
Chapter 1775 Everyone is here

After seeing off several seniors, Lin Feng and others were also preparing to leave. They went to the cafeteria downstairs to have breakfast, and then almost went to the training room on the seventh and eighth floors to watch today's training match between God and SSK.

When Lin Feng was sitting in the elevator going downstairs, he sent a WeChat message to Dawn Morning Star to ask where the training match would be held later, but he did not receive a reply after sending the message.

Lin Feng was not surprised:

"I'm probably busy right now."

Indeed, after all, this training match in the morning is quite important. For the members of the God team, they should also be busy making final preparations now.

"Eat first, eat first."

The elevator door opened on the second floor, and someone waved enthusiastically and was the first to walk into the restaurant.

While having breakfast, Lin Feng and the others still did not see any players from the God Club. Even members from the other two clubs in the LPL division did not show up. Only players from a few teams from other divisions were still here. While eating, everyone seemed to be seizing the time to eat. As soon as they finished eating, they stood up and left in a hurry with their empty plates.

You can vaguely hear some conversations coming from there, about keywords such as "SSK", "training match", and "God".

It was obvious that they were all discussing the game that was about to start in the morning.

"The attention is very high."

Zeng Rui sighed with emotion.

No wonder, after all, it is a confrontation between the No. 1 seeds in the two major regions of LPL and LCK, and its weight is heavier than almost all other training games yesterday.

There is also the ADC duel between Huangxue Yege and Ray in the bottom lane, and the confrontation between Dawn Morning Star and Han Shihao in the middle lane.

Both lines are full of highlights that are destined to be extremely intense collisions.

"There shouldn't be much problem with Ah Xing playing F in the middle today——"

"The main thing is to see if Lao Ye can handle it."

Someone who was eating breakfast had a few strips of bacon stuffed in his mouth and commented vaguely.


Based on the tactical system they helped Huangxue Yege and Dawn Morning Star test out last night,

In the middle, Dawnstar will unite with the jungler to suppress Han Shihao's middle. It's hard to say whether the suppression effect can be achieved, but at least God's cooperation in the middle and jungle will definitely bring a lot of trouble and pressure to Han Shihao.

In comparison, the bottom lane where Huangxue Yege is located will encounter greater difficulties.

Originally, his strength level was about the same as that of SSK's Ray. Today, he may be targeted by the opponent's jungler Mafa. The difficulty coefficient during the laning phase has almost doubled exponentially——

If you can't handle this and get caught to death once or twice, the bottom lane rhythm will immediately collapse.

Once the bottom lane collapses prematurely, it will be difficult for God's tactical system to be effective.

"Isn't it a bit difficult?"

Zeng Rui cautiously gave his opinion and evaluation.

Although I have confidence in Huangxue Yege's strength, and I naturally hope that the former can withstand the pressure today, from the perspective of objective reality, it is really difficult for Huangxue Yege to complete such an arduous task today. hanging.

As far as the results they achieved from several battles during the simulated training last night, the results achieved by Huangxue Yege's bot lane when they were targeted were not very good.

Although he still forcibly regained his rhythm as an ADC in the later stage, he was indeed quite embarrassed in the early stage.

The person who was the target jungler at that time was An Xin.

No matter how amazing the girl's jungle skills are, the main player on the field today is SSK's seventh-level jungler Mafa, who is not weak at all.

"It's quite difficult."

An Xin also gave his own comments, but then smiled sweetly:

"But this is a challenge, isn't it?"

"The opponent is a team like SSK. No matter what, it is impossible to deal with it easily."

While brushing jam on his bread, Lin Feng also nodded in agreement: "Yes, yes, Lao Ye and the others should be mentally prepared for this, and the new tactical system always requires more practice. I constantly checked for leaks and filled them up, so it’s fine..."

After chatting for a while about the topic of SSK and God team, someone suddenly remembered something and looked at Tang Bingyao aside:

"Hey, Tangtang, you trained with Senior Bullet last night, how was it?"

An Xin and Zeng Rui also looked at the girl.

Several people were also very curious about the fact that Tang Bingyao received personal guidance from the legend of the previous generation in North America.

Tang Bingyao was stunned for a moment, then recovered and answered obediently:

"Oh, not bad..."

"Senior, he played a few solo training sessions with me, and then asked me to play ranked in the European server. He duo queued with me, used support to coordinate my bot lane, and then pointed out many of my operational problems in laning."

An Xin nodded and praised:

"It sounds like it should be very detailed guidance."

"Tangtang, you have to cherish this opportunity. Most people... are not so lucky."

indeed so.

Zeng Rui also sighs with emotion: "Having that senior Bullet take the initiative to help as a support... is simply a treatment that no ADC can dream of, right?"

Lin Feng was more carefree:

"well enough."

"Who made Tangtang so talented? It's rare for Senior Bullet to meet such an apprentice, so he must do his best!"

Then An Xin looked at Lin Feng and raised his eyebrows:

"Don't just talk about Tangtang, what about you?"

"I heard that you brought senior No. 4 to the training room to help last night. How was the effect?"

This time it was Lin Feng's turn to scratch his hair:

"Oh... not bad."

"It's definitely not something that can be done in one night."

The words were a little vague.

But the other three people at the table can also understand that it is true that for someone, the difficulty of what he wants to achieve... is really not something that can be easily accomplished overnight.

Tang Bingyao looked at Lin Feng, clenched her fists, and said seriously: "Fengzi, come on!"

Lin Feng laughed: "It's necessary, let's work hard together."

After a simple breakfast, Lin Feng and the other two quickly took the elevator upstairs. There was still no message from Dawn Morning Star, but fortunately, Li Shiyi sent a message in time while they were sitting in the elevator:

"The game will be played on the sixth floor, the first training room."

Last night, Li Shiyi and Tian Tian were in the same room. They had probably gone to the training room together now, waiting for the training match to start.

The four of them, Lin Feng, took the elevator to the sixth floor. As soon as the elevator door opened, they were startled by what they saw.

The long corridor was almost packed with people.

The place was crowded with people.

Busy and noisy.

Looking at it, they are basically all camera crews from various game and e-sports media, including the hot blonde foreign beauty host of the North American Tick e-sports magazine who tried to use a honey trap on Lin Feng and others yesterday. in it.

"The formation is big enough..." Lin Feng couldn't help but marvel.

Zeng Rui, who was next to him, also nodded in agreement and glanced at the crowd:

"It's all..."

"I came here for the battle between God and SSK."

The weight and significance of today's first training match are not only extremely important to the teams in each major competition area, but also to the camera crews of these gaming and e-sports media, it is also extremely important during these two days. Perhaps the most important piece of news.

An update is coming. The next chapter will be a little later. I'm still busy at work. I feel like I'm almost exhausted after drinking coffee to refresh myself recently. . .

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