
Chapter 1810 The Benefits of Flexibility

? Basically, God’s side is really difficult to defend against ganks like the Purple Side SSK team.

After all, Olaf's roaming ability and flexibility cannot keep up with Nightmare. As long as the latter activates his ultimate move, he can fly within half the map. In addition, the Ice Archer's ultimate move controls and retains people, but Any online hero on the blue side who does not have the summoner skill [Flash] in hand will almost be caught and die.

So after accepting the head of the God team's assistant Thresh, Ray's ADC Ice has also started to develop.

The battle in the bottom lane in the early stage was extremely fierce, and the ADC heroes of both sides were very different in terms of CS and economic equipment. But as the previous wave of dragon team battles ended, and then this wave of kills, Ashe's equipment was slowly replacing him. Obama's development widened the gap.

More importantly, Obama is only at his strongest during this period, and will start to decline slightly from now on.

But Ashe is different.

Not to mention that the ultimate move "Magic Crystal Arrow" has extremely strong functionality in the lineup of the Purple Legion. It can produce an excellent wave of hard control effect with both hands and backhands, and in the mid-to-late stage, the ice shooter opens Q The ability to stand and output or to hunt down people will become increasingly unstoppable.

ADC Hanbing, who didn't have many amazing performances in the early and mid-term, is now becoming a huge threat to the blue God team little by little.

But even if they are clearly aware of this situation, Team God is still powerless to deal with it now.

However, when the opponent's jungler Nightmare roamed the top lane and ganked, God on the blue side was not idle either.

Dawnstar's mid laner Syndra wandered off the bottom lane.

Cooperate with your own top laner Gnar to capture the opponent's purple top laner Eye of Twilight.

Even if you don't pay attention to the fact that this weapon's equipment is based on a single belt route and is slightly less tanky and tanky, the burst damage of Syndra's own development equipment is enough to be terrifying alone.

Q skill "Dark Sphere" detonates.

The "driving telekinesis" of the W skill throws the magic ball and knocks down the slowing controller.

E skill "The Weak Retreat" knocks back the stunned target Shen.

[Ignite] Hang up and receive the "Energy Pour" of the last ultimate move.

It’s just a very conventional combo.

In an instant, an Eye of Twilight with more than half a health bar was killed and taken away. The terrifying burst of damage made people's eyes twitch.


Syndra's damage is quite considerable.

As long as the operation is used properly, even in the current situation of gradually falling into a passive disadvantage, the blue army still retains a strong combat capability.

On the top and bottom lanes, the wave of gank roaming launched by the blue and purple sides each yielded results.

It seems that they are evenly matched.

But the problem is that when Dawnstar's Syndra wanders to the bottom lane, the purple Time Assassin on the opposite side of the middle lane seems to have become an existence that no one can control.

It was easy to push the line alone and take down the first defensive tower in the middle of the blue side. The mid laner Ike, controlled by Han Shihao, took advantage of this time to directly push the line in front of the second tower in the middle of the God team.

On the blue team's God team, jungler Olaf, controlled by Ten Swords, came over to close the line and defend the tower. However, the flying ax of the Q skill "Countercurrent Throw" had just been thrown towards the line of soldiers not far away. Seconds later, the opponent's mid laner Ekko suddenly appeared like a ghost.


It was a system female voice's kill announcement that suddenly echoed from the middle route of Summoner's Rift:

"An-enemy-has-been-(an enemy hero has been killed)."

Single kill!

And it’s so fast that it’s almost dizzying to watch!

The entire training room was once again in an uproar, and the next announcement followed by the female voice of the system came:

"Unstopable (a hero is unstoppable)!"

It was not until this moment that everyone suddenly realized that the purple side mid laner Ekko at this time actually had a killing streak that was close to the super god.


A solo kill of Syndra in the middle, a wave of four kills by Xiaolong in a team battle, plus this time a solo kill of Olaf over the tower.

It turned out that in the early stage, the mid lane was targeted by the opponent blue team God team. After being killed twice, the SSK team, the world's number one mid laner and leader of the four emperors, never died even once.

And just like this, quietly, he once again reached a level of development that was almost unparalleled in the field.

The Time Assassin with this kind of performance data, with a set of high-level equipment in hand, has a burst damage that is even better than Syndra's, but most people's impressions still only remain in the earliest laning stage. When Ke was targeted infinitely, he was not able to realize clearly and intuitively that the current time assassin had quickly grown into a terrifying Boss.

On God's side, as the jungler Olaf, Shijian also made the same habitual cognitive error.

It was not possible to calculate the damage done to Ekko on the opposite side.

A lax and careless one.

In an instant, he paid a heavy price of his own life.


The voice channel in the team sounded the self-examination voice of Shi Jian with great regret.

The expression on Dawn Morning Star's face remained unchanged, but the look in her eyes became more solemn:


"Get ready for a group hug."

Knowing that continuing like this will only serve the opponent's will, allowing the opponent to constantly look for opportunities to defeat them one by one, the blue team God team on the field quickly chose a wave of massing in the middle under the command of captain Dawn Morning Star.

In this way, the risk of being caught by the opponent's jungler nightmare is indeed avoided.


The problem has not been completely solved.

"SSK's lineup is more flexible than that."

Off the court, a coach from a North American division team shook his head and commented like this.


When the opponent's God team on the blue side chose to gather in the middle to form a team, the SSK team on the purple side also quickly made adjustments.

The bottom duo and jungler quickly came to the middle to defend.

Ike and Eye of Twilight went to the upper and lower lanes respectively to start dividing the bands.

The one-three-one formation was pulled out directly.

This is precisely the most comfortable rhythm for the purple side army at present. Whether it is Shen or Ekko, their respective development conditions are enough for them to have strong personal combat capabilities when splitting in single lanes. Basically, as long as they are not against the Dawn Star The mid laner Syndra, then no matter who else on the blue side defends, they can't stop the two top laners and mid laners of SSK from pushing the lane and demolishing the tower.

Beware of big moves.

Ike has teleportation.

And he can come back to the middle to support him at any time.

And aside from the tower-pushing ability of Eye of Twilight, which is a single-band item, Ekko's tower-pushing speed is definitely even more exaggerated.

At this time, the time assassin can almost knock out nearly one-fifth of the health of the defense tower with just one E skill "Phase Dive". Without interference, it can take almost two waves of soldiers to knock out the HP. A defensive tower was forcibly demolished.

In the middle, Ashe, Bullhead and Nightmare only need to delay for a little longer, so that their two teammates can quickly pick up the rhythm of pushing towers in the upper and lower lanes.

The God team on the blue side can't easily assign people to defend the side, especially if Syndra walks away, the opponent will directly launch a wave of counterattacks without any suspense - Nightmare and Ashe's ultimate moves are both It is a weapon that can be used to force the enemy first. As soon as it is opened, Shen and Ike will quickly come back to provide support.

The situation seems to have become more precarious for the God team.

In the front row of the crowd, Lin Feng narrowed his eyes:

"The situation is similar to last night."

Nian Shisan nodded:

"But it's more troublesome than last night."

An update is here. The next chapter will be after twelve o'clock. I suggest you get up and read it tomorrow morning.

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