
Chapter 2020 Those who have to fight

This is not the first time that No. 1 has shown his strength in front of everyone in the training room.

As early as when the three domestic teams were training and preparing for the game, No. 1, as the chief special coach, had personally appeared on the field more than once when giving guidance to KG, Hayami and God, giving his own experience and accompanying the main mid laners of each team. Players practice against each other.

Including Lin Feng.

When I was still at the KG Club training base, No. 1 randomly selected a mid laner, Ice Bird, to line up with someone's Clockwork Demon, and then... almost crushed him.

Therefore, at that time, all the LPL players from the three teams in the national server already had a sufficient understanding of the strength of this No. 1 senior, and they were even more in awe of him.


But I never thought that even at that time, what No. 1 showed was still not his true full strength.


Perhaps at that time, this well-deserved legendary number one in the national server and even the world's professional e-sports circles had never really taken it seriously.

Until now, at this moment.

Two hours ago, when No. 1 said the words "I am going to show my true skills" to the Dawn Star in a casual and calm tone, everyone in the training room finally felt dumbfounded and shocked for the first time. I saw the winning style of this legendary senior when he went all out to show his "real ability".

Three consecutive 5V5 practical training sessions.

Three central battles.

Even if there is also a stunning and fierce operation battle between Huang Xue Ye Ge and Lin Feng in the ADC position in the bottom lane, they can only be reduced to green leaves as a foil. All the glory of the entire Summoner's Rift seems to be focused on the No. 1 control. The mid lane hero belongs to one person.

Truly dominating.

The casual movements of his hands and feet made people feel shaken and shaken, and they suddenly came back to their senses and realized that the rhythm of the entire game had been completely carried by that one person to the point of no return.

Even if the opponent in the middle is Dawn Morning Star, who is now only one layer of window paper away from the threshold of the Yonko.

Even the strongest mid laner in the LPL division is able to win even when facing top Yonko-level players like Moon and Phoenix.

But it seemed that I was in front of the true number one legend in the e-sports circle——

He has no ability to resist at all.

The line was perfectly suppressed.

He tried his best to calculate, move, and cast skills, even if he faced any opponent at the level of the Seven Kings or even the Four Emperors, he could pose a huge threat to them, but when he fell to No. 1, he was as light and helpless as a mud cow entering the sea. The ground evaporated.

More than just laning.

Even including roaming support in the early and mid-term stages, and coordination with wing and jungle teammates.

Then to the team battle operations in the mid-term, and even in the later stage...


There is no post-production.

This is the more important reason why everyone in the training room couldn't help but suddenly gasped. The current lineup of Dawn Morning Star is the five-man main lineup of God's team, and God-God's What Shou is best at is stabilizing and controlling the situation in the early and mid-term, still resisting pressure at a disadvantage, and dragging the rhythm into the later stage before seeking a comeback.

There are very few opponents, even as strong as Fate, Legend or SSK, who have never used a fast break rhythm to quickly resolve the game in the early and mid-term when facing the God team.

But the three games that have just ended now, each of them did not last more than thirty minutes, and they can only be considered to be in the middle and late stages at most——

It was taken down as if it were a melon or a vegetable.

Lin Feng also couldn't help but his eyelids twitched.

Even though he had always been on the same team as his senior No. 1, he could still clearly and intuitively feel and appreciate the terrifying and suffocating sense of dominance and oppression.

He also recalled the training games he had played against his seniors when he was training at three domestic companies to prepare for the competition.

At that time, he was still confident that as long as he was given more time or a few more opportunities, he would be able to regain his place from his seniors.

But now it seems——

Only then did I realize how naive and childish my thoughts were at that time.

Not to mention Dawn Morning Star, who was in the mid lane position in the opponent's mid lane in the three games just now, even if it were him who had now stepped back to the threshold of the Four Emperors, he would not be able to fight against the senior No. 1 who was in this state just now. There can be no chance of winning.


The true strength of the seniors.

This is the strongest legendary person who can stabilize many of the top legends of the previous generation, even forcing Europe's Shadow Crow and South Korea's Lee Do-jae to surrender.

That's why it was rare that even No. 5, No. 2, No. 3, and No. 4 just looked at it so intently.

Because even for a few of them——

It is extremely rare and rare to see No. 1 using all his abilities to fight.

It is precisely because of this that people can come to a firm and reassuring judgment, that is, perhaps both God and SSK are racing against time to make the final emergency preparations before the finals, but their God team is definitely more efficient. Higher and more confident.

Those two people from Korea's previous generation may indeed be able to help Han Shihao make suggestions to break through the bottleneck threshold above the Four Emperors.

But on their side...

But there is a legend who is the only one in the world who has truly crossed that threshold, personally demonstrating and teaching.

"It would be unreasonable if this kid Axing can't realize something again."

No. 3 commented like this.

Number 4 nodded in agreement, while Number 2 next to him said coldly:

“It’s more than just teaching.”

"This guy... is probably warming up for himself."

The other three people paused for a moment, and then showed a look of approval.


Although the current training match is for the God team members to prepare for the finals, this year's finals is not the end of everything. On the contrary, it is the beginning of the real battle.

It’s not just about practicing sparring in order to break through the bottleneck of Dawnstar.

Even No. 1 himself has to warm up for the peak battles that will involve the entire previous generation in the new season next year.

"Then, shouldn't the rest of us be idle anymore?"

Number Three narrowed his eyes and spoke, throwing the question to the three companions beside him.

Number 4 adjusted the frame of the glasses on the bridge of his nose:

"In my words... he is probably the one in the worst condition among us. I need to ask you to bear with me a little more later."

Number 5 smiled brightly:


"Speaking of which, it must have been a long time ago that the five of us fought side by side."

"I miss you so much."

Number 2 raised his eyes and glanced at the five main players of the God team on the field: "But these few guys... may not be enough to watch."

Another training confrontation ends.

Then No. 3 walked up to No. 1, and said a few words in a casual manner as if in conversation. No. 1 paused, nodded with a smile on his face, and then looked at Lin Feng, who was sitting in the ADC seat next to him. A word of instruction:

"Xiao Feng, go to the opposite side next time."

Someone was stunned:


"If I go to the opposite side, where should I play?"

Number 3 waved his hand casually: "Whatever you want, top laner, auxiliary jungler, pick one yourself."

This means that the mid laner Dawn Morning Star and the ADC Huangxue Yege are retained, and if these two core aces of the God team are added to Lin Feng, the strength of the lineup is even stronger than God's main five. The original lineup is even more exaggerated and scary.

Someone’s eyes light up:


"And is this still Senior No. 1?"

"Then some will be beaten!"

Someone started gearing up and eager to give it a try.

The update is here, and the third update will be resumed tomorrow. Good night, friends, go to bed early.

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