
Chapter 1888 KG’s first victory

? It’s afternoon.

The group matches of Groups A and B continued to unfold in an orderly manner.

In the second game of Group B, the Legend team still played, and their opponent was the second-seeded Cog team from the North American division.

Although the Cog team, which has a seven-king top laner, is not weak, it was still a bit disappointing when they met the Legend team, which had just defeated the top seed in North America this morning.

In this hand, Phoenix was directly banned by his opponent, Future Guardian Jace, during the ban selection process, but he still casually took out another trickster, LeBlanc.

Shocked the whole audience again.

Immediately... the whole audience was stunned.

LeBlanc's performance was even more eye-catching than mid laner Jayce in the morning game.

Two waves of single kills in the middle.

Walk around the entire map.

Two waves of key team battles single-handedly cut into the core C position of the opponent's back row in an instant, and it was like entering an uninhabited land.

In the end, the Legend team won another victory, and Phoenix's final performance data of the Trickster Enchantress was locked at 8/0/4.

"This guy is in really good shape today."

Even Lin Feng couldn't help but praise.

And so far, the Legend team has won two games in a row. The last remaining opponent in the first round of the group stage is a wild card team, and it has basically guaranteed its place in the qualifying round.

Then it was back to Group A again.

In the third game of Group A, the SSK team played against the BW team, which had already lost a game in the morning.

Basically there is no suspense.

The game ended easily in twenty-seven minutes. It was almost a one-sided crushing from start to finish. It did not give any chance to the opponent, the dark horse of Europe's rookies, not even Nate, who is a talented rookie jungler. When he met Mafa, a truly top world-class wild king, he was restricted in every aspect and had no room to perform.

The Chinese server players and netizens on the major domestic live streaming platforms were also impressed.

Thick barrages quickly flooded the screen:

"Damn, SSK is still awesome..."

"It was completely crushed."

"Both sides are not on the same level at all."

"Mafa is infinitely better than that Nate. Sure enough, there's no way he can compare to the talented rookie and the veteran wild king."

However, although watching a crushing game like SSK is also enjoyable, for the vast audience of Chinese server players, who are all watching the live broadcast eagerly in front of the computer screen, they are actually looking forward to their own LPL competition. The team's next performance.

In the end, they didn't have to wait too long.

Because after the game between SSK and BW, it was finally the KG team's turn to play in the fourth game of Group A.

The opponent is still the BW team.

In the gymnasium, what was quite surprising was that No. 1, No. 3 and others actually showed up backstage.

Including members of the KG team, and players from the other two LPL teams who came to the backstage to help cheer KG up, they all hurried up to say hello respectfully when they saw several seniors.

No. 1 waved his hand with a smile: "It's okay, you all go on your own, and we old guys will come over and take a look."

Number 3, on the other hand, had already looked at Tian Tian and raised his eyebrows:

"Are you nervous?"

Tian Tian straightened up subconsciously:

"No, don't be nervous!"

Looking at Tian Tian's appearance, No. 3 curled his lips:

"If you're nervous, give me a good beating as well, do you hear me?"

Tian Tian nodded fiercely:

"I heard it, I heard it-"

Number 5 next to him smiled and came over to help him out: "Okay, okay, don't put too much pressure on Xiaotian, just perform normally. If you perform normally, you can't lose."

Number 2, on the other hand, snorted coldly:

"What's the point of losing?"

"If you are playing against such a weak team, you should win it within 25 minutes, otherwise it will be considered a disgrace."

Lin Feng touched his nose when he heard it, and cautiously reminded at the side: "Senior No. 2, it took 27 minutes to play BW at SSK just now."

And no matter what, although BW is a rookie, it can never be considered a weak team...

The result was No. 2’s cold gaze:

"Why, SSK takes 27 minutes, so you think it must be inferior to them? Does it have to take longer than 27 minutes?"

Someone was speechless, and then hurriedly stepped aside and showed Tian Tian an expression of "I can't help you."

Several seniors arrived...

The strictness of this requirement doubled immediately.

It's not enough to just win, but you have to compete with SSK to see who can win more beautifully and neatly - God knows if the members of the opposite BW team will be so angry that they vomit blood if they hear this, this is so disrespectful. Yes.

No. 4's gaze fell on Lin Feng, as if he noticed something, and was slightly surprised:

"Why are there such heavy dark circles?"

"Didn't you get a good rest last night?"

Number 3 also turned to look over and raised his eyebrows:

"That's true."

"Hey, I just saw that the boy named Han from SSK looks like this?"

So several seniors looked back and forth at someone with scrutinizing eyes. Someone felt guilty and laughed dryly: "Ah haha, yes, yes...it's a bit like being in bed, and I haven't slept well..."

No. 3 looked puzzled when he heard this: "You kid can sleep like a pig as soon as you touch the bed wherever you go. When did you start to recognize the bed?"

An Xin next to her looked at someone maliciously:


"Senior, you also feel something is wrong, don't you?"

"Someone seems to be hiding something..."

Perhaps the arrival of several seniors gave encouragement and confidence to the members of the KG team.

Or maybe it was just the lessons and encouragement from No. 2 and No. 3 that allowed Tian Tian, ​​the core top laner of the team, to finally muster up enough fighting spirit.

So immediately following the fourth game of Group A, the match between the KG team and the BW team actually ended with a faster speed and rhythm than the previous one.

26 minutes and 35 seconds!

The blue side's "Victory" emblem appeared on the giant LCD screen on the field.

The entire stadium burst into loud cheers and applause.

In the live broadcast rooms of the finals on major domestic live broadcast platforms, the comments from the players and viewers of the national server exploded with excitement at this moment!


Less than 27 minutes.

KG brazenly won his first victory!

In the stadium, in the front row of the spectator seats, No. 1, No. 3 and others who were sitting with Lin Feng and others to watch the game also nodded slightly and showed some satisfaction.

Concise comment No. 2:


No. 5 laughs:

"Xiaotian played very well this time. "

No. 3 curled his lips and commented as if reluctantly:


"It's quite satisfactory. It's not embarrassing."

Compared with such a so-called "fair" evaluation, the final KDA value of Kenan, the top laner of the blue side KG team, as shown on the final performance statistics chart on the viewing screen, is already stunning and eye-catching——


Super God!

The update is here, the third update is done. Good night, good night, friends. See you tomorrow.

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