
Chapter 2022 Aroused anger

Dawn Morning Star itself also fully agrees with No. 1's previous statement that "increasing the intensity of training can further squeeze out potential."

So I just played against No. 1 in the middle for several consecutive games, even if I lost consecutive games, and even when I faced the world's most legendary and strongest person in the professional e-sports circle again and again, I couldn't help but feel depressed and helpless. He struggled to overcome his emotions and gritted his teeth to continue the challenge.

But even with Dawn Morning Star's tenacious and calm character, seeing the new round of lineup adjustments made by several seniors at this moment, he couldn't help but be confused for a long time.


There is a limit after all.

Two of them can barely fight, three of them is already a huge challenge, four of them are basically useless, and if five of them fight together——

Not to mention anything else, let alone their God-Hand of God, even if the real God comes, facing such a legendary five-man lineup of the previous generation, they probably won't have the slightest idea of ​​winning.

It's a one-sided crushing of strength...

How to fight this?

Number 1 seems to still be calm and calm:


"It can be considered a kind of exercise and experience."

"Just think of us as your opponents in the final, and think of us as SSK's main five-man lineup."

Lin Feng, Dawn Morning Star, and Huang Xue Ye Ge looked at each other in confusion: "..."

Someone has a black line on his forehead:

"This... is still a bit different, right?"

Even if SSK really has a full lineup of five people, compared with the seniors in front of them, it is still not enough. It is even estimated that even if Han Shihao has really broken through the threshold of the four emperors, it will still be of no avail. .

But the decision has been made, and no more changes are allowed. No. 1 waved his hand:


"Don't waste time, come up and start fighting."

Lin Feng looked at Dawn Morning Star and Huangxue Yege again.

They all saw the headache, helplessness and resignation in each other's eyes——


I guess I have to bite the bullet and endure the abuse.

The prediction was spot on.

Perhaps before such an extremely rare training match really started, the other second teams and substitute players of the God team in the training room could not help but feel a bit excited and expectant, thinking that even if they faced these few The senior five-man combination, several members of their own main team plus Lin Feng, may not be incapable of fighting.

If he really wins... wouldn't it be a great success?

But after this battle officially begins——

Everyone in the training room unanimously realized the ridiculousness of their idea in a very short period of time.


Everyone was quickly shocked by the pace and process of this game and was completely stunned.

There were basically no problems in the first 6 minutes of the match. The three lanes, including the jungle, were fairly stable. Lin Feng faced off against No. 3 in the top lane, and Dawn Star faced No. 2 in the middle lane. They gritted their teeth and used all their skills to fight fiercely. It was an extremely stalemate. Even if Huang Xue Ye Ge in the bottom lane faced the combination of No. 1 and No. 5, he still bravely withstood the pressure and stabilized his rhythm of finishing strikes.


Just six minutes later.

As the jungle spider under the control of No. 4 roamed the top lane and ganked, the top laner Dao Mei of No. 3 coordinated with a set of damage and control to directly take away Lin Feng's top laner Gnar and get first blood. Followed by At 7 minutes and 40 seconds of the game time, the ADC policewoman and auxiliary Japanese girl combination of No. 1 and No. 5 in the bottom lane killed Huang Xue Yege's ADC Ice Marksman's head——

The rhythm changed in an instant.

Almost from this moment on, the entire situation seemed to fall into the control of several legends from previous generations of the national server at a staggering speed.

10 minutes.

The head count of both sides on the field became 0 to 4.

15 minutes.

The head count gap widened to 2 to 8.

In 20 minutes, the overall economic gap between the two teams reached 7,000. The two dragons in front and most of the wild area resources were all firmly controlled by the team with No. 1 and others, and the number of defense towers was three ahead.

When the game time came to around the 25th minute, the economic gap widened to a full 9,000.


There is no way to fight anymore.

The God team's second team and substitute players, including the club's coaches and leaders, who were watching the game were completely confused. They expected that this battle might be more difficult for their main players, but I never expected that even after joining a strong new force like Lin Feng, facing a five-man lineup composed of several specially hired coaches, it would collapse so quickly.

It really just collapsed.

Every line, three lanes including the jungle, even if the members in each position have tried their best to prevent themselves from making any mistakes, they are still completely unable to withstand the offensive rhythm of several seniors. , even though Lin Feng on the top side and Dawn Morning Star in the middle could barely maintain a balanced rhythm during the short laning phase in the early stage, when the No. 1 and others on the opposite side suddenly accelerated the rhythm and entered various linkage cooperation stages. ——

The gap between the two teams suddenly widened to an irreparable level.

More than twenty minutes...

An economic gap of nearly 10,000.

Moreover, we couldn't even see the comeback points that Lin Feng and others had here, and there was not even the slightest chance. The entire game was completely handled in about 25 minutes by the almost watertight and perfect handling of No. 1 and others. The victory was sealed.

This training match finally came to an end when the game time came to the 29th minute.

But in fact... counting from 20 minutes later, it is already garbage time.

The last nine minutes were extremely torturous, as if they lasted like years. Every second, as No. 1 and the other five people on the other side moved forward in an orderly and slow manner, for Lin Feng's few people, they experienced that kind of feeling more deeply and truly. Feeling of powerlessness.


The training room was quiet.

As the winner, the faces of No. 1 and the others looked relaxed and calm, and the corners of No. 3's lips curled up: "Tsk, I didn't enjoy the fight."

No. 2’s expression remained indifferent, and he commented:

"It could have ended faster later on."

Number 4 showed a bit of a smile:

"It seems that my state is not enough to hold you back."

No. 1 also nodded slightly: "Well, if you have old arms and legs, you can still cooperate like this. I think you are qualified. Not bad."

No. 5 covered his mouth and chuckled: "It feels... almost the same as before."

Several seniors were chatting and laughing here, and the atmosphere was relaxed and pleasant, which formed a perfect contrast with Lin Feng and others sitting on the opposite side.

Whether it was Lin Feng, Dawn Morning Star, Huangxue Yege, or the other two main players of God's first team, the jungler and support, their faces were extremely gloomy.

They accept failure.

Even before the game, I was mentally prepared to lose.


When the match ended and I was defeated by several seniors with almost no chance of fighting back in this way, I realized that this feeling was still so bad.

Even if the opponent is a few seniors——

Such a defeat is still difficult to accept.

Just at this time, No. 1 looked over with a calm and calm smile on his face: "How are you doing? What do you think?"

One word, but it seemed like the barrel of wine was set on fire.

Lin Feng, Dawn Morning Star and Huangxue Yege had anger in their eyes almost at the same time, and they gritted their teeth and said in unison:

"Come again!"

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 11 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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