
Chapter 1773 Warning

The two of them had been in the conference room for almost twenty minutes just now. Judging from the situation in the hotel corridor at this moment, it seemed that the main SSK players had not left at all and had been waiting outside the door for the whole time. twenty minutes.

Probably because he didn't expect it to end so soon, the young general supervisor who suddenly opened the door and walked out caught the main SSK players in the corridor by surprise. They couldn't even find a place to hide or find a reasonable place for a while. Reason explanation.

Especially Ray, who is the ADC of the team, was so caught up in his sneaky actions by the general supervisor of his club that he was so nervous that his face turned pale and his words became stammered.

This kind of situation is not too common for Ray. As the youngest member of the team, his character has always been out-of-the-box and fearless. He can joke around with his team leader or coach.


Even when facing this young general supervisor, who seemed to be only a few years older than himself, he was like a mouse meeting a cat, always frightened and without any confidence.

As for the scene he saw when he opened the door, he had already expected and prepared for it. The young general supervisor did not show much surprise on his face. He just looked at the core players of his own club team in front of him and laughed:

"What's wrong? You stay here to watch the fun. Why don't you go back and rest?"

The tone seemed casual and friendly.

But it made Ray so nervous that his hair almost stood on end:

"We, we'll leave right away!"

"Go back and rest now!"

Cube, the auxiliary player next to him, couldn't help but pull his ADC teammate. He seemed a little annoyed by the former's timidity. Then when he turned to the general supervisor, his expression became a little more reserved:

"Supervisor, is everything okay inside?"

"Is there nothing wrong?"

Among the several main players of SSK, as an assistant, he should be regarded as the calmest and calmest one, and he is always able to best obey and carry out various orders and arrangements from the coaches and leaders.

It is extremely rare for Cube to raise such a question to its general supervisor for the first time now.

The young general supervisor seemed to pause a little after hearing this.

Then he glanced at Cube.

The latter's expression was still respectful, but his eyes met him without any hesitation.

Next to them, Wolf and Mafa, and even Ray, who was obviously very afraid of his own supervision, all turned their attention at this time.

The atmosphere in the corridor became a bit depressing and solidified.

Finally, the young general supervisor suddenly laughed, his smile as beautiful and warm as ever:

"rest assured."

"It's nothing. It's just a casual chat between Shihao and I. You don't need to think too much about it."

The atmosphere seemed to suddenly relax with such smiles and words.

Ray breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, that's good..."

The tense expressions on the faces of Cube, Mafa and Wolf next to them finally became much more relaxed.

Seeing the reactions of the people in front of him, the young general supervisor laughed again and pointed at the main SSK players:

"You guys are worrying so much."

"Do you really think there will be any conflict between me and Shihao?"

"Is it just a little thing, or am I actually such a stingy guy in your eyes?"

Ray, who had already relaxed now, quickly came up to him with a playful smile: "Brother Chanye, what are you talking about? How can we miss you so much? It's too late to respect you!"

He was so shameless and slapped him directly after being flattered.

The young general supervisor seemed amused:

"You are the best at talking."

"But don't think that's it. Tomorrow you will face God's Huangxue Yege, right? Perform well. If you lose the battle, you will be punished when you come back."

Ray immediately slapped his chest loudly and vowed:

"Brother Chanye, don't worry! I'll knock him out tomorrow!"

"Absolutely no problem!"

"Then I'll be waiting for your good news," the young general supervisor patted Ray's shoulder to encourage him, then turned to look at the frivolous Mafa trio and smiled: "Same for you guys, tomorrow ...Everyone, let’s work hard. Since we are going to fight this game, let’s show our SSK’s dominance.”

Mafa and the other three also nodded solemnly in agreement.

Seeing that the explanation was almost the same, the young general supervisor smiled and nodded:

"so be it."

"I'm going back to rest first, and so are you. We have a training match tomorrow, so go back to bed early."

Then he passed the four people and prepared to leave.

However, after taking just a few steps, he suddenly stopped, turned around and looked over again as if he remembered something, and said casually:

"The unity of the team is a good thing."

"However, sometimes, we still need to think more clearly about the problem."

"You are teammates with each other."

"But first of all, you are part of the SSK club."

After saying that, he waved casually and finally left under the gaze of the four main players of SSK.

The atmosphere in the corridor became quiet again.

It wasn't until he saw the young general supervisor disappearing into the corridor that Ray was completely relieved and patted his chest with lingering fear: "It scared me to death... Hey, don't you think it's weird? I'm not afraid of other people. , it’s just that every time I see Chanyeol-hyung, I feel like my hair is standing on end - he looks like he’s smiling, but he just feels so scary.”

However, such comments did not receive responses from several teammates around him.

Looking towards the end of the corridor, Wolf narrowed his eyes:

"He was a little angry."

Cube adjusted his glasses: "That last sentence... is a warning."

Mafa remained silent, looked at the closed conference room door again, and sighed:

"Let's go."

The next day, early morning.

After washing up, Lin Feng yawned and walked out of the hotel room with Zeng Rui. When he took the elevator downstairs to find Tang Bingyao and An Xin, he accidentally saw No. 1, No. 3 and No. 3 at the door next to the two girls' rooms. The figure of No. 5.

"Hey, senior, Sister Xiaowu, you guys are also up -"

Someone was about to say hello, but as soon as he finished speaking, he saw another person walking out of the door, and his eyes suddenly widened:


The one who walked out was number two.

But it didn't matter. What really made someone almost stunned at this moment was the way he saw Senior No. 2 walking out of the room today.

An ironed suit that fits you well.

These trousers make your tall figure look more stylish.

Paired with a pair of leather shoes.

And the black hair on the back looks like it has been taken care of by a professional makeup artist and even has a styling mousse, making it shiny.

Hearing someone's exclamation, No. 2 raised his head and looked over coldly:


Someone subconsciously took a step back and waved his hands repeatedly: "It's okay, it's okay..."

But his eyes were still fixed on Senior No. 2, and he almost gasped: "A Zeng... am I right?"

Zeng Rui's eyelids also twitched slightly:


"You should... read that right."

An update is coming. The next chapter will be around 12 o'clock. I suggest you read it tomorrow morning.

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