
Chapter 2021 No need to fight

If it were just a stand-alone confrontation, no one would be willing to face someone of the level of No. 1 head-on.

But then again, if there is really a chance to defeat the legendary and strongest person in the world's e-sports circle... even if it is just once, this kind of opportunity is something that people can't help but want to seize. .

Just like this moment.

For Lin Feng, in a one-on-one solo battle in the middle, he would not have the slightest confidence that he could get any advantage from Senior No. 1 even if he was beaten to death.


What if we join forces with Dawn Morning Star and Huangxue Yege?

three people.

Plus the other two main players of Team God.

If you are facing only a senior No. 1, maybe your chances of winning are really not low.

In just the blink of an eye, Lin Feng has already gone through the ideas in his mind. The mid laner of Dawn Morning Star, the ADC of Huangxue Yege, plus he is responsible for a jungle position or the top lane position. The jungler protects the middle and bottom double C. Or it could simply be that the 3C team from their own side has a good chance of winning against Senior No. 1.

Huangxue Yege couldn't help but cheer up:

"you can!"

"Come here and choose any position as top laner or jungler."

"Try it!"

No matter how terrifying and unfathomable the strength of the senior No. 1 on the opposite side is, if that person is used as a jungler and cooperates with the linkage between Dawn and Morning Star in the middle, he should at least be able to maintain a stable development rhythm. Then he will take the opportunity to attack in the bottom lane. Trying to seize the advantage first can open up the situation - or Dawn Star in the middle can resist the pressure, and Lin Feng jungles to help him gank in the bottom lane, which will also work.

Or it's the top laner position. For the same reason, even if the middle lane is suppressed, if they bloom on both lanes at the same time and snowball, they won't be completely overwhelmed by the mid laner of their number one senior.

The abacus is ringing here.

The smile on No. 1’s face became increasingly calm and calm:


“Then you can adjust the arrangements on your own.


"On my side - the positions of the personnel will also be slightly changed."


As soon as these words came out, Lin Feng, Huangxue Yege and Dawn Morning Star were all startled. Before they could react, No. 1 had already turned to look at Zeng, who had been sitting in the support position during the previous few training matches. Rui, say hello: "Zeng, you go down first, I'll help you."

Zeng Rui was stunned for a moment, then realized what he was doing and nodded subconsciously:


Someone is confused:

"Senior, are you going to the auxiliary position?"

"Then what's the next step?"

Even at the level of strength of Senior No. 1, if he is only responsible for a supporting position, just a supporting person... Even if he is as strong as the sky, he will not be able to dominate the whole field by himself, let alone between him and Dawn Morning Star. And it’s only right that three people like Huangxue Yege take advantage of it——


Suddenly thinking of something, Lin Feng's eyes widened suddenly, and his gaze quickly turned to No. 5 at the side of the field:

"Sister Xiao Wu?"

Then I saw No. 5 walking up with a smile on his face:

"Then, I am responsible for the ADC position."

Now it was Huangxue Yege's turn and she suddenly took a breath of cold air: "Is this... okay?"

One second he was still full of fighting spirit, but all of a sudden this fighting spirit has cooled down by half, because if he is only facing the support of No. 1, the pressure will naturally be reduced by more than a little bit, but if No. 5 comes on the field When I took over the ADC position...

The situation is completely different.

It can even be said that the bottom lane combination of these two unmarried couples may be more terrifying than having No. 1 be responsible for the mid lane alone.


For example, everyone in the God team has never been lucky enough to see these two seniors team up in the bottom lane.

But just a few days ago.

While still preparing for the semi-finals of the semi-finals, No. 3 mentioned something casually, intentionally or unintentionally, that is, No. 1 and No. 5 used to play in double row in the jungle game of the Korean server. They met by chance. The opponent was Team Fate's main five-man lineup for black ranked training, and then one person on my team was disconnected and AFKed...

Simply relying on the bottom lane combination of No. 1 and No. 5, they directly defeated the old top team second only to SSK in the Korean LCK division and won the victory.

The horrifying and astonishing nature of this deed alone is enough to make the God team and even the players of the three LPL divisions have great respect and fear for the bottom lane combination of these two seniors.

So at this moment, Huangxue Yege came to his senses and immediately turned to look at Lin Feng:

"Then you have to come down the road!"

"Give me support—or I can help you!"

He didn't care about being the strongest ADC in the national server. When faced with the bottom lane combination of No. 1 and No. 5, Huangxue Yege couldn't believe that he had half a chance of winning no matter how confident he was. , you have to pull someone over to be able to compete for a while, and then resist the pressure in the bottom lane, and let Dawn Star work hard to develop and lead the rhythm in the middle lane...

Abacus plan emergency temporary adjustment.

Lin Feng was subconsciously nodding his head to agree, but the voice of No. 3 floated over again leisurely:


"You kid went to the bottom lane, so how can I play on the top lane?"

Someone looked confused and turned to look at No. 3:

"No. 3...senior?"

No. 3 had a playful smile on his face and hooked his hand at Lin Feng: "Come on, let's go on the road and try it out."

Next to them, everyone in the God team, including Zeng Rui, Tang Bingyao and Li Shiyi, couldn't help but widen their eyes:

This... Senior No. 3 is also going to play?

Lin Feng cried sadly: "This is too bullying -"


If only one of the top legendary seniors of the previous generation comes out, it can be regarded as a high-intensity actual training confrontation.

Two came out...

Basically, there is a suspicion of bullying, but if Lin Feng is temporarily deployed and he can barely fight, it is not completely hopeless.

But if three come out——

It’s really completely useless.

Even if it is the full main lineup of the God team, even if Lin Feng comes to replace him, Huangxue Yege on the bottom lane is destined to be beaten to the point where he can no longer take care of himself. There is no chance that someone on the top lane will face No. 3. There is only one left. Dawn Morning Star in the middle can't make any waves by itself.

Seeing Lin Feng's sad face, the playful smile on No. 3's face became more obvious, and he raised his eyebrows:

"What, you're not happy to face me?"

"Okay, then you go to the jungle. It just so happens that your senior No. 4 feels that he is not in good condition recently. You can help him practice hot hands-"

Someone was dumbfounded on the spot, and then stiffly turned his head to look at No. 4 next to him:

"Senior No. 4, you too..."

No. 4 smiled and nodded:

"As for the jungle matchup, I need more guidance from you."

Lin Feng: "..."

Although today's senior No. 4 may not be at the peak of his past, his terrifying and precise calculation power is still intact, especially when paired with teammates No. 1, No. 5 and No. 3 who fought side by side in the past. At that time, with the presence of No. 4, the comprehensive combat power of these few people would definitely increase by a lot.

The more important point is——

If even the fourth senior has to play, then the rest...

Number 2 raised his head to look at the dawn star, his expression still indifferent and calm:

"Switch back to me in the middle."

"It may be worse than No. 1, but... it should still be enough."

This is not only enough, it is simply life-threatening.

Dawn Morning Star could only smile bitterly and looked at No. 1: "Senior, is this... the intensity too high?"

The update is here. The next chapter will be around nine o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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