
Chapter 1836 It’s not in vain

? Everything seems to have finally reached such an irreversible situation.

As the conversation between the two legendary figures of the last generation in Korean and Chinese e-sports circles comes to an end, it seems destined that the world’s e-sports circles will be shaken up by a bigger and more thrilling storm in the future, but at least at this moment— —

The end has been reached.

The old man sitting at the head of the long conference table had a rigid expression on his face again. He nodded, looked around and spoke slowly:


"Start voting."

"As for the ninth motion, those who vote against it, please raise your hands."

The right hands of the three honorary advisors No. 1, No. 5 and Bullet were raised again.

Martin nodded:

"Three votes."

Then he turned his eyes to the other side of the long table:

"Next, please raise your hands if you vote in favor."

So as expected, four honorary advisors, Lee Do-jae, M, Crow, and J, could be seen raising their right hands.

Still three votes to four.

There were still no unexpected changes, everything seemed to be destined, with a heavy and oppressive atmosphere.

Because the rules set by the World Electricity Association headquarters are to follow the rigid principle of the minority obeying the majority in the meetings of the seven-member Honorary Advisory Group, then there is no room for any other luck. Since the first motion starts on the 1st By the time they were defeated, everything in the future... would have been doomed to a complete failure.

Hilton Hotel, SSK Club room.

Park Chanyeol, who was sitting on the sofa, quickly typed on the laptop keyboard on his lap. His fingers moved quickly on the mouse touch screen and pulled up English web pages. Han Shihao next to him frowned:

"What on earth did you think of?"

"Is there anything I need to verify now?"

It’s no wonder that the world’s number one mid laner from SSK team is confused.

Because based on all the information that Park Chanyeol just told him, basically there is no possibility of any unexpected variables in the honorary advisory meeting held in the conference room of the World Electric Association office building at this moment.

They have all been plotted to death.

It can only ever be a four-to-three vote.

"At most, it's just that 'that' senior used his one-vote veto power."

Han Shihao continued to ask:

"And these are all part of the calculations of Senior Daozai and the European guy, aren't they?"

Nine motions.

Only a one-time veto.

If "that person" in the Chinese e-sports circle endured the previous eight proposals and reserved his veto power for the last proposal, then he can certainly solve the biggest trouble. Threatening, but in this way, the proposals of the other eight motions in front of him are doomed that he will no longer have the energy to solve and redeem it.

The Chinese e-sports circle will still suffer heavy losses.

They are still the two major e-sports regions in South Korea and Europe, making steady profits without losing money.

Park Chanyeol's gaze still only fell on the laptop screen in front of his knees. His eyes were unblinking and the tapping operations in his hands were still rapid, and he said:


"According to normal principles, this is indeed the case. It can be said to be foolproof."

"So even though I had a bad premonition about this from the beginning, I didn't really do anything to stop it."


"I just suddenly thought of a question."

"A question that has been ignored by me and perhaps Senior Daozai."

"Have you ever thought that during this whole process, the 'that person' in the Chinese e-sports circle didn't do nothing from the beginning to the end? Even if you put aside the veto power, he still did it. One thing.”

Han Shihao was slightly stunned, but Park Chanyeol quickly continued his words:

"That is, after he learned about the meeting in advance, he found Mr. Bullet in North America and pulled him into his camp."

Han Shihao frowned even more when he heard this:

"so what?"

"What's the problem?"

"Even so, isn't it still of no use?"


You, the Chinese e-sports circle, only have two votes in total at the honorary advisor meeting. After getting the help of Bullet, it only changed from two votes to three votes. Facing the four honorary advisors from South Korea and Europe, The voting power is still at a minority disadvantage. Even elementary school students can calculate this clearly in mathematical calculations.

Park Chanyeol answered quickly:


"But here's the rub."

"Two votes plus one vote is only three votes. It still can't get four votes."

“It’s such a simple truth that even primary school students understand, how could ‘that person’ in China not understand it?”

"Then think about it again. If you know that even if you get Mr. Bullet's vote, it will still not help the situation, then the Chinese 'that person'... why is he still wasting his efforts?"

A rhetorical question.

In such a moment, it seemed that the truth behind some shadows and fog was revealed, and it seemed that a key point was suddenly hit.

It also made an issue that almost everyone subconsciously ignored... finally be put on the table at this moment.

Han Shihao opened his mouth and found that he was speechless.

Because indeed if we follow this logic...

There is simply no reasonable explanation for this.


"There is a reasonable explanation."

Park Chanyeol hit the Enter key on the keyboard at this time, and a new web interface popped up. At the same time, he finally turned his head and looked at Han Shihao again, and slowly said:

"That is--"

“It’s not a wasted effort at all.”

In the conference room.

After a long silence, Martin, who was sitting at the head of the conference table, slowly spoke:

"Three votes to four."

"A majority of the votes are in favor."

"This motion—"


Then the old man's eyes once again looked at No. 1 sitting in the seat on the right, with the same rigid and serious tone as before:

"Sir 001."

"One last question, do you want to exercise your veto power?"

Everyone's eyes also fell on No. 1, and Crow, J and others all had faint smiles on their faces.

Because they can already foresee the next result.

The 001 in front has been patient for so long and has not used the veto power in his hand. Naturally, it can only be used on the most critical and fatal ninth motion proposal.

Of course, after this right is used, the ninth motion will be declared invalid and canceled by Vice Chairman Martin, who is the presiding officer of the meeting.

But even so, they have achieved satisfactory results through the first eight motion proposals.

Today's scene...

They were the victors.

Everyone's eyes turned to him.

Number 1 lowered his head as if he was meditating. After a long time, he opened his eyes and slowly raised his head, looked at the old man sitting at the head of the conference table, smiled, and said two words calmly:

"Need not."

The words fell.

The whole audience was suddenly shocked!

The update is here. It’s finally the third update, and it ends at a very suitable plot point. I’m very satisfied. See you tomorrow, friends.

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