
Chapter 1729 Thoughts of being squatted 13

The head count of the blue and purple legions on the field is currently tied at 1 to 1.

The midfielder on the blue side cooperated with the kill and took away the head of the opposite mid laner Syndra.

The purple side jungler Widow's wave of roaming ganks in the bottom lane also killed the blue side's ADC Policewoman.

It seems that within a few minutes of the start of this training match, the tactical simulation exercise originally hoped to achieve has already been very successful.

For example, the cooperation between Dawn Morning Star and Nian Shisan just now was almost perfect. Li Shiyi, who was the only one watching the game, couldn't help but be amazed and moved. This kind of operational cooperation is indeed effective in targeting the middle. If you play to the extreme, even if you meet Han Shihao tomorrow, you will have a high success rate.

But the kill on the bottom lane really caught everyone off guard.

Unexpectedly, in this game, An Xin replaced Li Shiyi as the jungler on the purple side, and it actually served as a targeted simulation drill for the ADC of Huangxue Yege in the bottom lane of the blue side.

Of course, Nian Shisan, who was on the blue side of the field, was very dissatisfied with the unexpected incident in the bottom lane and complained to Huang Xue Ye Ge:

"Hey, Lao Ye, can you do it?"

"You were caught to death by someone's Baozi gank... With your awareness and skills, how can you expect to die even more miserably if you meet someone like Mafa tomorrow?"

Regarding Nian Shisan's complaints, Huangxue Yege rolled his eyes in anger:

"You can't keep your mouth shut for a while, can you?"

"No one will think you are dumb if you don't speak."

But it is true that he himself was killed in the bottom lane this time, and it is difficult to find any other strong reasons to argue and counterattack.

In contrast, on the purple side, as the mid laner Syndra, who lost a life and first blood, someone was muttering at the moment: "Hey, the opponent is so lucky... He couldn't die just now. ”


It's not that someone is blaming someone, but the wave just now really has nothing to do with his personal reaction and operation.

Even the cooperation between the opposing midfielders does have some luck involved.

It’s mainly the operation of Nian Shisan’s jungle excavator where the wall flashes and is controlled by W.

It was just the limit. If Syndra, who was controlled by someone at that time, had taken a small step back, this wave of excavators flashing W would have failed.

Or of course Rek'Sai can dig a hole through the wall with his E skill first and then use his flash W.

But if that's the case...

Someone can ensure that even if he is killed, he can at least forcibly replace the head of someone else's excavator before he dies.

"Where does luck come from? If you're dead, you're dead. You're just a dish~"

An Xin's words came from the team's voice channel, with a rather unceremonious contempt.

Someone feels aggrieved:

"I just had the chance to forcibly replace someone's head!"

The girl raised her eyebrows:

"What about the result? Has it been replaced?"

"Don't brag if you haven't replaced it."

As a result, someone was naturally choked again, and then when he looked at the blue square mid laner Ryze not far away, his eyes became different, and his eyes began to be filled with vicious murderous intent——

This won't work...

If you lose your face as a sparring partner, then it would be a big loss.

We must find our place!

Of course, even if Lin Feng started to prepare for revenge with murderous intent, Lin Feng would not be too stubborn and would just force himself to find an opportunity to kill someone.

After all, on the one hand, his Syndra has not yet reached level 6, and only after he learns the ultimate move at level 6 can he really have a burst of damage that can last a person; on the other hand, he and the opposite Dawn Morning Star currently have [Flash] ] are still switching CDs. In this case, if you fight too hard and press too hard, there is no doubt that you will immediately give an opportunity to the jungle excavator who reads Thirteen on the opposite side.

So for the time being, we still need to restrain ourselves a little.

Similarly, the junglers of both sides quickly retreated into the jungle again to develop after a successful wave of roaming ganks.

I can capture you all the way, but if you really focus on only one line, your opponent will easily understand your ideas and be counterattacked.

Then you still need to adjust the rhythm.


With Nian Shisan's jungle style and personality, even if he doesn't plan to attack the mid lane again for the time being, he won't be the type to calmly and honestly develop in the jungle.

So just one minute later, the blue jungle excavator, which had cleared two groups of wild monsters on the road, quietly walked towards the top road.

This wave happened to be Tian Tian's top laner Nal on the top side of the road, pushing the line of troops. Nian Shisan's jungle digger walked out directly from behind his top lane tower and got into the grass at the front, blocking his vision before squatting forward. Enter the second section of grass and wait patiently for an ambush.

Soon a new wave of soldiers was pushed out from under the defense tower on the purple side.

There is no doubt that his purple top laner Jace, under the control of Shi Hang, can safely follow the line of troops out of the defense tower.

Tian Tian patiently continued to put out the line.

Shi Hang seemed to be preparing to quickly clear out this wave of minions and then return to the city to resupply and update his equipment.

The troop line was quickly pushed further towards the blue side.

Jace took advantage of the situation and moved forward. The acceleration gate of the E skill opened, and it seemed that the second company of the Q skill was about to immediately catch up with the few remaining purple soldiers with residual health not far away.

So the jungle excavator who read thirteen in the grass continued to wait patiently.

Once Jess has used this second wave of EQ, there will be no resistance for him to excavate and cooperate with Tian Tian's top laner Gnar to kill.


He then saw a bright plasma cannon from Jace's Q skill "Electric Shock" passing through the acceleration gate and blasting out at an instant speed.

And then.

It was this fully charged plasma cannon that instantly blasted into the grass and hit his excavator head-on!

boom! ——

A considerable damage value suddenly floated from the head of the Void Earth-Escape Beast!

And even before Nian Shisan could react, Jace, who was not far away, had already switched to the war hammer form at lightning speed and used the Q skill "Leap of the Sky" to launch the high weight hammer towards him in the grass!

The same moment.

It was a ghostly purple figure that suddenly appeared from the grass in the front section not far away.

Widow, Evelyn.

"You-have-been-(you have been killed)."

The kill announcement from the system's female voice came from the top lane.

Caught off guard.

Nian Shisan's jungle excavator wandered on the road, encountered a widow counter-crouching, and was caught off guard by Jess on the purple side who cooperated with the widow to kill him and take away his head.

However, Tian Tian's top laner Nal was unable to save others and could only choose to retreat.

The head count of the blue and purple legions on the field became 1 to 2.

The performance data of the purple jungler widow came to 2/0/0.

Now it was Shi Hang's turn to be beaming with pride: "Oh, what did Thirteen say, let you go on the road to cause trouble, now you have fallen into a trap, hahahaha——"

On the other side of the blue side, Huangxue Yege also started complaining and taking the opportunity to take revenge:

"Hey, what's going on?"

"You're still being squatted against by girl An Xin? How can you compete in the finals with this level of awareness——"

The contemptuous words that Nian Thirteen said before were basically returned intact by him now.

However, Nian Shisan, who was sitting in front of his computer screen at this moment, unusually did not retaliate. Instead, his face became unusually serious, and he even sat up slightly:


"I'm a bit underestimated."

The update is here, the third update is done. Good night, good night, friends. See you tomorrow.

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