
Chapter 1797 Where to start?

? Replace the outer tower on the road with the outer tower on the road.

You can get another earth dragon on the bottom lane.

From a pure perspective of gains, this wave of exchanges can only be said to be a small profit for the blue side's God team.

But in fact……

If the evaluation is considered from the comprehensive perspective of the entire battle situation, then it should actually be as evaluated by Nian Shisan——

"Blood profit".

Because you must know that in terms of lineup, the lineup system that the purple side SSK team came up with was originally weak before level 6 in the early stage, and started to exert its first wave of strength after level 6.

When my level was low in the early stage, my three lanes including the jungle were naturally not as strong as your blue side.

But after level six, Shen has a big move, and Nightmare has a big move. What these two points can do and what they can do is exponentially increase almost instantly.

The two ultimate moves in the first wave can almost guarantee a 100% kill success rate no matter which way you choose to use them.

And after the two heroes on the opposite side reach level six, the God team on the blue side will also start to throw rat weapons no matter whether they are laning or jungle ganking.

The initiative will slowly be taken away by the SSK team.

Therefore, theoretically speaking, after 10 minutes of game time, it was supposed to be the first period of strength for the purple side SSK team. It was the blue side God team that needed to start switching from offensive to defensive and gradually resist the pressure. of.

But now...

This is not the case at all!

Your nightmare ult flew twice, and you did get some gains, but my jungler Olaf has also never been idle. Every time I take a shot, I get rich results that are not inferior to yours.

Everyone fought evenly. In terms of economy, number of heads, and number of towers, I was not far behind you at all. I even got one more earth dragon than you.

In addition, your top laner's Eye of Twilight ultimate move never found a chance to activate.

The mid laner Ekko was also tightly constrained in the middle, unable to find anything else to do other than eat the lane and develop.

During your period of strength,

The pace of economic development between you and me is stable and consistent.

This is of course my victory.

"God's response is really perfect."

"It's not just about individual ability, it's really about maximizing their team's coordination ability!"

Among the spectators from various e-sports media outlets in the corridors, you can still hear the eloquent analysis of Coby, the former European professional analyst, and his unstinting praise for God’s Hand:

"Contain one-on-one control in the middle lane, let go in the top lane, focus on the bottom lane, and then constantly swap defense towers and resources."

"A time period when the SSK team should have gotten more things, was forced by the hand of God into a 50-50 rhythm."

"It can be said that the God team perfectly resolved the first wave of fierce attacks from SSK that they were supposed to face in the early stage of this round!"

"Nightmare and Shen didn't do much more at this stage of about 10 minutes, then Olaf, Syndra and Obama will start their strong period in the next three points."

"what does that mean?"

"It means not only the first six minutes of the game, but now the God team has also seized the rhythm initiative in the middle of the game!"

"If SSK wants to find another opportunity, theoretically, it can only wait until 25 or even 30 minutes later!"


As long as you are a professional with enough strength and vision, you can basically predict the rhythm of the next battle when the lineups of both sides are revealed——

About eight minutes before level 6, the blue side is strong.

After level 6, the purple side's full-map support lineup will be in full force.

After 15-20 minutes, the blue side's mid laner, AD, and jungler entered their strongest stage.

It wasn't until the later part of the 30 minutes, when the opponent gradually became weak, that the purple side's lineup would once again usher in their second breaking point.

but now--

Because of the perfect operation of the blue side God team, it directly eliminated the opponent's first power point after level 6, which is equivalent to saying that the entire early and mid-term game rhythm is completely controlled by them!

For a moment, the people watching the battle began to get excited again.

However, in the training room and in the front row of the crowd, there were still a few people who did not follow the crowd.

Spoon and Phoenix stopped talking and began to look at the game OB screen from a God's perspective more seriously.

Moon glanced at Autumn.

The latter's eyes flickered brightly and then he slowly shook his head.

"not enough."

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and said.

After the two sides made a wave of swaps between the top lane and the bottom lane, after the blue team's God team took down the first earth dragon, the rhythm of the battle unexpectedly slowed down again.

It's just that the bottom lane duo of both sides changed their lanes to the top lane at the same time, and the top lane heroes on both sides came to the bottom lane and continued to play solo.

The middle lane is still a stalemate between Syndra and Ekko.

Even the jungle heroes of both sides, Olaf and Nightmare, seemed to have temporarily decided to stop and returned to their respective jungle areas to start a round of jungle development.

One minute.

Two minutes.

three minutes.

When the game time has reached the 15th minute, the three lanes of Summoner's Rift have been extremely harmonious and stable in the past period, and no fighting has broken out.

This made people who had just begun to look forward to the Houxi rhythm of this game with excitement couldn't help but feel a little dazed:


The first ten minutes were so intense and back and forth.

Why all of a sudden, it seems like the fight started to develop again after shaking hands?

It’s different from what I imagined!

"SSK has no problem playing like this now."

On the LPL side of the crowd, KG's Korean head coach Tony spoke seriously and explained the analysis to the LPL players around him. The translator was helping to explain and translate quickly:

"Coach Tony said that SSK's lineup originally had two power points. God's early handling was very good and eliminated the threat of the opponent's first power. Then SSK needs to wait patiently for opportunities. If After being able to steadily delay the time to 25 to 30 minutes, the effect of God's C positions will gradually weaken, and SSK can easily regain the initiative. "

"So now SSK only needs to drag, and heroes like Shen and Nightmare are more suitable for backhand."


Everyone in the LPL paused for a moment when Coach Tony said this, and the expression on his face became more serious before continuing to speak. The translator next to him also followed up in time:

"However, God has not taken any further action now, which is actually a bit troublesome."

"They should take action at this time."

"But the problem is-"

“Now they don’t know where to start further.”

Here is the update, there should be the third update today, but it will be very late, everyone will get up and watch it tomorrow morning.

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