
Chapter 1809 There is still one chance

? What An Xin said was not wrong.

The team battle just before the Xiaolong Gorge in the river was thrilling and full of ups and downs. The two sides killed each other countless times just by using the carbine routine. In the end, the surviving heroes on both sides only had the health bars on their heads. There is only a slight difference between life and death.

The slightest difference in blood volume often means there is an element of luck involved.

For example, if Han Shihao's mid laner Ekko's ultimate R-return on the purple side had entered the stage just half a beat later, or if Obama and Olaf on the blue side's God team could have done a little more damage, Even if Thresh can add another basic attack with A——

Then maybe one or two more people on the purple side will die.

Just like just now, if Nightmare or Shen were killed first, then Dawnstar's mid laner Syndra would not be forcibly taken away, and would even have the opportunity to wait until her new skill CD is cooled down to continue. fighting.

Of course, you can also say that this is Han Shihao's top-notch judgment and grasping ability as the world's number one mid laner, so he can accurately calculate the best time to enter the field at that moment.

But at least the damage done by the heroes on the blue side is slightly different, which means they are really unlucky and unlucky.

A little better luck...

The ending may be much better.

"The ending is already like this. There is no point in talking about luck at this time."

However, someone shook his head at this comment from the childhood sweetheart girl beside him.


E-sports values ​​the results rather than the process. You may be able to find 10,000 excuses after the game and explain them to the sky, making everyone believe that you were just a little bit lucky at the time——

But the result is already in front of you, and nothing you say can change it.

In response to someone's rebuttal and denial, the girl didn't show any anger, she just nodded slightly:


"Then let's not talk about luck."

"Looking at the facts, as of now, if we say it's going to collapse... it's still too early.


Lin Feng frowned slightly and looked at the OB screen on the spectator screen. After a while, he slowly nodded:


"There is indeed a small chance."

It stands to reason that the God team of the blue side chose such a tactical system focusing on the middle, which had a certain effect in the early stage. However, in the river dragon team battle just now, when the opponent's purple side's middle After Shan Ike got a wave of divine four kills that shocked the audience under the operation of Han Shihao, the targeted effects of this tactical system were basically wiped out.

You worked hard to target the mid laner, and the jungler and support came to the middle and ganked several times, using countless skills, and finally managed to kill Ekko twice.

As a result, now they have four kills in a team fight and take off directly. How can they continue to target this?


To be fair, aside from the fact that Ekko's quadruple kills made a lot of money, even if the God team's tactical system suffered a serious failure in this part, at least the other part was still successful.

Because this tactical system has two purposes, one is to target the opponent's mid lane, and the other is to fatten up one's own mid laner.

The former plan fell through.

But the latter, Syndra, the mid laner of Dawnstar, has always been extremely smooth in terms of development.

Even after such a wave of team battles, even if his team was wiped out, at least Syndra got two kills before she died. The current record data is 4/2/1, which is still the same. Being able to help the team hold up the sky in such a situation where it seems like the building is about to collapse.

"And there's a more important point -"

Nian Shisan narrowed his eyes, and the light in his eyes flickered:

"That means Obama and Olaf's strong period has not passed yet."

"And... about five to eight minutes."

"So at this stage, God's side is still worthy of a head-on fight."

"We can still play next. As long as we can find another opportunity to attack the opponent before 30 minutes and get the rhythm back, we will still have a chance."

indeed so.

But Nian Thirteen's words have not been finished yet, that is, if this match is delayed until thirty minutes later...then the God team of the blue army will have no hope of winning at all.

in addition--

There is also a rather fatal problem:

When you hope to continue to fight with your opponent head-on in a team fight, it will be impossible for your opponent to grant your wish easily.

"Purple side itself is a flexible distribution lineup."

For everyone in the LPL division, Fu Ming, the head coach of Kuaishui Club, sighed: "Originally, Shen was the only one who could divide the belt, but now Ekko can do the same. Coupled with the full map support of Nightmare's ultimate move, SSK only needs to fight Flexible division of lines and small-scale grouping can make the next period of time pass smoothly. ”

There is even worse news for the God team on the blue side.

That is, after the wave of team battles just now, they and their opponents have almost mastered all summoner skills. Under such circumstances, their opponents Shen and Nightmare's global support roaming and catching routines can be used more easily.

So at this moment, Team Leader Zhang, the leader of the God Club, also had a sinking look on his face. After a long while, he slowly spoke:


"It all depends on their own performance."

It is worth mentioning that after the previous battle, the second earth dragon finally fell into the hands of the purple side SSK team.

This is another big blow to the God team on the blue side.

After all, if they could capture the second earth dragon just now, even if they lose the team battle, the God team with the two earth dragon buffs in hand can still take the initiative in some aspects, such as pushing towers, and such as Look for opportunities to grab the baron directly.

But now...

Everything can only return to normal.

Starting from 20 minutes into the game, the rhythm initiative on the court slowly fell into the hands of the purple side.

Although the blue side still has strong combat effectiveness in head-on teamfighting, it is impossible for the SSK team on the purple side to give the former a chance to head-on teamfighting at this time. Everyone has returned to the regular three-way laning rhythm.

At this time, we can also see the calm mentality and quality of the God team as a veteran top team. Even if they suffered a wave of Waterloo-like defeats just now, the players in each position still seemed not to be affected too much, and the laning rhythm remained the same. It was stable, and the control of eye position and vision in the jungle was even tighter than in the previous twenty minutes.


Even so.

Still couldn't resist the seemingly pervasive and flexible attack from the opponent.

22nd minute of game time.

Mafa’s Jungle Nightmare roams the gank on the road.

In fact, Huangxue Yege and his auxiliary teammates, who had already noticed the opponent's movement, reacted quickly and directly chose to abandon the line of troops and retreat. However, the ADC Ice Marksman under the control of Ray on the opposite side directly used the ultimate move "Magic Crystal Arrow". Just drove over.

The shot hit Thresh with perfect accuracy.

The nightmare came in an instant.

Obama was forced to abandon his teammates and retreat.

Let Ashe take the Thresh head.

In the crowd watching the game off the court, everyone in the LPL division couldn't help but sigh in annoyance:

The development of AD on the opposite side has also begun.

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 9 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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