
Chapter 1796 Making a feint to the east and attacking in the west

? If we really just separate each position and compare the two teams currently playing on the field, then there is no doubt that the God team is not enough.

In addition to the two C positions of mid laner and AD, Dawn Morning Star and Huangxue Yege can compete with Han Shihao and Mafa of the opposite SSK team, and the remaining top laners, junglers, and assistants, God's main first-team players, all have to compete with each other. More than inferior to the other three members of the SSK team.

But as the No. 1 seed team in the LPL division, and even a top team whose comprehensive strength can rank among the top three in the world's e-sports circle, God-God's Hand has never really relied on more than their two core C positions. personal strength.

It lies precisely in the cooperation of the team as a whole.

Likewise, this is exactly what SSK really needs to be wary of.

As a team jungler, Shijian's personal ability is not comparable to Mafa.

It is indeed difficult for him to make his own decisions and judge the movements of the LCK seven-king jungler on the opposite side.

But just like what Nian Shisan and An Xin said——

For God, this is not a problem at all.

Because every decision in their team is never made by one member of the team alone.

Rather, they all went through rigorous discussions and cooperation before they were actually implemented.

Just like now.

The system's female voice's kill announcement suddenly came from the bottom lane of Summoner's Rift, almost catching everyone off guard. In the front row of the crowd, Lin Feng's eyes suddenly lit up slightly as if he was thinking Thirteen:


Bottom lane.

The purple side SSK team's ADC Ice and auxiliary Niutou turned into cold corpses and fell helplessly on the ground.

The berserker holding two axes came out of the blood-soaked state of his "Twilight of the Gods" ultimate move, and strode past the corpses of the two heroes in his opponent's bottom lane.

Olaf double kill.


In the corridor outside the training room,

Reporters and hosts from various e-sports media who gathered in front of the electronic viewing screen also burst into exclamations.

Mo Sheng and Su Xue were so surprised that they cheered:

"Olav is so awesome!"

"Absolutely amazing!!"

"Really, this wave of decisions is really good!" Mo Sheng's eyes sparkled with excitement, and he spoke quickly: "This is just trying to attack the east and attacking the west! This wave of gains from other lanes are not as big as those from the bottom lane. A wave of double kills ...Olav’s direct rhythm is about to take off again!”

Su Xue next to her also nodded vigorously:


"And the cooperation is really strong!"

"You completely deceived the opponent's SSK, didn't you?"

That's true.

On the surface, it seems that at this time of the game, in the first ten minutes, the God team on the blue side seems to have clearly demonstrated that their tactical system for this game is centered around the middle, with Olaf and even Thresh's successive attacks. Traveling in the middle also fully proves this point.

But this routine system... is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

Because tactical theory is one thing, but actual operation is another.


My core focus is to focus on the middle, but this does not mean that I can only really focus on helping the middle.

Details can still be fine-tuned depending on the situation.

The God team just made such a detailed tactical adjustment. In the middle, Dawnstar's Dark Head Syndra pretended to press forward, forcing the opposing SSK jungler Mafa's Nightmare to move to the middle to help Ekko counterattack. Crouching in preparation, and then taking advantage of the time when the opposite nightmare was in the middle, Olaf turned directly down——

A wave of ganks coordinated with the bottom duo.

He directly hit the opponent's lower lane and caught him off guard.

This is to attack the east and attack the west.

You thought that I would only focus on the middle lane and protect the mid laner, but I suddenly made a reverse thinking operation. Instead, I used the mid laner as a bait to trick you into jungle, wasting time, and allowing my jungle teammates to go to the side. Opportunity for road gank to help.

Then it was done in one fell swoop!

"No more! The blue side God can continue to fight like this!"

Coby, the European e-sports media host in the crowd, also spoke loudly and excitedly at this time:

"You can let go of the middle lane first."

"Dawn Star's Syndra has developed, and he can rely on his own pressure to continue to put pressure on the opponent. The middle can already start to play a role, and then let Olaf continue to catch the wing, and the rhythm will gradually increase. "

Not only the reporters and hosts of various e-sports media in the corridors nodded repeatedly after hearing this, but also the players and team members watching the game in the training room at this moment also saw the clue and couldn't help but start to commotion.


There is no need to go all out to help the middle road.

At this time, Syndra continued to play according to the rhythm just now. The SSK team on the opposite purple side had no other better way for the time being.

Especially God's jungler Olaf has just had a double kill in the bottom lane, and his development rhythm has completely picked up. During this period, the roaming gank ability is extremely strong, and the damage is enough to explode. As long as Syndra keeps restraining and dragging down the opponent in the middle. With the support pressure of at least one person in the jungle or top laner, Olaf's roaming gank can continue to unfold with confidence and boldness!

The 13th minute of the game.

Mafa’s jungle nightmare on the purple side SSK team has made moves again.

A wave of roaming ganks on the road.

Cooperate with Wolf's top laner Eye of Twilight to jump directly over the tower.

Forcefully kill and take away the head of Dannar on the blue side.

But at about the same time, Olaf, controlled by God's Ten Swords, wandered down the lane again. He was also extremely sturdy and cooperated with his two teammates in the bottom lane to forcefully attack the tower and force out Ray's ADC Ice on the opposite side. The summoner skill [Flash] was used, and then Cube's auxiliary Bullhead Kill was forcibly taken down, and the head was given to Huangxue Yege's ADC Obama.

What followed was a wave of defensive tower demolition between the two sides on the top and bottom lanes.

Although in the end, the upper and jungle team of SSK team got the first health tower in the top lane first, the three players of God team in the bottom lane also steadily destroyed the opponent's outer tower in the bottom lane, and turned to the river to collect the first one. Earth dragon.

This wave of swaps is almost guaranteed to make a profit for the blue God team.

As for the middle lane, Dawn Star's mid laner Syndra continued to contain Han Shihao's Ekko, so that the latter's Time Assassin could not find a chance to escape and wander around the side lanes to do things.

"The rhythm is up!"

Off the court, all the Chinese players and players in the LPL division couldn't help but beam with joy:

"Just fight!"

"It's very uncomfortable on the other side!"

In the front row of the crowd, Nian Shisan also smiled and nodded repeatedly:

"Ok, Ok!"

"Fuck! If this continues, their SSK's first wave of power will be completely wiped out!"

"Earn money with blood!"

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 8 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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