
Chapter 2023 The jungler leads the rhythm

It’s okay to lose.

But we can’t lose like this.

At least... he shouldn't have lost so cowardly.

This is what Lin Feng, Dawn Morning Star, and Huang Xue Yege are thinking at this moment.

For these three people, it is not that they have never experienced defeat, especially when they faced the opponents or the seniors in front of them, they clearly understood the strength gap between them, but even so, the three of them each had their own experience. They all have their own pride and self-esteem.

After all, one is the strongest professional ADC in the Chinese server today, and the other is the No. 1 mid laner in the LPL division. He is only half a step away from the realm of the Four Emperors and has defeated Moon and Phoenix in the past finals. There is a veteran Four Emperors, and there is another being who can directly compete with the world's number one mid laner Han Shihao, the leader of the Four Emperors.

Such three people.

If you add the other two main first-team members of the God team.

The strength and strength of this kind of lineup can be used to directly challenge the SSK team. It is hard to say which one is stronger and which one is weaker.

But right now...

To be crushed and defeated by a five-man group of several seniors like this was almost overwhelming. This feeling cannot be justified.

If it doesn't make sense, then it really doesn't make sense.

This breath cannot be swallowed easily.

Especially when No. 1 asked with such a light word, it rekindled the anger and fighting spirit of Lin Feng and others in an instant.

No matter what, we can't forget it anyway, come again!

Hearing Lin Feng and others express their opinions in unison, No. 1 and others looked at each other and smiled a little:


"If I hadn't been fucked down..."

"Come again, come again."

So soon another training match began, and this time, Lin Feng and the others on the blue side held an urgent pre-war meeting before the ban selection process.

In the end, Lin Feng made the decision:

"I'm in the wild!"

Although the matchup between him and his senior No. 3 in the top lane just now was extremely fierce and stalemate, and he did not fall much behind, but the allocation of positions in the lineup just now makes it difficult to win - the top laner has the most The balance of power is even, and the middle lane is also very different. The bottom lane is destined to be suppressed, and then the jungler allows the opponent's No. 4 senior to easily complete the pressure and set the rhythm...

This was the main reason for the problems in the previous game.

Originally, the role of the jungler in the early and mid-term stages of a game is crucial, not to mention that the opposite jungler is still No. 4.

If you want to take advantage of the seniors on the opposite side...or at least ensure that it doesn't collapse too quickly, then you must ensure the jungle rhythm in the early and mid-term.

Lin Feng changed to the jungle position.

After the God team's main jungler was replaced, the first team's top laner took Lin Feng's original position.

Seeing this personnel adjustment, No. 1 nodded slightly and praised:


"Good idea."

No. 3 smiled maliciously: "The idea is good... Whether it will work or not is another question."

The second battle officially begins.

In the early laning stage of this game, the online battle between the blue and purple sides became more intense.

Not to mention the middle and lower lanes, when Lin Feng was in charge of the top lane, he could at least compete with No. 3 and not fall behind. But now that he has become the main top laner of the God team, his strength is weak. After more than a little while, the same Lost Fang Gnar was completely suppressed by the top laner Sword Girl controlled by No. 3 on the purple side, so much so that he could only use his skills to make up for two last hits.

But the real rhythm begins with the first wave of roaming ganks from both junglers after the first round of wild monsters.

4th minute of game time.

The jungler Lee Sin and No. 4 jungler Spider under the control of Lin Feng almost unanimously chose to roam the road.

Moreover, in this wave, Lin Feng accurately calculated the action intention of the opposite senior No. 4 and arrived in advance to make anti-crouching preparations. A fierce 2V2 battle suddenly started on the road. Although the blue side was prepared, but Because God's main top laner made some mistakes in Gnar operation, Lin Feng's blind monk Li Qing was the first to be killed by No. 3 Sword Princess and get first blood.

Fortunately, Gnar got Sword Lady's head right after, and the head exchange was 1:1.


In the voice channel of the blue team, the main top laner of the God team sounded annoyed. Originally, they should have earned a kill in this wave.

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes:

"It's okay."

"It's still profitable."

Yes, although for him as a jungler, the blind monk directly gave away the double buffs at the beginning, which hurt the rhythm, at least this wave of head swaps allowed his top laner Gnar to earn back and kill the opponent's sword. Ji Rang Senior No. 3 lost a small wave of troops. In addition, after Gnar got back the double buffs, the top lane matchups in the next few minutes will be able to better withstand pressure and may even regain some rhythmic initiative. .

"This wave is not a loss."

Zeng Rui, who was watching the game off the court, couldn't help but nod his head:

"At least Fengzi helped stabilize the rhythm on the road."

"Next...his blind monk should make up for his growth by himself."

But Li Shiyi next to him looked solemn and shook his head slowly:


"There's no time to catch up on growth."

"If you want to open up the situation with this one... Fengzi must continue to catch it in the early stage."


Originally, Zeng Rui's view was not wrong. After a wave on the road to help his teammate Gnar get a kill and stabilize the rhythm, Li Qing, the blind monk who himself was Lin Feng who was seriously injured, should really fight the wild monsters for a while. Replenish your level development before looking for the next wave of roaming gank opportunities.

But Li Shiyi pointed out the key to the problem more pointedly.

That's the current situation...

Lin Feng, the blind monk of the blue side, was not allowed to relax even for a moment.

We must continue to catch it.

The hero Lee Sin is originally focused on strong roaming gank ability in the early and mid-term. If this is not taken to the extreme, there will be even less in the mid-to-late stage, especially when facing several seniors. There is room for them to play a role, and the more important point is that if Lin Feng and the others want to win this round, they must rely on the blind monk's constant roaming and ganking to open up the situation——

Not just to help stabilize the situation on the road.

It is also necessary to help the two core carry points of Dawn Morning Star and Huangxue Night Song in the middle and lower lanes to establish an advantage.

Game time is 5 minutes and 30 seconds.

It was almost not long after the wave of fighting on the road ended.

The blind monk Li Qing, who was under the control of someone, did not even think about brushing up even a group of wild monsters after leaving the spring at the base, and went straight to the middle.

Concise and fast communication in the team voice channel.


Seize the momentary opportunity when Jayce, the purple midfielder on the opposite side, steps forward to draw A and hit the finishing blow.

On the blue side, under the control of Lin Feng and Dawn Morning Star, the Blind Monk and the Ice Girl exchanged flashes and violent attacks at the same time almost in no particular order!

The ice girl flashes her face and then receives the W!

Imprison and control people!

Connect A to Q!

Blind Monk flashed and then moved to the front of the ice girl with W to support him. His Q skill "Tian Yin Wave" hit the target Jace in the face. His E skill hit the floor and then tied A with the second step. The second Q skill "Echo Strike" followed up.

In conjunction with Ice Lady Lissandra's last last hit, she drew A.

Instantly kill Jace, the future guardian with two-thirds of his health!

The update is here, the third update is done. Good night, good night, friends. See you tomorrow.

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