
Chapter 1811 Still have to go

? A similar situation did occur during last night’s simulated training confrontation.

The blue side has fallen into a passive disadvantageous situation, withstanding the pressure of the opponent's tower push and troop line. If they don't do something, they will have to watch their own defense towers and even high ground being slowly and slowly worn down by the opponent without bloodshed. Lose.

But just as Nian Shisan said, the situation faced by the God team of the blue side on the field at this moment is more troublesome than last night's simulated training.

Because now both the upper and lower lanes are being pushed away from the tower.

Moreover, the development of Shen and Ekko is so strong that it is almost impossible to defend them alone.

Even in the middle, because the three heroes of Purple Fang Ashe, Bullhead and Nightmare are delaying the defense, it is very difficult to force a frontal attack - the counterattack capabilities of these heroes are too strong.

Ashe has a big move.

Niutou's backhand control ability ranks among the top three or even first among all auxiliary heroes.

Nightmare only needs one ultimate move to turn off the lights and cover the retreat of his teammates.

On the other hand, the lineup selected by the Blue Army itself lacks sufficient proactive ability to force open. In the last wave of dragon team battles, it relied on Dawnstar's mid laner Syndra to flash the QE second company. The team started, but now that Syndra's summoner skill [Flash] is still on CD, it will be difficult to use the powerful method just now.

"It would be much better if it was Ryze..."

Zeng Rui couldn't help but whispered.

When he said this, he also looked around carefully and deliberately lowered his voice.

Because Rune Mage Ryze, the mid-hand midfielder, has been confirmed as the God team and even Dawnstar's ace in the box after their simulated training confrontation last night, so he must not let it out casually.



If the mid laner on the blue side of the field is Ryze at this time, then use the ability of Dawn Star to maximize the characteristics of Rune Mage's ultimate move, and find an opportunity to directly use "Warping Realm Warp" to force it frontally, and the effect will be absolutely Much better than Syndra waiting for Flash.

However, as I said, it is the bottom of the box after all, so it is naturally impossible to use it in such an ordinary training competition.

"Maybe a vampire and an ice maiden would be good too——"

Even thinking about Thirteen, I sighed.

Ice Girl's ability to initiate a strong attack is equally strong, and if it is a vampire, her ability to start a team is a little worse, but at least she is a boss hero in the late stage, and can perfectly complement the lineup curve of the blue God team.

Anyway, it seems that she is more reliable than Syndra.

"It's too greedy to say this." An Xin looked at Nian Shisan and Zeng Rui with a smile: "If it weren't for Syndra, the blue side might not be able to achieve that kind of laning effect in the early stage, right? ?"

indeed so.

To put it bluntly, every hero has their own strengths and weaknesses, and their respective periods of strength are also different.

If you choose Vampire and Ice Lady, you can indeed solve the current problems in the mid-to-late stages. However, when these two heroes are placed in the early laning, it is impossible to perfectly coordinate with the jungler Olaf like Syndra to target them. Ike's effect.

It just depends on how to choose.

The lineup put out by the blue side God team is an absolutely violent early and mid-term tactical system. It is only because it failed to achieve the expected results that it fell into the current deadlock.


When faced with a deadlock, one must always try to break it.

"We still have to find opportunities in the middle to force the attack."

Lin Feng opened his mouth and gave his final conclusion.

There is no doubt that the blue team God team members on the field are very aware of the urgency of time and understand that they must find ways to start the team battle in the middle as soon as possible.

But time passed by minute by second, and the only gain for the blue side army was to destroy the opponent's purple side's middle defense tower. Other than that, there was nothing more.

At the same time, the opponent SSK team's Wolf's top laner Twilight Eyes and Han Shihao's mid laner Ekko have successfully pushed their troops in front of the blue side's upper and lower defense towers.

The health bars of the two defensive towers were reduced to less than half. Even Ekko's movement speed in the bottom lane was even faster, and he saw that the second tower in the bottom lane was about to be pulled out.

But here in the middle, it just can’t be opened.

Forced to have no choice but to retreat, the blue side God team can only choose to stop and retreat, because they cannot afford to change towers in this kind of confrontation. If they continue to push the middle lane, if they destroy one second tower, they will lose two second towers, and they will even be threatened. When I got to the high ground, I was completely exhausted.

So you can see the five people on the blue side retreating quickly, Gnar hurried back to the top lane to collect the line, and Obama also hurried to the bottom lane with his auxiliary teammate Thresh.

It is equivalent to saying that the rhythm has been dragged down by the SSK team again.

Even by the time the blue side's duo arrived at the bottom lane, the second tower had already been demolished by Ike.

SSK is still making some small profits from this stalemate and delaying situation.

"time is limited."

In the front row of the crowd, Spoon spoke slowly.

Phoenix, who was standing next to him, looked at the upper right corner of the OB screen on the electronic viewing screen and saw that the game time had slowly come to the 25th minute:

"five minutes."

"Five minutes at most."

In the corridor outside the training room, Mo Sheng was also analyzing and communicating with Su Xue beside her in a low voice:

"Only one last chance."

"This little time is just enough for God to find another chance and have a head-on fight with SSK."

"Look at the opponent's purple ADC Ashe's three-piece set, which is about to take shape. By the time Ashe's third piece of Infinity is made, even if they fight head-on, God's side will have almost no chance of winning."

Su Xue was very anxious:

"Hey, hurry up then!"

"Just hurry up and find an opportunity to have another wave with the opponent!"

The third little dragon that will be refreshed is of wind attribute.

Basically, it doesn't have much strategic value, so it's not enough to be a bait for the blue God team to force their opponents to take over.

So at this time...

There is only one remaining method to force the group.

The game lasted 25 minutes and 40 seconds. When the three lines of soldiers were finally cleared and pushed out, except for Gnar, who continued to lead the line in the bottom lane after the summoner skill [Teleport] was cooled down, the other four members of the blue side's God team were almost very fast. He rushed towards the river Dalong Gorge.

There isn't much time left.

The last chance.


We must force the group in Dalong!

If the opponent doesn't pick up this wave, then the blue side will still have enough fighting chips to advance as a group after taking down the baron. And if the opponent picks up - it will be a key team battle that ultimately determines the outcome. .

Soon you can see that several blue side heroes are already in position in front of the Dalongfjord in the river, and their eye positions are quickly arranged. Even at this time, the purple side SSK team is still only Niutou, Nightmare and Ashe. The three of them rushed this way.

The remaining Ike and Shen continued their original operation of dividing the zone and pushing down the tower unhurriedly.

"My heart is really big..."

Many players and players in the crowd watching the game subconsciously took a breath of cold air.

Everyone is already dominated by Baron, but you still have the leisure to play solo on the wing?

"But that's what I have confidence in."

Others also came out to explain:

"If they really want to open up, Shen and Ekko can teleport or come back with ultimate support at any time. Otherwise, Ashe has the E skill to detect vision, as well as blue jewelry insight, and the Minotaur Nightmare also has a bunch of eyes, which is enough for them. Keep stalling for time.”

"Just keep holding off for another half minute and a minute—"

“Both the up and down routes, you can go directly to the high ground!”

The update is here, the next chapter will be around ten o'clock, and I'm still working overtime quietly at the company.

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