
Chapter 1837 There is one more motion

? An honorary advisory meeting, basically everything from beginning to end was expected and calculated by Crow and others.

Including that they made nine motion proposals in one breath, it was precisely to limit the one-vote veto privilege that No. 1 has as the chief adviser, so that even if you have the privilege, you 001 are still facing a large number of proposals. I have to make a painful choice and can only choose one.

And they also expected that even if they made it clear in the first two motions that they coveted the intercontinental competition and the S-League, the other side could only regard it as a painful sacrifice price, gritting their teeth and suppressing the use of their privileges in the final third. On nine motion proposals.

Even the consequences of such an ending, they had already prepared all the expectations in advance——

Because the ninth motion at the end cannot be defeated easily with just one vote.


You can prevent this proposal from being passed at the meeting, which seems to temporarily save this most important interest cake.

But once the fat of the cake in the first eight motions, especially the first two, is stolen by them, it will still have a huge impact on the grand project in the ninth motion.

It's like building a house.

You kept the roof, but when I destroy all your foundations, your house is destined to collapse in the end.


All these calculations and conspiracies have been clearly laid out on the table.

If you want to protect the last motion, you have to give up the first eight proposals, and the first eight proposals can still have a huge impact on your last project; but if you choose to use a veto to protect the previous ones A certain item, then the ninth key item was going to be wasted on the spot.

An endless cycle with no solution.

And you only have one veto power once, so you can only run around and have no choice.

This is the truly sinister and vicious part of this plan——

You lose no matter what.

When Vice Chairman Martin Bode, who presided over the meeting, announced that the last motion was passed, Crow and others present had already confirmed the final choice made by No. 1 and were completely sure that this plan would be successful. A complete success.

They are even ready to stand up and celebrate with a smile on their faces, or to mercilessly ridicule and ridicule their opponents who have become losers.

Can be biased.

It was at the last moment that the meeting was about to end.

When the old man sitting at the head of the conference table made his final inquiry and confirmation to No. 1 as usual——

The legendary figure who was above all legends in the e-sports circle of the previous generation unexpectedly smiled, and then said two words calmly:

"Need not."

So everything is arranged and predicted.

With this sentence, everyone seemed to be completely disrupted in an instant.


Finally appeared.

The eyes of Martin, who was sitting at the head of the conference table, became a little dark and obscure at this moment. He looked deeply at Number One in front of him and didn't know what he was thinking.

Except for No. 5, No. 3 and others who were sitting next to No. 1, almost all the other legends from the previous generation suddenly showed an extremely rare and dull look on their faces at this moment.

What did this guy... say?

Need not?

"No!?" Arrow at the end of the conference table couldn't help but exclaimed again, with unconcealable disbelief and bewilderment in his tone: "001, you are not mistaken, this is your last chance. You don’t have the power to vote!”

This sentence also expresses the thoughts of the legends of previous generations present.

No matter how they thought about it, they never expected to hear such an answer from No. 1.

Because even if you 001 exercise your one-vote veto power on the ninth final motion, it will still be a drop in the bucket and it will be difficult to save the overall situation. But at least you can always recover a little loss, even if you use it on the first or second motion. On top of that, at least they can keep a profit pie from the intercontinental competition or the S-League.

But if you don’t even use it——

Doesn't this mean giving away everything?

This is really a loss until there is nothing left!

(Is this guy... crazy?)

For a time, almost everyone present had the same idea in their minds.

Even Martin, who was the host of the meeting, looked at No. 1 at this time and confirmed again: "Sir 001, are you sure you don't want to exercise this power of veto?"

The expression on No. 1’s face was still calm:

"Yes, Sir Martin."

"I don't exercise."

There was a bit of chill in Li Dozai's eyes, and he looked directly at No. 1 coldly and sharply:

"What the hell are you doing?"

Number 1 shrugged lightly:

"Wouldn't it be more satisfying for me if I do this?"

As he said that, he turned to look at Crow at the end of the long table and smiled: "Why, judging from your reaction, you don't seem particularly happy?"

Crow's face also darkened a little at this moment.

Although it seems that it should still be a perfect ending worthy of celebration, and there are no unexpected problems on the surface, it is 001's unexpected choice and relaxed attitude that makes people feel a certain feeling. The feeling that something is wrong.


This feeling is getting stronger.

It's like——

They missed something.

Silent without saying a word, the deep gaze in Crow's eyes began to flash on and off quickly as he recalled and thought, and when his eyes swept over, he saw the still calm smile of No. 1.

And the corners of No. 3's mouth also curved in amusement.

And you must know that not long ago, this 003 seemed to get angry and slapped the table because of the motion proposal in that document.

And number four and five.


Number two.

Suddenly Crow's eyelids twitched.

He finally discovered something else that was particularly wrong.

Having spent an entire generation competing against the five people headed by 001, he could almost be said to be familiar with each of them to the extreme. Naturally, it was impossible not to know who among these five people was. , the one with the most intense personality and the most violent temper is the one whose serial number is second only to 001.

It stands to reason that this person should definitely be the one who reacted the most violently when they encountered such a carefully planned plot today.

From beginning to end...

When the other four people more or less expressed their opinions.

This 002 never said a word.


All the thoughts only flashed through my mind in the flash of lightning, so they were also connected in series between the flash of lightning.

Crow's body, which had been sitting comfortably on the sofa chair, suddenly shook violently.

The pupils in the eyes of this European shadow crow suddenly shrank to the extreme at this moment.

He seemed to have guessed.

Hilton Hotel.

On the sofa in the room, Han Shihao stared at the English content of the browser web page displayed on the laptop screen. For the first time, the world's number one mid laner, the leader of the Four Emperors, also showed such a momentary expression. Shocking absent-mindedness.

Park Chanyeol took a deep breath and sighed:

"As expected..."

"It's 'The One'."

The answer was revealed at this moment.


Even shocking.

World Electricity Association Headquarters, conference room.

Number 1 stood up slowly and looked around at leisure, taking in the expressions on the faces of every legend of the previous generation. He finally looked at Crow, whose expression finally changed at the end of the long table, and smiled:

"I just said, don't do things too hard, you have to give people a way to survive."

"It's a pity that you don't listen."

"Then this..."

"You can't blame me for doing everything right."

After speaking, he turned to look at Martin at the head of the conference table, and bowed slightly:

"Sir Martin."

"Now that all proposals have been concluded, then——"

Under the gaze of all eyes, No. 1 took out a stack of white paper from his arms as if casually, and smiled at everyone again:

"I'm here."

"There is a motion as well."

An update is here. I had a rare weekend break and couldn't sleep, so I just finished writing another chapter to start paying off my debt.

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