
Chapter 1887 Don’t miss it

? Also after being reminded by the girl’s words, everyone in the LPL suddenly woke up and remembered some details that they had subconsciously ignored and forgotten.

"Damn, that's right. You've helped out Legend before!"

Shi Hang glared at Lin Feng:

"I wonder why Phoenix can suddenly make such a move, and you are an accomplice inside."

Lin Feng scratched his hair in embarrassment and coughed:

"Hey, it's a bit too much to say that he is an accomplice..."

"Old friend, please help me. Later, he also helped me and Baozi a little bit."

Zeng Rui looked at the Legend team members who were about to leave the stage, his eyes fell on Phoenix, and he sighed:

"This movement... is really quite big."

Originally, Phoenix's most signature play style and hero pool were more focused on rhythm operation and overall planning in the mid-to-late period. In terms of personal operation and laning ability, it was only slightly better than the "Moon King" Moon of the Fate team. One point and two points.

But this one just now...

They have Jayce in their hand, but his style has completely changed.

Offensive aggression on the line.

Strong pressure.

There is also a single point zone in the mid-term.

He was so fluent that he completely overwhelmed the opponent's Season team just by relying on himself. Even Autumn, the god of support, found it difficult to deal with it.

"It doesn't make sense. I haven't seen Phoenix change his style like this during the training match two days ago..."

Huangxue Yege is still puzzled.


In the training schedule of the past two days, their God team and their Legend team have competed against each other more than once, but the playing style shown by Phoenix at that time was still the same, and there were not many surprising changes.

Dawn Morning Star shook her head and sighed:


"Training for competitions is something that can't be done easily."

"Each company deliberately hides their trump cards, and how can they just bring them out during training matches?"

Li Shiyi nodded slowly and solemnly:


"And Phoenix is ​​definitely not just Jace's trump card."

It was effortless for everyone in the LPL to accept this truth, because it only took a little thought to figure it out. Phoenix's transformation is not as simple as becoming a hero and future guardian Jace. This transformation and breakthrough lies in In terms of his playing style.

In this game, he was able to show off his Jace skills to impress the whole audience.

Then it is absolutely impossible to rule out the possibility that Europe's No. 1 Dharma King will easily take out heroes like Syndra, Ekko, and even Enchantress and Murloc from his hero pool in the past, which he has rarely used in the World Championship. The heroes who have passed are still killing everyone.

This is a one-stop solution.

This just adds to the terrifying danger level of the single captain of the Legend team.

"It's already scary enough. How can we let other people play with this promotion and breakthrough?"

Shi Hang had a headache and held his forehead.

What he received in exchange was a sideways glance from someone:

"Even Ah Xing has been holding back the feeling of breaking through the bottleneck for so many years. Why don't you allow the Four Emperors to also keep trying to find ways to break through?"

"No one who can stand at such a high level will slack off, okay?"

An Xin nodded slightly:


"At the level of the Yonko, the sense of urgency and pressure is actually much greater than that of ordinary professional players."

“Every day I work hard to improve myself further.”

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the stage:

"This year……"

"It feels like a 'good harvest' year."

"Each one has found his or her own way, and each one has come up with more new skills."

"It's lively enough."

It's not just Phoenix.

Including Moon from the Fate team, whom he had just competed with yesterday, also counts as one.

And even at this moment, the Season team, which had just lost to the Legend team, and Autumn, the god of support, although it seemed that the first game of the group stage ended in defeat, they still could not be disrespectful in any way——

Because to put it bluntly, this is just the group stage.

Regardless of the outcome of this first game, there should be no suspense in Group B that both Legend and Season will advance.


God knows whether the second-ranked auxiliary god of the Four Emperors has also included these factors into his calculations.

The strength shown by Season just now——

And taking it seriously may not be all they have.

"So today is the right day."

Dawn Morning Star slowly spoke:

"Training games are nothing."

“Only when the official group stage begins can we really see more from these teams.”

The shadow puppet next to him also nodded in agreement:


"You can't miss every next one."

For Groups A and B, even if we put aside the four top teams of SSK, KG, Season and Legend, the remaining four teams have little hope of qualifying for the group stage and advancing, but they still have the potential to be worthy of being praised. A place to watch, be mindful and learn.

However, after three group matches in the morning, the time had already reached close to 12 noon.

It's time to eat.

Not only the audience, but also the players and members of the participating teams must first fill their stomachs before they have the strength to continue playing the game.

So the gymnasium temporarily ushered in the halftime break.

It was also at this moment that Lin Feng, his friends, and the LPL talents finally met the players from the KG team, including Tian Tian.

When asked about the situation, it turned out that the KG club members did not bother to watch the game in the morning, and just stayed in the special lounge backstage to continue training as soon as possible.

To maintain condition and feel.

After all, today is the opening of the finals. Unlike the training matches of the previous two days, the players and team members will inevitably feel a little nervous and stressed. Only by playing a few more training games can they revive their condition. .

The effect is also very significant.

Now look at KG's Yaogui, Lao C, Konjac and others. Basically, their faces and expressions have become more relaxed, and they can also talk and laugh with the members of the other two LPL brother teams.

On the contrary, Tian Tian, ​​who is the core ace of the team, is still a little nervous.

Shi Hang glanced over:

"Old Tian, ​​you can't change this problem."

"The finals are like this every year. There is no trace of the style that the world's number one top laner should have."

Quite a bit hateful that iron cannot become steel.

Tian Tian looked embarrassed:

"I don't want to either..."

"But, but, but just, nervous."

While speaking, his hands were wrung together subconsciously. It was indeed not a lie, but he was really under pressure.

Huangxue Yege couldn't help but laugh and cry: "You guys are just going to fight BW later. What's so stressful about this? If you were a little more serious, wouldn't you be crushed?"

Tian Tian grimaced:

"I know--"

"But I can't control my nervousness. I'm always worried that I won't perform well..."

"It's okay," Lin Feng reached out and patted his former teammates on the shoulder, comforting him kindly: "I heard that senior No. 3 and others will come over to watch your game later. If you don't perform well, you will definitely die——"

Tian Tian's face suddenly turned green when he heard this.

An Xin stroked her forehead helplessly:

"Zhutou, do you call this comfort..."

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 11 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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