
Chapter 2012 More than a little bit

Late that night, the last remaining group of people in the LPL division took a plane from Berlin and arrived in London.

When we left the airport, the corresponding staff of the Domestic Electrical Equipment Association's office in the UK had already arranged a vehicle to pick them up. Chu Fangnan, the vice president of the Shanghai Electrical Equipment Association branch, came to pick him up personally, and as the driver It’s also a familiar face——

Lin Feng recognized the "master" sitting in the driver's seat as soon as he got in the car:

"Brother Zhou?"

The driver turned around and showed a smile. It was Zhou Wei, the deputy director of the UK branch of the Domestic Electrical Equipment Association:

"Xiao Feng, I haven't seen you for a while."

"The journey has been hard, the journey has been hard~"

Lin Feng scratched his head: "Ah... not bad, but asking you, Brother Zhou, to be the driver... would be a bit troublesome."

Zhou Wei laughed heartily: "The main thing is, isn't the finals coming soon? The other staff of our Electrician Association in the UK have too many things to do, and there are no manpower to take care of them. I will temporarily take over to help. Just be a driver and don’t get in the way.”

Chu Fangnan next to him also smiled and answered:

"Yes, everyone has been working hard lately."

"But it's okay. I'm a little busy this time, but I'm always so busy that I'm motivated and hardworking. Watching our own LPL team reach the finals, it doesn't matter if I'm physically tired. ”

Zhou Wei nodded his head in agreement:

"That's right, that's what our President Chu said - you don't know when you are playing in Berlin. Although our old brothers in the British branch can't follow, the semi-finals At that time, everyone was standing in front of the computer in the office to cheer you on. "

"Tsk, tsk, winning is such a relief!"

"3-0, directly into the finals. How many years has our LPL division been so domineering?"

Speaking of excitement, Zhou Wei couldn't help but get excited. He was obviously an old man in his thirties. At this moment, when talking about winning the God game, he was still very excited and looked like a die-hard fan. appearance.


Compared with previous years,

For the staff of these overseas branches of the Electric Power Association, this year is really different. In every finals in the past, they watched the teams from their own LPL division being eliminated one after another, and then they, the staff, held their hearts heavy with frustration. I still feel like I have to force myself to work, and that feeling... can't be explained to outsiders.

But this time, I watched with my own eyes as the God team went from the group stage to the quarter-finals to the semi-finals of the top four, sweeping through all the strong enemies from all walks of life, and advanced to the finals with almost a complete victory, even faintly. Seeing the hope of winning the world championship trophy——

As a staff member of the Electricity Association, what is your biggest expectation?

Isn’t it just that you have put in so much hard work and effort just to see the team in your own division stand on the podium, the highest honor in League of Legends e-sports, and hold the Summoner’s Trophy one day?

As long as such a wish can be achieved, no matter how hard or tiring it is, there will be no complaints.

Huangxue Yege touched her chin and sighed:


"Really, just what you said to Brother Zhou, it doesn't make sense if we don't practice to the death tonight."

The other God team members next to them nodded vigorously and strongly agreed:

"That's right!"

"Damn... I was still a little sleepy on the plane just now, but now I'm not sleepy at all, I'm completely energetic!"

“Let’s do it when we get to the hotel!”

"No matter what, we must not let down the hopes of our brothers from the Electrical Association!"

Sometimes, just such ordinary details can give people the power to cheer up.

For the members of the God team, of course they also know that there are countless Chinese players and fans far away in China cheering them on online, cheering for their victory and nervous for every game they play. Heart-wrenching.

But not like now.

I heard such heartfelt words directly from Zhou Wei, who is the UK branch of the Electricity Association.

I feel so intuitively and truly that my efforts and contributions, the victories and honors I have won can really directly affect the mood of the people around me, and for these people who are close at hand and for the cause of professional e-sports in the national server. The hard-working "comrades-in-arms" bring such an inspiring effect.

in turn.

It is also a kind of strong encouragement to everyone in the God team.

"Okay, okay, don't be in a hurry now, it's not too late to talk about these things later."

Chu Fangnan interrupted everyone's conversation with a smile at the right time:

"First put your luggage and get in the car."

"Let's go to the hotel first."

I guess I almost recovered after taking a short rest and nap on the plane.

Now that we got off the plane, left the airport, and got back into the car heading to the hotel, everyone's energy was restored again.

One by one, they started to communicate and discuss the training plans and arrangements for tonight with great interest, and some even started to plan more rigorously the training items to be done every day for the next five days——

Last-hitting, laning, tactical coordination, and even the "memorize test points" training method that Senior No. 4 introduced a few days ago that is close to pure theory but extremely practical...

One by one.

Everything must be carried out and completed in the next five days, and no one can be left behind.

Lin Feng, Huang Xue Ye Ge, Dawn Morning Star and others were sitting in the back row of the carriage. Each of them basically had a mini Gopher game console. They hadn’t arrived at the hotel to start training yet, but they could get it in the car now. Play with the Gopher Game Machine for a few games first and then practice your hand speed in operating the game.

After the finals, everyone has become completely accustomed to this training method. After the actual combat training every day, they have to play a few games with the game console before going to bed. It has almost become a habit. On the contrary, if If I don't play with the Gopher game console for a few days, I will feel a little awkward and uncomfortable.

According to No. 3, "This can be considered a good thing since you have been abused to the point where you have become a habit."

Lin Feng had just finished a game of nightmare difficulty challenge. He looked back at Dawn Star next to him, and the word "Game-over" also appeared on the screen of the latter's game console.

The challenge time record was fixed at 8 minutes and 37 seconds.

Li Shiyi, who also leaned over to take a look, couldn't help but take a breath:

"Eight thirty-seven?"

Then he looked at the morning star and marveled sincerely:

"Isn't this faster than your previous record... by one minute?"


Before the group stage of the finals, when we were still in Manchester, everyone from the three teams in the LPL region came into contact with the Gopher Game Console for the first time. Each of them tried to challenge it. At that time, Dawn Morning Star played two nightmare difficulty games in a row, and the best The good time is 7 minutes and 47 seconds.

And such results have almost surpassed the hand speed that ordinary seven-king players can achieve, and are close to the Yonko.


Only about half a month has passed since then.

Challenging the nightmare difficulty level again, the result achieved by Dawn Morning Star on the car was to exceed his previous record by a full fifty seconds.


It also exceeded the reaction speed standard of the four emperors realm that was originally defined after everyone discussed it, by more than a little bit.

Updates are coming. Today is New Year's Eve, there are only two updates. Abu is also spending time with his family. I wish everyone a happy life. See you tomorrow and next year!

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