
Chapter 1730 The level that should be achieved

In fact, Nian Shisan rarely underestimates the enemy in games or battles.

But this time, he really underestimated the enemy.

Although he knew An Xin as early as the S1 season, his impression of this beautiful, elf-like girl was just to marvel at the former's temperament and appearance, plus knowing that the former was someone at that time The team leader and part-time coach.

But he has never really seen the girl's personal gaming ability with his own eyes.

Therefore, in the ban selection process before the start of this simulated training confrontation, he very gentlemanly let go of his best offensive jungle heroes and selected the excavator Reksai, which was a slight improvement. Release water.


This release of water caused trouble.

In the wave of his excavator's roaming gank and ambush crouching on the road, the opponent's jungler Widow unexpectedly anticipated it earlier, and was immediately ready to counter crouch.

Of course, this can also be explained as luck.

But Nian Shisan doesn't see it that way at this moment.

Because if the Widow's counter-crouching on the top lane is considered luck, then how should we explain the previous wave where the Widow roamed the bottom lane and ganked and got the policewoman's head?

Perhaps you can also say that it was the policewoman from Huangxue Yege on the bottom road who made a mistake and underestimated the enemy, which allowed the widow to be successfully captured and killed.

But then again——

Put aside the subconscious bias that "female players are definitely not that strong".

Think about it calmly.

A jungle widow, in just six or seven minutes at the beginning, had two waves of roaming ganks, and both of them successfully scored kills. Moreover, they had one of the top ADC players in the LPL region and a seven-king jungler in the LMS region. Cut off the horse——

This kind of thing.

Is it really possible to do it by luck?

So at this moment, he finally realized the strength of the girl he was facing, and Nian Shisan finally let go of the casual and dismissive attitude he had previously, and became truly solemn.

This one...

If it's really just for fun,

Maybe he, the top wild king in the world, is really going to stumble here.

You have to, you have to go all out.

In contrast, the purple side of the field, like Shadow Puppets and Shi Hang, were also a little surprised and moved by the two consecutive waves of gains achieved by An Xin's jungle widow.

They originally thought that the most difficult aspect of this simulated training match would be the matchup in the jungle position.

Unexpectedly... this girl who just proposed to play on the spur of the moment would give them such a huge surprise!

I thought it was the weakest link on my side.


But it has become their most powerful rhythm point at present!

Tang Bingyao felt even more proud:

"Baozi has just begun."

The blue square bot lane team on the other side was also communicating. Huangxue Yege couldn't help but whisper to Zeng Rui next to him: "Hey, was this girl An Xin so strong before... You guys knew it a long time ago. "

Zeng Rui pressed the Tab key to bring up the battle data panel and looked at the 2/0/0 record data of the opposite girl jungler Widow, and nodded: "So be it."

Huangxue Yege was curious about the gossip: "Have she played any games before?"

Although he just complained and despised Nian Shisan for being killed by counter-crouching, in fact, he also knew that being able to trick the seventh-level jungle captain of the Assassin team with such a routine was definitely not something he could do by just relying on luck. of.

In addition, knowing that the girl was even the leader and coach of someone's team at the beginning makes people even more tempted to have some reverie——

Maybe this girl An Xin also received vocational training?

Otherwise, how could he be so experienced?

Zeng Rui thought for a while and answered:

"Been beaten some."

"Sixteen School League, National College League, Jin Ge Cup, etc."

Huang Xue Ye Ge: "..."

Yes, asking is like asking in vain.

Originally, the answer he expected to get was some professional-level competition experience, but how could such a petty fight between local school students be brought to the table? How could he be brought to the table by just playing in school games with others? Have top professional players like He Nian Shisan been sanctioned...

Lin Feng was not surprised at all.

Not to mention anything else, just yesterday when he and the girl went to the Internet cafe to play two games to kill time, the girl showed the same level of strength as she does now when she single-handedly defeated Amumu.



Basically, they are all heroes who have relatively low requirements on operating hand speed and focus more on rhythm and consciousness.

And when such a hero is in the hands of a girl, it seems that he can exert the most extreme effect and power.

Of course, someone with his rough and twitchy personality would never delve into and think about where his childhood sweetheart got such an amazing jungle rhythm and level of consciousness. Anyway, when he got here, he probably just said something confidently without thinking:

"These are steamed buns!"

"Of course it should be at this level."

The game continues.

Time slowly came to just over 8 minutes.

After the jungler Digger of Nian Shisan on the blue side was killed by counter-crouching on the top lane, he resurrected and went out to enter his own jungle. He just brushed another group of wild monsters, and then once again promoted his hunger-strike offensive jungler style. got up.

Another wave of arrests in the middle.

And this time...

Another violent grab.

Dawnstar's mid laner Ryze did not go online immediately. Instead, he was stuck in a blind spot behind his tower and waited for his jungle excavator Rek'Sai and auxiliary Nami.


Open it on the spot.

A "winding path jump" pulled up the portal, and the landing point was directly behind the purple side mid laner Syndra in the middle who was preparing to clear troops and push the line.

Three people were caught by force!

The mid laner Syndra, under the control of someone, was actually very fast in reaction and operation. The moment she realized that this wave could not go away, she accurately calculated the time when Ryze's ultimate teleportation fell, and directly raised her hand to hit EQ for two consecutive times to transfer the energy. The magic ball shot out, knocked back the stun, and controlled the blue side auxiliary Nami who was teleported to the ground along with her midfielder.

Just before he was overwhelmed by the firepower of skills and damage, he shot out his ultimate move "Energy Pour".

At the same time, [Light] is hung up.

There was a roar and explosion, and Zeng Rui's assistant Nami on the blue side was actually the first to be killed.

But then Syndra was killed and taken away by the blue side's excavator in cooperation with Ryze, and her head was given to the Rune Mage of Dawn Star.

A wave of 1 for 1.

Although a head was forcibly replaced before death, this wave is still someone's mid laner Syndra will lose one or two waves of troops, and even the defensive outer tower in the middle will be bulldozed and demolished threaten.

"It's so shameless——"

So someone looking at the black and white game screen on the computer screen couldn't help but sigh in the spring, but then he nodded in admiration:

"But it's okay."

"This wave of arrests has made people lose their temper. If that guy from F had come over, he would have been dead."

However, An Xin's rude remarks came from the team's voice channel:

"Do you think they are all as stupid as you?"

"I've calculated that you still have about half a minute to flash before you have a CD, so of course you have to seize this opportunity - if it's F, you haven't seen Ryze show up for a long time, how could you be so arrogant and go to the line to stop the troops?"

And while she was scolding someone, the jungle widow under the control of the girl was also not idle.

A wave of wandering down the road.

Although Huangxue Yege at the bottom of the tower had quickly realized the danger and immediately retreated so that the opposite purple side's bottom lane duo could not catch up, they were still bypassed by the Widow Invasion jungle and intercepted in front of the second tower. Right.

A burst of damage.

Instant single kill.

Huangxue Yege's face began to turn dark:

"Damn...what's the point of hurting this widow!?"

I'm sending you an update. I'm going out temporarily. The next chapter will be around ten o'clock, so I'll let everyone know.

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