
Chapter 2011 A heavier burden

Zeng Rui's sudden words made Li Shiyi, Tang Bingyao and Lin Feng next to him look over.

A little surprised and surprised.

Because what Li Shiyi said just now is not wrong. After KG lost in the semi-finals of the semi-finals today, the public opinion trend among the online national server players and netizens is indeed quite gratifying, and there was no controversy. The military trolls maliciously set the pace, but ordinary Chinese server players and netizens also did not criticize KG too much for his failure.

And according to the meaning revealed in Zeng Rui's words at this moment...

The situation does not seem to be as simple as it appears on the surface.

Li Shiyi was a little confused: "A Zeng, what do you mean?"

Zeng Rui shook his head:

"Of course you are right on the 11th. The domestic public opinion atmosphere online this year is indeed much better than in previous years, and it is much rarer."

"Not only KG, who lost in the semi-finals this time, but also Hayami, who lost to Legend in the quarter-finals, rarely received criticism in the country after losing the game. This is indeed a change worthy of joy and relief."


"There is a reason too."

"It's not just that the Chinese players have become good-tempered and good-natured."

"On the one hand, the original point is that this time, both Hayami and KG, although they lost the game, at least they performed very well before being eliminated. Even if they lost the quarter-finals and the semi-finals, they gave their best. Dare to fight and work hard, and it will be easy for people to find no flaws. "

After hearing this, Li Shiyi and Tang Bingyao nodded subconsciously with expressions of approval.

Of course this is true.

This year's three LPL teams have been competing all the way up to now, and their performance is absolutely unparalleled. Compared with previous years, the LPL teams that also represented the national server in the finals, or even if KG is compared with himself last year, it is better. They have all become better and more mature, which people can only admire.

"So, the players and team members themselves have played well, and the players and fans of the national server also understand and recognize it, and together they have created such a harmonious atmosphere, right?" Li Shiyi once again expressed his views, and Tang Bingyao clicked on the small The brain expressed support.

But Zeng Rui shook his head again:



"This is only part of the reason, but there is another more important part -"

After saying this, he paused and looked in the direction of the God team members not far away, his eyes dimming slightly:

"The more important reason is..."

"Although Hayami and KG have been eliminated one after another, so far, the hope of our national server players has not been completely lost."

"Because, even if Hayami and KG are gone, Team God is still there."

Hearing this, Li Shiyi's face suddenly showed a look of shock and realization.

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly:


"That's the truth..."

Only Tang Bingyao on the side was still confused and didn't understand. She turned to Lin Feng for help: "Fengzi, I don't understand -"

Lin Feng reached out and touched Tang Bingyao's head naturally as a habit:

"What Azeng means is that because the three teams in our LPL division have reached this level this year, it is already an unexpectedly good situation. Even though KG and Hayami have been eliminated now, God has firmly entered the finals, which represents Our LPL division is still standing in the finals and has not fallen down.”

"For our players and fans in the national server, it actually doesn't matter who is standing on the field."

"As long as they see the final world championship trophy taken away by our LPL team, they will be satisfied."

"And now that God is still there, the hope of winning the championship is still there."

"No one will care about the defeat of KG and Hayami at this time. As long as God wins the championship, the other small setbacks will not count in the face of this highest honor that our national server has never had. What."


Lin Feng also paused when he said this.

Tang Bingyao opened her eyes subconsciously: "But?"

"But if God loses in this final -"

Zeng Rui picked up the words again, speaking at a leisurely pace, and the expression on his face became increasingly calm, to the point that it made people slightly frightened:

"At that time, problems that were originally regarded as 'minor setbacks' and 'minor losses' will no longer be minor problems."

"All the mistakes KG and Hayami made before..."

"It will be infinitely amplified by the extremely disappointed and even angry Chinese players."

"When that time comes—"

"The seemingly harmonious and rational and objective atmosphere now will disappear."

"To put it crudely, as long as the result is good, everyone can negotiate and negotiate with Qi Qi, and small problems can be ignored, but if the final result is not good..."

Zeng Rui spoke slowly and solemnly and made his final conclusion:

“Then it may be time to ‘settle the ledger’.”

The atmosphere seemed to become heavy and depressing in an instant.

Tang Bingyao was slightly confused:

"How...can this still happen?"

Li Shiyi took a breath of cold air:

"Maybe... it really will be like this."

Lin Feng shook his head and looked at the God team not far away: "So, next, Ah Xing and Lao Ye... will have an even heavier burden on their shoulders."

Everyone got on the bus and arrived at Tegel Airport in northwest Berlin.

After picking up the tickets and passing the security checkpoint, the boarding gate was in a different location, and everyone finally had to say goodbye.

KG and God's team members hugged each other again to encourage each other. After they separated, they looked at each other and patted each other on the shoulders. At this time, no more words were needed, everything was understood by each other.

Tian Tian looked at Lin Feng, Li Shiyi and others with some nostalgia and reluctance:

"Then... Fengzi, I'm leaving first."

Lin Feng nodded and smiled:

"Have a good rest when you go back."

"This time... we fought very well. Let's take a rest and adjust for a while. Next year, we still have a lot of battles to do."

Tian Tian nodded seriously:


"You...you have to work hard too!"

Lin Feng shrugged and smiled carelessly: "It's okay for us. Anyway, Senior No. 1 and the others will be here next. The rest of us will just listen to the arrangements of the seniors and we will be done."

And indeed it is.

Before, only the three seniors No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4 were present, and some things may not have been taken care of thoroughly. But after No. 1 and No. 5 also came here... they really acted as the backbone and allowed everyone to They can all settle down. As long as they follow the instructions with peace of mind, there is no need to worry about anything else.

The members of the KG team finally left.

The rest of the God team here, including Lin Feng, Li Shiyi, Zeng Rui, Tang Bingyao and No. 1, took the same flight to London, England overnight.

No. 1, who seemed to have just had a voice call with Chu Fangnan, put down his phone and nodded:

"Okay, the hotel in London has been arranged."

"The training room has also been decorated."

Number three glared:

"What, starting tonight?"

"You guy... you don't let anyone rest and catch their breath when you come here -"

Number 1 smiled nonchalantly, turned to look at Dawn Morning Star, Huangxue Yege and other members of Team God, and raised his eyebrows:

"How about it?"

"Do you still have the strength? Do you need to rest?"

The members of Team God looked at each other.

Huangxue Yege geared up and exclaimed: "Have a rest? It's not too late to finish the last and biggest battle-"

An update is here. The next chapter will be around 9:30. Happy New Year’s Eve, friends!

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