
Chapter 1799 Want to start a group

? In fact, it’s almost the same truth.

After reaching level 6, it was supposed to be a strong period for the SSK team's lineup belonging to the purple side. Mafa's Jungle Nightmare wandered gank several times to help the upper and lower lanes gain a considerable advantage, but also because of the blue team. The perfect handling and response by the Se Fang God team prevented the former from achieving more results.

This is actually a loss for the SSK team on the purple side.

Because they should have gained more.

So now we are on the side of the blue side God team, and the period when the second earth dragon is refreshed is also the strongest period of the blue side lineup's mid single jungler and AD three points. After this period of time, It's about to start going downhill——

During this period of time, the God team will naturally do everything possible to give full play to their strong characteristics and gain as many results as possible to expand their advantages.

Just the second earth dragon...

It's far from enough.

So the earth dragon is just a cover, just a bait.

A bait to force the opponent SSK team to come out and actively engage them.

The real core key is that around this earth dragon, if the God team on the blue side can stage a perfect team battle, then they can truly expand their mid-term advantage and even turn it into a victory.


To put it more ideally.

It just so happens that the second earth dragon is refreshed around the 19th minute of the game. If everything goes well after the team battle with the earth dragon, and the big dragon is refreshed at exactly 20 minutes, this rhythm... then it is perfect. The ground is all connected.


This is only the most ideal situation.

From a practical point of view, naturally it cannot be that smooth. Your God team is strong, and the lineup is indeed strong enough at this time. But if the opponent is the world's number one team like SSK, then everything is still unpredictable.

Don't talk about the earth dragon. After taking it, go directly to the big dragon...

Just in this wave of earth dragon team battles later, God's team's blue army may not be able to guarantee a 100% success.

"Maybe only four or six."

In the front row of the crowd, Nian Shisan, standing next to Lin Feng, frowned and thought hard for a long time before coming to his conclusion: "God's success should be only 60%."

"Sixty percent?" Lin Feng touched his chin and shook his head: "I think it's 5.50%, 5.5 versus 4.5, nothing more."


Nian Shisan did not insist on his own judgment and quickly agreed with someone's statement. Then he looked at the OB screen on the viewing screen and sighed:

"Hey, if Nal is operated by the fat guy, there is really a 60% or even 65% certainty..."

From a pure perspective of the lineup, the lineup combination of the SSK team during this period does lack combat effectiveness. Relying on the two ultimate moves of the top laner's Eye of Twilight and the jungler's nightmare, the purple side army is more suitable. It should be to fight regular divisions and small-scale team battles, using strong support capabilities to win with more hits and less——

Therefore, it is precisely because of this that the God team decisively chose to use the second earth dragon to force the team, forcing the opponent to confront them head-on, and pulling the opponent into their strong area of ​​expertise.

But having said that, even if SSK is forced to fight, they are not completely unable to fight in this wave.

It's really hard to hit the front directly.

But when it comes to the ability to hit the backhand, SSK's lineup is not weak at all.

Shen's W skill sword array and E skill taunt, as well as the shield blessing of his ultimate move.

Nightmare's ultimate move can turn off the lights at any time, which makes the God team on the blue side unable to identify their position immediately during a team battle, and the formation may be scattered and chaotic.

There is also Han Bing's ultimate move Magic Crystal Arrow, and Niutou, the most perfect protective auxiliary hero.

If you just want to take the earth dragon, then the God team on the blue side does have a greater chance of success, but if you are not willing to stop there and insist on finding the opponent to start a team battle——

It really requires perfect teamfight coordination.

Then the problem arises.

The blue team's lineup is certainly strong in the mid-term and has sufficient damage burst, but its shortcoming is that it lacks some means of starting a group.

Jungler Olaf doesn't even have a control skill.

Thresh's Q skill hook is a powerful tool for starting a group first, but you have to make sure that you can hit the key target with Q - if Shen or Niutou stand in the front, it will be difficult for you to use Soul Lock Warden's sickle chain. It poses a threat to other backline heroes.

So the rest...

There is only one top single, Gnar.

In this kind of team battle, the most ideal way to start the team is for Gnar to take the lead in setting the pace. For example, after getting bigger, he will stun and control two or three people at once, disrupting the opponent's formation in the back row. Then the blue side will follow. If others keep up with the skill connection and control, they will be able to do it smoothly.

However, this requires very high difficulty for Gnar's operation, which is why Nian Shisan had such emotion just now.


If Tian Tian were to operate the blue side's top laner Lost Fang at this moment, the former, as the world's top seven-king top laner, would definitely be able to perfectly handle such a team-starting task.

But it’s not Tian Tian who’s on the court now.

Lin Feng and Nian Shisan looked at each other and shook their heads.

"Lan Ci", the main top laner of the God team, is about the same level as the jungler Shi Jian. He is ranked in the first tier in China, and he also has the ability and awareness to seize opportunities, but in the end... Still a little less interesting.

In such a critical wave like this, it is really hard to say whether his Gnar can seize the opportunity to lay the most important step for the team.

The game time came to the beginning of the 19th minute smoothly.

River channel, Xiaolong Gorge.

The second earth dragon has been refreshed.

The ten heroes of the blue and purple legions each cleared three lines of troops and quickly gathered towards the river. At this point in time, it can be seen that the summoner skills of basically all the heroes on both sides have been cooled down. .

It is equivalent to saying that this time both sides have sufficient ammunition and means, and they are about to officially fight.

First of all, it is natural to develop the field of vision.

Because their own lineup is stronger at the moment, the God team on the blue side also appears to be more proactive when inserting wards to gain vision. The auxiliary Thresh and jungler Olaf walked directly forward, and two consecutive players came to the river in front of Xiaolongfjord. A real eye, which eliminates the opponent's eye position vision inside and outside the fjord.

The purple side SSK team's formation position is slightly closer to the bottom lane and its own blue buff jungle area. Niutou and Shen are in the front row, protecting their teammates in the back row from being easily hit by Thresh's hook.

Time passed quickly, more than ten or twenty seconds.

The two sides used the mouth of Xiaolong Fjord as the middle point on the river. The two sides were constantly in a stalemate. They tried to use skills to consume poke, but even the blue side God team, which had a slight initiative, never opened Xiaolong first.

“I still want to find an opportunity to start a group first——”

Spoon sighed in the front row of the crowd.


After all, if you directly open the earth dragon, then the blue side's formation will have to be scattered first, which will easily give the opponent an opportunity to take advantage of it. It is even possible that after fighting the dragon for a long time, the nightmare will enter the field to fight [punishment]. Taking the dragon away directly is equivalent to making a wedding dress for others in vain - fighting for punishment is a 50-50 gamble on luck. This is definitely not something Team God is willing to do when they have a strong initiative on their own side.

"But SSK won't give you a chance easily."

Phoenix shook his head and commented.

Here comes the update. It’s another week full of fatigue. It’s only Tuesday and I’m already thinking it’ll be Friday soon. . .

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