
Chapter 1889 The same night

? The so-called "make do" and "fairly satisfactory" comments can only come from the mouths of legendary beings from the previous generation at the level of No. 2 and No. 3.

In fact, the record and operational performance of Tian Tian's top laner Kainansuo have already amazed the entire field.

It wasn’t just the live players in the auditorium who were dazzled, exclaimed and cheered.

Even the players and members of various teams and clubs couldn't help but look slightly stern.

Because what I saw today was the "round and round" operation of KG's top laner...

Compared with the previous two days of training matches.

It's obviously more than a bit stronger!

This may be the true strength of the No. 1 top laner in the LPL division. He had full reservations in previous training matches.

On the Cog team who just left the game, Seven, who is a veteran top laner of the Seven Kings, has a look of sincere admiration on his face. Although he is also a Seven Kings, he actually knows very well that his current status and strength are gradually improving. The gap between this colleague and his opponent in the LPL division was widened.

Even Wolf from SSK and The-Sword from Minx team subconsciously shrank their pupils and narrowed their eyes when looking at the blue square top laner Kennen's record data on the viewing screen on the stage.

Stronger than them...

They all also felt threatened to a certain extent.

Fly, who was sitting next to The-Sword, snorted coldly:

"That's all."

"We were defeated yesterday."

The words seemed to be full of contempt and disdain for KG's top laner, or even for KG's entire team.

The-Sword turned his head and glanced at his teammates:

"Let's think about how we can qualify from the group first."


Even though they have absolute confidence and pride in their own strength, facing the situation of the death group to which Minx was assigned,

It is still difficult for The-Sword to have full confidence in its success.

The opponents...are Assassin, God and Fate.

Taken alone, any one of them is enough to pose a huge threat to Minx, and the outcome of a fight is unpredictable.

So no matter how strong Minx is, they are destined to face an unprecedented tough battle in Group D.

Even Fly was choked by his companion's words, and then waved his hands in annoyance:

"You didn't draw the lot!"

"If you want to switch to another group, there will be so much trouble!"

Being assigned to such a death group really made even him, who had always been arrogant and looked down on everyone, unable to stop complaining.

At the same time, on the SSK team's side off the court, several players were also discussing the KG team's performance just now. Mafa looked away from the statistics chart on the viewing screen and nodded slightly:

"This YGG is in good condition."

"If we encounter it next time, we need to be more careful."

Although comparing the overall strength of the team, SSK, ranked first in the world, is far stronger than KG by more than a little bit, but the current version of the competition is still a version where the top laner has the main say. If a team has a A powerful core top laner, the increase in the team's overall combat capability is also extremely considerable.

Cube, who was the team assistant next to him, adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose and nodded to answer:

"The match between KG and Minx the day before yesterday was a comeback with YGG's Gnar."

"We need to avoid this."

Ray said happily:

"Then don't give them the chance to delay it until the mid-to-late stage. Just ask Wolf in the early stage and defeat him!"

His tone sounded matter-of-fact.

Hearing these words, Wolf, the team's top laner, glanced at his ADC teammate: "If it's so easy, I'd better do it with you. I'm not that capable."

This sentence choked Ray so much that it took him a long time to speak again in frustration:

"If it doesn't work, let Brother Mafa help me catch him a few more times."

"How can he, YGG, be so rebellious! Brother Shihao, are you right?"

The topic was thrown to Han Shihao, and several SSK main players also looked at their captain who was leaning on the back of his chair and seemed to be concentrating with his eyes closed, but unexpectedly there was no reply for a long time.

"Brother Shihao?" Ray couldn't help but call again.

At this time, Han Shihao seemed to have just come back to his senses. He opened his eyes and looked at several teammates:


Seeing the faint look of fatigue flashing across the faces of his teammates, Mafa frowned: "You really haven't had a good rest. Go back and go to bed early today - the next game has just begun, you must adjust to your condition. ”

Ray also had a worried look on his face and nodded repeatedly:

"Yes, yes, brother Shihao, if you are tired, otherwise we will not watch the next game. Go back to the hotel to rest and sleep. Don't get sick."

Regarding the concern and kindness of several teammates, Han Shihao shook his head:


"You continue to watch the game."

"I'll just rest for a while."

His tone was still calm, but with an unmistakable flavor. After speaking, he leaned back on the chair again and continued to rest with his eyes closed.

Looking at their captain's appearance, the other four members of SSK looked at each other, knowing that they could not influence or change the former's decision, but they did not know how to figure out the cause of the situation. There was a bit of worry in each other's eyes.

Maybe the young general overseer of their club can do something about it?

But that doesn’t work either.

There was a lot of friction between the two of them.

All four games in Group A are over today, and finally it’s Group B’s turn with two group matches left.

A Cog vs. wild card.

A wild card match against Season.

Basically, there is no suspense. Anyway, in this group, we know without even thinking that the wild card team must be at the bottom of the food chain.

The result is not surprising——

The Cog team won and won one victory.

Season team also won a victory.

So far, all eight games of Groups A and B have been played today. SSK temporarily ranks first in Group A with a record of 2 wins and 0 losses. Similarly, the Legend team in Group B also temporarily ranks first with the same 2 wins. Ranked first, the rest are nothing more than one win for KG, one win for Crown, one win for Season, and one win for Season...

The most unlucky one is the BW team in Group A.

Lost all three battles.

Of course, maybe if the BW team can get back three consecutive victories in the future, there will still be some hope of qualifying. After all, the group stage has just begun so far, and everything is still possible.

At the end of the first day of the group stage, the players and spectators in the stadium stood up and left without feeling satisfied.

The players and members of each team club also got on the bus back to the hotel under the leadership of their respective coaches.

That night, for the first time, Lin Feng said he was a little sleepy as soon as he finished dinner and went back to his room to sleep early. Coincidentally, at the SSK club, after a simple dinner, Han Shihao asked for leave from the team coach. Ask to go back home early to rest.

Time passed quietly into the night.

Late at night.

It’s still the training room on the sixth floor of the hotel.

Someone who had sneaked out of his room at some point gently opened the training room door.

And the one who seemed to have been waiting in the training room for a long time looked up and looked as indifferent as ever:

"You are late."

Someone scratched his head carelessly:

"I'm afraid I'll be discovered too early and won't be able to get out."

Then he walked to the same seat as yesterday and sat down, raising his eyebrows slightly at his former enemy sitting opposite him: "Let's go."

Here's an update. I have some things to deal with tonight. The remaining two updates will be a little later, so I'll report them to everyone.

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