
Chapter 1798 2 Earth Dragons

? As a Korean foreign player hired by the KG club with a lot of money and high technology, head coach Tony’s professional level is definitely among the top in the circle. When it comes to his familiarity with the Korean LCK teams and even the SSK team, the entire LPL Among the coaches from various teams and clubs in the division, he is well deserved to be ranked number one.

So when these words came out of his mouth at this moment, he almost immediately received nods of approval from the coaches and team leaders of the other two clubs around Hayami and God, and perhaps a group of second teams and substitute players from various teams in the LPL division. They haven't fully understood it yet, but the main players like KG and Hayami have also suddenly woken up.

"That's true!"

Old C, one of KG’s main junglers, slapped his forehead hard:

"Damn, don't talk about Ten Swords. Now I'm looking at myself being replaced by Olaf. I think about continuing to roam online and gank to look for opportunities. I feel like I don't know which way to go."

There was a hint of sadness in his tone.


As the main jungler of KG's first team, Lao C's personal strength level is not inferior to that of God's jungler Shi Jian. What's more, now that he is watching the game off the court, he can see the OB screen from God's perspective. See the big picture.

But even so, if he tried to take the position of Olaf, the blue side jungler on the field, it would be extremely difficult to find any suitable opportunities, let alone the ten swords in the game.

"It's hard for Gnar to be of much use now."

At this time, Tian Tian also frowned and looked at the OB screen on the viewing screen. After changing the lane to the bottom lane, the top lane heroes of the blue and purple sides still continued to line up solo. Originally, Gnar was supposed to suppress the Twilight in the lane. The eye is right, but the early single kills directly and seriously affected Gnar's laning situation, and more importantly -

"Wolf's Shen has started making single-strap outfits."

This one-strap outfit is the essence.

Originally, a hero like Shen, if you take into account that it is difficult to get an advantage from Gnar in the early laning, and the single-band ability under normal circumstances is not as good as that of Nash's Fang, then the equipment will be more focused on team battles. functional contribution.

But because Wolf had already achieved a wave of solo kills online in the early stage, his Eye of Twilight was able to suppress Gnar in the lane. Then the main top laner of SSK immediately followed the lead and adjusted his equipment route. , directly changed to a single-belt style path.

This means that in the next laning period, Shen's suppression will become stronger and stronger, and Gnar, as the passive disadvantaged side, will only become more and more uncomfortable.

Who said Shen didn't do any harm?

At this moment, Tiamat has the Eye of Twilight in hand and is waiting to make the giant Hydra. Not to mention the damage that Gnar can't handle, if the former is given the opportunity to show up and catch God's side, Huang Xueye Song's ADC Obama, it is estimated that a set of bursts in the blink of an eye can drain most of the health bar in a second.

"It seems that there is nothing more that can be done in Star King's middle lane for the time being."

Yao Gui, KG's main mid laner, couldn't help but murmured.

Dawnstar in the front and middle used his own Syndra to put strong pressure on the opponent, attracting the opponent's jungler's attention and successfully created a wave of gank conditions for teammate Olaf.

But now——

The SSK team, which had suffered a loss, had already laid out its entire field of vision.

In the middle road alone, on the rivers on the left and right sides, there are real eyes inserted by the purple square army. The entire field of vision is clearly and unmistakably under the control of the SSK team. At this moment, if Syndra of the Dawn Star still dares If he continues to act pretentious, Mafa's jungle nightmare will never be polite to him, and will directly use his ultimate move. Then it will be Syndra's fault.

"God actually has no advantage now."

Fu Ming, the head coach of Kuaisui Club, also spoke slowly and solemnly, his eyes falling on the small map on the OB screen of the viewing screen:

"Olav did a good job catching the wave of ganks in the bottom lane just now."

"But although the heads have been regained...but in terms of vision, SSK's purple side still wants to take control."


Under the OB screen from the God's perspective, through the mini map, the vision control situation of the blue and purple armies on the field can be clearly seen.

Roughly the same.

However, the SSK team on the purple side still occupies three-fifths of the vision control of the entire map, which means that the upper and lower rivers are basically under SSK's control.

Once the opponent's vision is taken over, God's roaming ganks will be greatly restricted.

"So, don't be happy too early."

Shi Hang shook his head:

"It just neutralized the opponent's strong attack point in the early stage."

"It doesn't mean that... God has already found a way to win, okay?"

Such words also made the players and players from the three LPL divisions unable to help but feel a little anxious:

"What should we do?"

"Are you just dragging me down with the other side?"

"It definitely won't work. The opponent wants to hold us back. By the late stage, Obama and Olaf on our side are exhausted. Their lineup is stronger than us in the late stage."

For God, nature cannot be delayed.

Even if you can't find a suitable opportunity to take action for a while, you still have to keep trying to find it.

In the front row of the crowd, Lin Feng narrowed his eyes:

"Wait for the second little dragon."

Next to him, Nian Shisan nodded decisively in agreement without hesitation:


"It's the second little dragon."

"This is a critical point. We must force the opponent to fight."

It seems that they also know the importance of this training match, so the system is quite generous, and the attributes of the dragons in this training match are also refreshed quite powerfully.

The first earth dragon.

Article 2...

Another earth dragon.

At this time, the spectators and players from various clubs off the field also discovered this, and immediately woke up and realized that the next wave of dragon team battles would be a key point in breaking the current stalemate.

Because if the first earth dragon, the purple side SSK team took the initiative to give it up in order to avoid the strong period of the God team, then if they brush two earth dragons in succession, the second one will not be given up easily.

The superimposed buffs of the two earth dragons greatly improve the efficiency of destroying towers and taking dragons. It can completely help God, a strong lineup in the early and mid-term, to further forcibly increase the snowball of advantages——

If God is allowed to find an opportunity to quickly open the baron after 20 minutes by relying on the two earth dragon buffs he got, SSK will not be willing to accept such a result casually, even if SSK's lineup is still strong.

But in fact, the time point refreshed by the second earth dragon is still the time when the blue side of the God team is the strongest. If they fight head-on, SSK will suffer.

So it seems that this can only be blamed on SSK's bad luck. If the second dragon that is refreshed is a wind, water, or even a fire dragon, they can consider reluctantly giving up another hand.

But it just happened that there were two earth dragons connected together.

It really pushed SSK into a situation where it had to fight.

"If we capture the second earth dragon, God will really have an advantage -"

The spectators and players from various clubs off the court were talking a lot.

But there are also a few players with higher abilities and vision who shake their heads in denial:


"Getting the dragon is not the key."

"This wave of opportunities...if God seizes them, he must produce more things."

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 11 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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