
Chapter 1774 Their respective tough battles

Lin Feng was really not surprised.

But this was really the first time he saw Senior No. 2 dressed so formally and appropriately.

Suits and leather shoes...

It's just like an office worker, oh no, it needs to be more classy and grand, like he's going to attend some of the most noble and grand dinner parties——

However, speaking of it, it actually suits the serious and cold temperament of Senior No. 2.

"It's a rare big day, it's better to dress more formally." The corner of No. 1's mouth was raised with a playful smile, and he also looked up and down at his old friend in front of him. Even if he was in such a scene, There are very few opportunities to see it.

"But it's still a bit awkward." No. 2 frowned tightly, raised his arm, looked down at his suit and leather shoes, and felt uncomfortable looking at it horizontally and vertically: "Is it really necessary?"

Although he had actively agreed to help in this matter, participation was one thing, and having to make such a level of "sacrifice" was something he had never expected before.

"Of course it is necessary." This was answered by No. 3.

At this moment, No. 3 also crossed his arms and gloated at the companion in front of him: "Anyway, No. 1 is right. It's rare that the occasion is big enough this time. If you dress more formally... it will give those old-fashioned people above a good chance." Isn’t it an impression? If you’re not used to it, just wear it more often.”

What he got in return was No. 2’s angry gaze:

"Easy to say."

"Then why don't you come?"

"Originally, if this matter was based on your status and qualifications, it would be completely sufficient."

No. 3 shrugged: "That's true, but compared to you, I have a fatal flaw. Xianyun Yehe like me doesn't belong to the competition area at all. Even if the guy from the fourth brother can find a way to help, in my situation I can’t figure it out either - as the saying goes, it’s hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice, so I am like a meal without rice~"

"It's better if you know it yourself. If you can't help, just say a few words." No. 5 looked at No. 3 angrily, then looked at No. 2 with a smile and praised: "No. 2, don't listen to them. This person is very ugly. It’s suitable. I feel very energetic after my hair is done.”

Number 2 gave a rare sigh: "Thank you for your hard work——"

No. 5 smiled like a flower: "It's okay, it's okay.

It's such a simple effort... I'm very willing to help. If you have a chance next time, remember to contact me. I promise to help you make it better. "

Lin Feng and Zeng Rui looked at each other and suddenly realized.

It turns out that Senior No. 2’s hairstyle...it was Sister Xiaowu who personally helped out with it.

What's more, seniors No. 1 and 3 are just joining in the fun? It's obvious that the little dancing girl herself is not that good at all. She is very interested in Senior No. 2 changing her look and dressing up——

While everyone was talking, No. 4 also walked out of the room. He happened to hear this conversation and laughed:

"It's not a question of whether it's suitable or not."

"On today's occasion...number two must be dressed like this."

"What No. 3 just said is right, but it's not just those old-fashioned people at the Electrical Association Headquarters. Originally, you, No. 2, were the most important protagonist today, and... you have to accept the ceremony. If you dress too casually, you will be fine. It’s going to be someone’s fault.”

In fact, he had known about this situation for a long time, so No. 2 was not surprised at all by his companion's explanation, but his expression was still unkind:

"I know."

"But no matter what... let's make a quick decision."

"Take off these clothes as quickly as possible."

Just at this moment, the door of the next room was also opened, and two girls, Tang Bingyao and An Xin, came out. They were also about to say hello to Lin Feng and the others in the corridor, when they were suddenly greeted by No. 2's outfit. Shocked.

"Senior No. 2?"

An Xin couldn't help covering her mouth and whispered, and then she couldn't help but laugh.

Number 2's face suddenly turned darker, and he stared at his companion next to him again: "Is the outfit you chose for me okay?"

No. 4, on the other hand, still looked calm and composed: "It's specially tailored to your size. Weren't you there when we went to find the master tailor? There's nothing wrong with the clothes."

After reacting, An Xin quickly answered the call and helped smooth things over:

"The clothes are fine."

"There's no problem in wearing it."

"Senior No. 2 looks so handsome dressed like this, Tangtang, right?"

Not forgetting to ask for advice and support from her best friend next to her, Tang Bingyao looked at it carefully and nodded vigorously: "Yes."

No. 1 smiled: "How about it? All the ladies present have given their approval. It's time for you to feel relieved, right?"

Finally, No. 2's expression looked a little better, but he still seemed unwilling to drag on like this:

"Okay, we're almost done, let's go."

Lin Feng reacted:


"Senior, are you leaving now? I won't be able to watch the game between SSK and God later."

Until the end of last night, he didn't ask No. 4 to get to the bottom of what happened, but he originally thought that at least this morning's training match between God and SSK would be exciting and not to be missed.

However, No. 1 smiled and waved his hand:

"Forget it, I can't make up the time."

"Besides, Azing and the others have a training match to play, and we here... also have to fight a tough battle."

His tone still seemed relaxed and casual.

But being able to say the word "tough battle" from No. 1, even though Lin Feng and others still didn't know what it was about, it didn't prevent them from guessing the sinister content.

An Xin looked at No. 1:

"Senior, come on."

"I'd like to lend you some good words." Number 1 laughed out loud, and then waved casually to Lin Feng and the others: "Help us cheer up Ah Xing and the others, let's go."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Number Five followed with light and graceful steps.

Then No. 2, dressed in formal attire, strode away like a javelin with a straight figure.

And No. 3 was lagging behind with his hands in his pockets and a leisurely attitude.

Number 4, who was still holding his little notebook as usual, adjusted his glasses and walked side by side with Number 3.

Such a scene appeared in the field of vision of Lin Feng and others.

The figures of the five seniors.

Although it seems ordinary, it gives people a vague feeling of unstoppable heartbeat and blood boiling.

"It's been a long time... I haven't seen such a scene."

An Xin spoke softly, with a bit of nostalgic sigh evoked by thoughts in her tone: "It is rare for several seniors to get together like this."

Zeng Rui nodded involuntarily, and then whispered: "I don't know what it is that actually requires all the seniors to participate in such a big battle."

Lin Feng shook his head:

"have no idea."


As he spoke, he paused and looked at the figures of the five seniors who were gradually receding at the end of the corridor, his eyes slightly bright and shining:

"If the seniors and all of them are here."

"No matter what happens, it can be solved easily."

The update is here, the third update is done, good night, friends.

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