
Chapter 1772 No next time

In fact, it is like Dawn Star to Team God, Autumn to Team Season, and Phoenix to Team Legend——

These top professional players in the world have far more say in their respective team clubs than other ordinary players.

They can really participate in some decisions related to the team, and in a few cases, they can even directly make some decisions based on their status as captain.

The coaches and leaders of their team clubs often do not impose more harsh words and restrictions on this, and are willing to release some authority to them. This is also a trust in these top players in the world.

Therefore, the words coming from Han Shihao's mouth are not unreasonable.

As the captain of the SSK team, he only leads his team to train with other teams, so this is really not a big deal. The former has the power to make such a decision.

What's more, the person he is dating is God's Hand, the No. 1 seed team in China's LPL division. Competing with a team of this level will have certain training significance and value even for SSK.

But when he said these words, Han Shihao's tone seemed a bit too cold.

The young "assistant coach" still didn't seem to take it seriously. He just laughed again and showed that beautiful smiling face. The next words coming out of this smiling face were also completely unexpected:

"Yes, you are the captain and have the power to make some decisions."

"But I am the general supervisor of the club. All matters of the club, including the team, big and small, need to be approved by me, including you as the captain, so... I think you still need to explain to me."

The young assistant coach still had a smile on his face as he spoke.

But the words he spoke slowly carried a calm and cold dignity.

But more importantly, it is the information revealed in these words that really makes people unable to stop being shocked and moved by it.

He looks like an ordinary "assistant coach" at a young age...


He is the general supervisor of the SSK team club! ?

Not all professional team clubs will have such a position.

Under normal circumstances, the personnel structure of a club is simply team members, coaches, analysts, team leaders and managers. The manager is responsible for external affairs, and the team leader is responsible for overall planning internally.

As for the so-called general supervisor position, its status in the club's personnel structure is even higher than that of the manager and team leader.

He truly has the power to intervene in all matters related to the club.

Compared to a team captain who has a certain degree of power...

This general supervisor is the one who can truly make decisions within the club.

It is really unbelievable that such an important position that no club would easily set up has fallen on SSK to such a young man who clearly seems to be in his early twenties.

But judging from the young general supervisor's expression and tone when he said these words, it seemed that he was really not joking.

Even Han Shihao, who was sitting at the opposite table, seemed to have no objection or refutation.

The latter just listened in silence for a moment.

After a long while, he still said indifferently:

“The finals are about to begin, and the teams in other divisions this year are stronger than in previous years. Even we at SSK cannot take it lightly, especially the God team, which is likely to become an obstacle to our fight for the championship this year. There shouldn’t be any problem in playing a training match with them.”

Although the tone is still stiff.

But the shocking truth is that when faced with the young general supervisor's unceremonious questioning, the world's number one mid laner, the leader of the Four Emperors, actually chose to give in and make a decision for himself. Answer explanation to some extent.

But even after hearing such a reply, it seemed that the young general supervisor sitting opposite Han Shihao was still not satisfied.

The young general supervisor just nodded casually:

"Yes, this arrangement is very reasonable."

"As a captain, if you think it is necessary to play a training match with the No. 1 seed in the LPL to familiarize yourself with the opponent's status and style in advance, I think it is understandable."

However, when saying this, the young general supervisor paused and laughed again:


"It's not trivial things like this that concern me at all."

"Shihao, you should also know what I really want to know."

"There are only two of us here, so there is no need to pretend to be stupid. There is no need for you and me to waste time in a place like this, right?"

It was a surprisingly familiar and familiar tone of address.

And even more shocking is this seemingly gentle but actually aggressive oppressive rhetoric.

It seems vaguely...

There are some contradictions between these two people, but they are both aware of it. It was not until this moment tonight that it was truly revealed.

"Whether we play training matches or not, and who we play against, of course it doesn't matter. If you want, I don't care even if you have to lead the team to challenge all the teams in other divisions one by one tomorrow."

"It's just that I think you should probably talk to me before making this decision."

"Or maybe you did it on purpose."

The young general supervisor's tone was still relaxed and casual, but when he said this, he smiled slightly and looked at Han Shihao sitting opposite him, but there was almost no smile in his eyes, only a chilling breath:

"Then I can think so."

"What you're doing actually has nothing to do with 'for the good of the team', it's just..."

"Is this a provocation to me?"

The atmosphere suddenly became silent.

Han Shihao sat up straight at the table, but he seemed to remain indifferent to such an "accusation" that was almost harsh and strong, without even a word of response.

But in this case...

No response is actually a response.

Time passed quietly, and the two sat opposite each other across the conference table. It seemed that the invisible struggle continued, and the suffocating atmosphere of oppression slowly dissipated.

Finally, the young general supervisor shook his head, slowly stood up from his seat, reached out and knocked on the desk, and finally glanced at Han Shihao, who was sitting opposite, and smiled:

"I hope it won't happen again."

After leaving these words, the young general supervisor no longer paid attention to the reaction of the mid laner captain of the SSK team and turned around to leave.

Behind him, Han Shihao was still sitting at the table, like a stone statue, still unable to see any fluctuations in emotional reactions.

The young general supervisor walked out of the conference room.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Ray, Cube, and Wolf hurriedly jumping away and hiding aside. Ray in particular was so nervous that his face turned pale:

"Supervisor Chanyeol——"

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 8 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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