
Chapter 1838 No opponent

? “During the last generation, did Senior One and the others really never lose?”

Taking the elevator upstairs to another training room, Zeng Rui couldn't help but curiously ask Lin Feng and An Xin questions while waiting to watch the match between the Assassin and Fate teams.

Tang Bingyao next to her was also aroused and looked over with curiosity.


Regarding the historical deeds of the previous generation of e-sports circles, because the time has passed so long, it is difficult to verify many things in detail, leaving only legends that seem to be unreal.

Although Zeng Rui and Tang Bingyao already have a very clear understanding of the legendary status of their seniors in the world's professional e-sports circles in the past generation, and they also know more or less the deeds of these seniors, but after all, those things are unknown. It seems too illusory and unreal.

A rare opponent who dominates an entire generation?

Absolute domination for an entire generation?

You must know that in today's new era, even the SSK team, which is recognized as the strongest in the world, is not always invincible, nor is it without defeat.

And compared with now, the top legendary powerhouses that existed in that generation were far more numerous and stronger.

If we really want to say it, in the current new generation, there are probably only those four emperors who could be on the stage in the previous generation, but the number of top powerhouses of this level must have at least doubled.

In that case, it would definitely be several times more difficult to be invincible vertically and horizontally than it is now.

Lin Feng touched his nose when he heard this:


"That's pretty much it."

This is a definite answer.

Zeng Rui couldn't help but gasped: "But... how did you do it?"

Because based on pure analysis of paper strength, even if the strength of several seniors can stand at the top of the pyramid, it is like those other opponents back then, whether it is South Korea's Lee Do-jae and M, or Europe's Crow and J. , or Bullet in North America, their respective strengths are absolutely not inferior at all, and they are both legendary beings who were enshrined as gods in the previous generation.

He is by no means an ordinary character who can be defeated easily.

not to mention……

You've never lost before?

An Xin, who was next to him, smiled and answered: "That's true. In terms of average or personal strength, seniors No. 3, 4, and No. 2 or Sister Xiaowu all have their own abilities that are nothing compared to them. They are equally matched rivals - J vs. Senior No. 3, Ghost vs. Senior No. 4, or Bullet vs. Sister Xiaowu. It is difficult to easily tell the difference. "


The girl who said this paused slightly, then finished her words with a smile:

"The key to the core."

"It's on Senior No. 1."

Lin Feng nodded:


"Several other seniors may have rivals of similar strength."

"But if Senior No. 1 is here..."

"There is no opponent."


In fact, in the concept of professional e-sports circles, there has never been a truly invincible player. No matter how strong you are, there will always be someone who can restrain you or be on par with you.

For example, Nian Shisan, who is the top seven-level jungler in Taiwan, has Mafa, who is the world's top jungler who can stand alongside him but has a completely opposite playing style, as his opponent.

Another example is the ADC who is as strong as Huangxue Yege. His personal offensive ability in lane is unrivaled in the professional e-sports circles around the world, but SSK's Ray is even better than him in terms of team fighting ability, and even as a player. North American rookies are also gradually catching up.

Or perhaps Tian Tian's top laner is even better than North America's No. 1 Seven, but when it comes to SSK's Wolf, it's hard to get any advantage.

As for the world's top mid laners today, the competition between the Seven Kings and the Four Emperors is also extremely fierce.

Even Han Shihao, who is the number one mid laner in the world——

Before the leader of the Four Emperors truly takes the final step to break through, he can never claim to be truly invincible.

As for the previous generation, the situation was almost the same.

But only number one.

It is a truly unique existence.

You might say that there was Lee Do-jae in Korea back then, and there was Crow in Europe, who was known as the Shadow Crow. They were also god-level beings with terrifying and unpredictable strength.

But even these two people have never been able to pose a real fatal threat to No. 1.

"Whether it's personal operational strength or the overall planning and command of the layout."

An Xin answered:

"Senior No. 1 was one level ahead of everyone else in the year."

"If we divide the echelons, all other so-called 'god-level' people can only be ranked in the second echelon."

"In the first echelon, there is only one member, Senior No. 1."

Lin Feng touched his chin:

"Speaking of -"

"Back then, Sister Xiao Wu and Senior No. 3 seemed to have said that in terms of personal operation ability alone, senior Lee Do-jae from South Korea could barely catch up with senior No. 1. In fact, Crow from Europe should have been about the same, but the third Senior No. 1 said, 'That crow is too fond of conspiracy and calculation, but he is actually trying to make ends meet, which makes him even worse.' Therefore, Senior No. 1's evaluation here is not even as good as that of senior Lee Do-jae."

An Xin nodded and smiled slightly:

"Most people may only remember Senior No. 1's amazing personal performance on the court. They felt that they were completely unable to compete with him head-on, so they tried to find ways to win in other ways."

"But actually they all ignored one thing -"

"Senior No. 1 is also number one in his calculations and plans."

"I also have a motion here."

Number 1 in the conference room stood up calmly, holding another pile of documents and papers in his hand and spoke in an understatement, and then casually threw the pile of documents and materials on the conference table:

"Everyone, you might as well take a look first."

Then he turned around and looked at Martin at the head of the conference table again, smiling:

"Your Mightiness."

"This method...should be in line with the rules, right?"

The figure stood calmly among the eyes of everyone, with an indescribable detached temperament.

M, who was sitting opposite, stared blankly at the figure.

In a daze...

It was as if the flashbacks were fragments of memories.


It seems to be the same scene.

The man in front of him was chatting and laughing, calmly and casually defeating all of them easily and devastatingly.

At this moment.

Just like before.

M took a breath to calm down his thoughts, then reached out and took a document from the desk, turning the pages.

The same is the translation language of three texts.

The writing on the paper still smells faintly of printing ink.

And the first line of text comes into view.

This directly caused the figure of this strong man, who was tied with Li Dozai to be the two top legends in Korea in the previous generation, to shake suddenly, and then he suddenly raised his head and looked at the still standing figure with disbelief in his eyes:

This, this is——

The update is here. The next chapter should be around 10 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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