The mechanical pioneer's record data reached 2/1/0, coupled with the highest number of CS in the game by leading the card by eight swords, Victor's current development... It is no less impressive than the Card Master.

At the same time, relying on this wave of ga in the bottom lane

k, the blue side SSK's middle and lower auxiliary trio also took advantage of the situation to bulldoze and demolish the opponent's purple side's bottom outer tower.

It's like making a wave of top and bottom lane outer tower swaps with the opponent's God team.

"Has little effect."

At the scene, in the backcourt area, Lin Feng gave comments.

The loss in the bottom lane is far from damaging the God team.

And the SSK team, which got one kill and one outer tower, still had to face the God team's lineup tactics and suppression.

"we can even say--"

At the Chinese commentary desk, the experienced Lao Mi had already figured out the trick. He subconsciously sat up straight and spoke with a solemn expression:

"The outer towers of both sides have been destroyed one after another, so the next step...is to officially enter the mid-term stage."

"This is also the stage that truly tests Team God's ability to execute this globally-class lineup."

Mo Sheng glanced at the battle information panel at the bottom of the viewing screen:

"Jace's development is actually not bad."

"The development of Nar's side is also...wait a minute."

Suddenly paused, Mo Sheng seemed to have discovered something, with a look of surprise on his face and his eyes widened:

"Nar's outfit!"

This sentence also attracted the attention of the other two commentary partners sitting next to them. After taking a look, Lao Mi and Feiyan couldn't help but take a breath:

"This is--"

"Wolf made such a ruthless decision in terms of team-oriented equipment!"

"I just... gave up the single belt!"

The tactical intention of this purple side God team's lineup is clear at a glance. In the mid-term, there are cards and Tahm's ultimate move to provide global flexible support. Going further back is to see the one-three-one division tactics to further use the army line to involve the opponent.

Jace and Cards are the two "ones".

Therefore, most people originally believed that SSK would at least respond to a certain extent. Wolf selected Gnar as a solo hero. If he was equipped with a single belt, he would be responsible for one line of marking in the mid-to-late period. There is no problem, and it can also relieve some of the pressure on the God team's one-three-one point-and-shooting tactics.


did not expect.

Wolf's current Gnar outfit has completely exceeded everyone's expectations.

He directly gave up the single-line production route and chose a team-oriented production idea. In this way, basically single-line marking, Gnar is destined to be impossible to be Jess's opponent.

However, the benefits brought by this are equally intuitive and obvious——

"In a head-on team fight, SSK's lineup is really going to have no solution."

Lao Mi slowly said this, his eyelids couldn't help but twitch slightly:

"It's not just Wolf."

"It's the entire SSK's tactical decisions... they are so ruthless!"


I don't think about how to deal with your tactics at all, I just play at my own pace.

You are dedicated to the one-three-one division.

I am determined to fight with you head-on.

This is the rhythm of just stacking all the chips on the gambling table and playing with you.

"In this case, it would be even less likely that God would be willing to accept the dough, right?"

At the official commentator's desk, several European and American commentators were also stunned by SSK's Gnar appearance, and they quickly exchanged comments:

"But SSK will definitely try their best to force God to play in a group."

"This is... directly forcing yourself and your opponent to the point of no return."

"I firmly believe that I will be able to have the last laugh at the gambling table. This is the confidence of the strongest team in the world, right?"

"Fucking confidence!"

Domestic, Shanghai.

That night, the players from the KG and Hayami teams who returned home early came together in a tacit understanding and stayed at the training base of the KG club to watch this unprecedented finals battle.

When he heard the comments from the European and American commentators on the official commentary stage, Shi Hang couldn't help but curse:

"Isn't this obviously a psychological tactic?"

"They said they were dragging God along to the gambling table, but the only ones who were really forced into a desperate situation were Lao Ye and Ah Xing."

"Don't forget, this is the fourth hand, and it's only God's match point."

"Even if SSK loses the bet, there is still a fifth game where they can take advantage of the situation."

After saying such a long sentence in one breath, Shi Hang paused, gritted his teeth and gave a summary:

"So this is SSK using this to put pressure on God."

"Let God... make mistakes under such tremendous pressure!"

"This hand is so dirty!"

After the words fell, the other team members of the two surrounding teams also looked solemn and nodded solemnly in agreement with Shi Hang's statement.

KG's ADC player Konjac spoke cautiously: "But if it's God, he should be able to withstand this kind of pressure, right?"

The jungler next to him, Old C, answered in a deep voice:

"Now I have to bear it even if I can't bear it."

"Otherwise...if this one is gone, everything will be gone."

Tian Tian also cautiously gave his opinion at this time: "However, this is not necessarily a bad thing for God - if Wolf gives up the solo belt and chooses to join the group, then his advantages in personal operation will be wiped out. God As long as we concentrate on executing our own tactics, we can win.”

Shi Hang cheered up:

"That's necessary!"

"Everyone is working hard to execute tactics. In this regard, God is not inferior to SSK at all, okay?"

"Lao Ye and Azing need to put in more effort to make SSK suffer!"

For a while, the members of KG and Hayami once again began to have intense and close discussions.


at the same time.

Wembley Stadium, backcourt area.

Listening to the analysis and discussion of the on-site commentators, and looking at the equipment choices made by Shannar on the SSK team, Lin Feng suddenly frowned.

Everyone’s analysis is not wrong.

But he always felt that it was not that simple.


There are some unknown true intentions hidden in this.

Here's an update. I'm working overtime in the hotel one day, so I try to get another chapter out in the morning.

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