
Chapter 1731 Marking

This blue side, Nian Shisan, has given up on several of his best offensive jungle heroes, so the first-hand excavator Reksai he selected is actually not too impressive in terms of personal damage. However, it was only because of his offensive ability that he continuously cooperated with the mid lane linkage to score two kills in succession and gave them to his mid laner teammate.

As for the purple side...

In the two early waves of gank, all two heads were collected into his own bag, so during this period, Anxin's widow Evelin already had extremely amazing damage and the ability to kill people instantly by herself.

As for this wave in the bottom lane, Huangxue Yege's policewoman had already retreated in time.

But once the widow intercepts and catches her.

There is no doubt that he will die.

Just one set of damage can kill you instantly, leaving people with no temper at all and no resistance at all.

more importantly--

After getting this solo kill, the Widow's record data has reached 3/0/0.

With such a developed Widow Maker in this time period, it almost makes people feel chills in their hearts when they look at such panel performance data. Originally, this was a stealth assassin-style AP hero, but now he has such a fatal blow. The terrifying damage, coupled with the girl who is the controller, seems to have a perfect sense of wandering and catching people... It is almost enough to become a nightmare in the eyes of any crispy backline hero on the blue side.


With the same 2/0/0 record data in hand, Dawnstar's mid laner Ryze is not too worried about being singled out by the Widow at this time.

Tiantian's Gnar on the road is not bad.

So it seems that this threat falls entirely on the head of Huangxue Yege's ADC policewoman.

It was precisely because of this that Huangxue Yege couldn't help but sigh just now.

How to play?

Although I was already prepared that my bottom lane would be targeted when this game was launched, I originally thought that having a girl in the jungle position would not pose much of a threat to his ADC...

But who knew that this really became the biggest threat?

It was said that they were preparing for simulation training in advance to meet Mafa from SSK tomorrow.

In this current situation——

Huangxue Yege felt that he was already under pressure no less than from Mafa himself.

Damn, this simulation is too real, isn’t it?

"Hold still."

The calm voice of Dawn Morning Star sounded on the blue team's internal voice channel:

"If we hold this back, we can win."


In fact, although the current rhythm of the scene is still only balanced, and even the opponent purple side army is leading by two heads with a score of 4 to 2, but from the lineup point of view, the blue side army of Dawn Star and several people are in the middle and late stages. Able to gradually exert force and even suppress the opponent.

After all, on the purple side, whether it is Jess in the top lane, Widow in the jungle, or ADC Obama in the bottom lane, they are all extremely powerful heroes in the early and mid-term, but in the later stage, their effects will gradually weaken.

Even if it's someone's midfielder Syndra, even if the damage explodes in the later stage, it will still only be a single point of burst damage, at most one person per second.

But on the blue side, Ryze and the policewoman are originally late-game heroes, and the jungler's excavator serves as the frontline to deal with damage, and Gnar, the top laner, plays a far more important role in mid- and late-game team battles than a hero. Much bigger.

If the balance of power is maintained in the early and mid-term, then in the later stage, the blue side can simply rely on its huge lineup advantage to win openly.

What's more, Ryze, the mid laner of Dawnstar, directly got two kills in the early stage, and it will develop even faster.


The only premise is--

They were able to survive the opponent's purple army's early and mid-term efforts.

Because don’t forget, although Ryze can develop faster with two heads in hand, the jungle widow on the purple side has a record of 3/0/0, and has entered her strongest and most terrifying time period. .

At times like this...

Players and heroes on the blue square three route are at a loss to deal with this widow Evelyn, and they even have to be in danger and be on guard at all times for roaming ganks from Evelynn.

Then the only one who can deal with the widow is.

Naturally, only the jungle excavator on the blue side is left.

Press B to return to the city. He restored the health of his excavator Reksai and quickly updated a round of equipment. He moved and clicked the mouse to control the void escape beast and walked towards the high ground. Taking advantage of this little time, he thought Thirteen moved the knuckles of his hands, his eyes narrowed with a sharp edge:

"I'll keep an eye on her."

If there were professional players from other teams in other divisions present at this moment, they would probably be stunned to see the scene on the court.

Because the Nian Shisan they are familiar with has always been the most aggressive offensive point on the field.

He is always the only one taking the initiative to initiate roaming ganks again and again.

The opposing jungler opponent can only try his best to block and rescue, but he will always be one beat slower than the former.

But now——

Almost extremely rare.

Facing the jungle widow on the purple side, it was actually the turn of the jungle digger on the blue side, Nian Shisan, to make a rhythm adjustment. Instead, he had to mark his opponent in the jungle.


Because if they don't keep an eye on this Evelin, the rhythm of their entire Blue Army's third route will be disrupted.

No matter which hero is on the current three lanes, it is easy for him to withstand a sudden sneak attack from the opposite jungler's widow from a shadow corner to his back.

Once caught, death is almost instantaneous.

But unfortunately, it was during Nian Shisan's rare moment when he made up his mind to keep an eye on the opponent's jungle widow.


The figure of the widow Evelin seemed to disappear on the mini-map.

Submerged into the shadows, there is no sound anymore.

In the next nearly two minutes, Evelin's figure was never seen on any of the three routes, and it was even completely impossible to determine the opponent's current whereabouts.

Of course, you can guess that the opponent's Widowmaker has finally begun to clear the jungle with peace of mind and prepare to replenish its development.

But you are completely unable to be sure of your own judgment.

Then the heroes on the blue side on the third line still have to take action at all times. As long as they have not confirmed the position of the opposite widow, they will not dare to take action rashly even if they catch some opportunities online.

This can avoid risks as much as possible and ensure safety.

But the same...

It also makes people extremely anxious, bored, and uneasy.

"There's a certain amount of control—"

Li Shiyi, who was the only spectator off the court, couldn't help but sigh with sincerity.

Only a jungler like him who had reached the pinnacle of his career could understand how amazing and moving the jungler's widow controlled by the girl on the court at this moment was.

There was no aggressive attack.

Sometimes, suddenly slowing down the pace and disappearing can make the opponent feel even more uncomfortable.

And this puts the opponent in an unbearable state. When the next opportunity appears, the widow's next move... is destined to set off another wave of thunder.

Nian Shisan can also guess the operational ideas and intentions of the girl opposite.

The more so.

The expression on his face became more solemn and solemn.


This is a state that will only appear when he competes with the jungler of the SSK team, who is tied with him as the two jungle kings in the world.

Update is here. Congratulations to EDG for advancing to the group stage. The next chapter will probably be very late, so I suggest you get up and read it tomorrow morning.

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