
Chapter 2013 0 Difficulties

Before the start of this finals, Dawn Star was halfway to the level of the Yonko, and until now, it was still short of the so-called "last bit" before crossing that threshold.

But this last little bit is still far behind.

During this period of time, even if Dawn Morning Star's personal abilities have been improving, it is not clear how much improvement has been achieved.

It is always difficult to intuitively refine and measure issues regarding realm.

But at this moment, this Gopher game machine is from another angle, extremely dexterous and fitting, and gives an extremely concrete and realistic picture of the personal improvement and progress of the current No. 1 mid laner in the LPL division. Showed it.

From 7 minutes and 47 seconds before, to 8 minutes and 37 seconds now.

A span of fifty seconds.

This is the most powerful proof and presentation of the fruits of Dawn Morning Star’s hard work and sweat over the past few days.

Don't underestimate this simple fifty seconds.

Because you must know that in the nightmare difficulty mode of this seemingly ordinary gopher game machine, from the sixth or even seventh minute of the mode, almost every second of the duration is a difficult breakthrough. .

The result of about seven and a half minutes is almost the upper limit of the personal reaction and operation level that top players at the Seven Kings level can achieve.

Eight minutes.

That is the reaction speed assessment standard for the Four Emperors realm.

Dawn Morning Star's previous challenge results on this gopher game console truly proved that he was half a step ahead of the Yonko level. Now, although he was still short of the so-called "last bit" of crossing the threshold, in this game he was The performance record achieved by the operation has far exceeded the baseline of the Yonko's reaction hand speed.

"Even Phoenix and Moon..."

Zeng Rui couldn't help but murmured subconsciously.

Before he finished speaking, Lin Feng beside him interrupted him quite simply and answered:

"Phoenix and Moon fall short."

One sentence immediately sealed the deal.

With someone’s vision and strength,

The conclusion made from his mouth is basically unquestionable, which also means that in some aspects, the current Dawn Star has indeed surpassed the two lower ranking among the four emperors.


If compared with the terrifying performance record of more than ten minutes set by the world's number one mid laner, who is the leader of the Yonko, such a performance of about eight and a half minutes is nothing.

But that's not the point.

Because today's Dawn Morning Star is still at the last point before it can break through the threshold. After truly crossing the threshold, its personal ability index may still be improved.

Similarly, the ability to react to hand speed is important, but it is not the only criterion for measuring a top professional mid laner.

"It's pretty good."

Lin Feng commented like this:

"Originally, Ah Xing, your strongest area is not competition in pure reaction and hand speed."

"In this regard, as long as it can reach a certain level, it is enough. The rest still depends on other comprehensive abilities."

Each Yonko has his own path.

As the current leader of the Four Emperors, the path taken by Han Shihao is one that everyone can only look up to at the moment, but it does not mean that that path is the only correct path.

Phoenix or Moon or Autumn, all of them have different styles and paths they are taking.

For example, The-Sword, the top laner of the Minx team, may wait until the day he also breaks through, and what will come out will be a completely different and completely personal style of "maximizing the offensiveness of operation and combat". Number of ways.

The morning star nodded slowly:

"I see."


After a pause, he looked at the performance record on the screen of the Gopher game console in his hand:

"Even if it is a certain level of standards..."

"In the end, we still have to set the standard higher."

The SUV commercial vehicle was driving on the way to the hotel at night.

Several main members of the God Club team sat in a car with Lin Feng, Li Eleven, Zeng Rui, Tang Bingyao, and others, while the other No. 1, No. 5 and others sat in another car with Chu Fangnan.

It seems to be a very natural and reasonable distribution.


It is also for the privacy and convenience of conversations.

Compared to the bustle in the other car, the atmosphere in the car here seemed quieter.

Number 1 turned to look at Chu Fangnan beside him:

"How has Lao Fang been doing over the past two days?"

Chu Fangnan was silent for a moment, with a bit of a wry smile on his face, and shook his head:

"not too good."

No. 3, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and looked through the rearview mirror:

"What do you mean? Those old guys in the country are still causing trouble?"

Chu Fangnan could only continue to smile bitterly:

"The attitude from above...has always been like that."

"It's not just once or twice. This time, I don't know who blew the pillow wind. Suddenly, it suddenly changed its mind. Some cooperation plans originally agreed upon in the first half of next year have to be shelved and renegotiated."

No. 4 adjusted the gold frame on the bridge of his nose and couldn't help but frown slightly: "The matters in the first half of next year...haven't they already been reported from the Domestic Electrical Association Headquarters before and passed the voting twice? ?”

Chu Fangnan let out a long sigh:

"Yes... So now that the news has come out, everyone in our entire Electric Power Association Headquarters is confused. Some staff who have been busy preparing for several months and can't take a break just want to wait for the results to come out before they can take a good rest." Celebrating, as a result...many brothers and sisters at the headquarters cried on the spot."

"Those people in the country are just a bunch of old immortals who have nothing to do with their bodies." No. 2 said coldly with a chill in his tone: "Let me see - they are far worse than those at the World Electric Association Headquarters."

No. 3 nodded in agreement:

"Yes, yes - at least our Vice Chairman Martin was very reasonable last time."

Number 1 shook his head:

"It can't be compared like that."

"After all, no matter what, Mr. Martin is still a member of our professional e-sports system, and is even the founding father of the World Electronics Association headquarters. Even though some detailed regulations may be strict and unreasonable, he is always on the same page as us. Consistent.”

"Then let's talk."

"But those people in our country--"

"The level we stand on is different from our professional e-sports. To others, we are just outsiders, even new existences that are insignificant, troublesome and annoying."

“It’s naturally very difficult to truly gain their approval.”

Chu Fangnan sighed:

"Now...it's a very difficult situation."

No. 3 turned around from the front passenger seat and looked over: "But we still have to try to overcome this problem, otherwise, all the previous efforts will be in vain?"

Chu Fangnan nodded and hesitated: "Of course that's the truth... But now if I want to think of other ways -"

"There is no other way."

Number 2 answered coldly:

"The most direct way is the one in front of you, right?"

The car became quiet again.

No. 1 nodded slightly and looked through the front window at another SUV business car not far ahead:


"So, in the next few days... the rest of us should work harder."

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 9 o'clock. Happy New Year and all the best, my friends! !

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