
Chapter 1705 System

The fact is that in the face of the line-changing and tower-pushing tactics adopted by the purple-side Crown team at this time, it is actually difficult for the blue-side Assassin team to find the most appropriate response method.

Because Policewoman is a hero with long arms and an extremely good ability to push towers. In addition, this Piltover Policewoman develops too fast in the early stage. In about ten minutes, she can push down the opponent's outer tower from the bottom lane and directly jump from there. The liberation of the bottom lane also made the Assassin team somewhat unprepared.

On the top lane, although the Assassin team's top laner Jace is also developing well in the early stage, it is still difficult to deal with the combination of the Crown team's policewoman and the bull head that pushes the troops under their own tower.

The burst damage is there, and if you can seize the opportunity, it is not impossible to kill the policewoman in seconds, but there is also the Eye of Twilight Shen on the purple side, and the ultimate move can activate support at any time, which cuts off Jace. The thought of attacking the female police officer.


If one is accidentally forcibly hit by the opposite Niu Tau, with the current burst damage of the policewoman combined with the control of teammate Niu Tou, it is possible to kill Jace from the tower.

And this scene actually happened.

Although the top laner of the Assassin team was careful enough to keep his position as far back as possible under the tower, what he didn't expect was that the purple side's two-man lane was even more powerful than expected.

Smoothly push the line to remove the tower?


It seems that this option does not exist in the dictionary of the core ace ADC player of the Crown team.

When a large wave of troops pushed in front of the opponent's blue defense tower, the policewoman sent a signal to directly mark Jace. The next moment, the supporting Tauren Chief suddenly flashed and handed over in a cloud of fine golden light. Leap forward.

Face Jess directly!

The Q skill "Earth Shatter" will knock the target into the air and control it.

The policewoman quickly moved forward to receive the metal clip of the W skill "Yodele Trap" and lowered it. The moment she fired a flat A shot, she received a second headshot bullet that triggered the W skill's passive.

Niutou then used the W skill "Savage Crash" to knock Jace out of the tower.

Miraculously, he staggered Jess into the policewoman's second metal clamp.

So another headshot.

A again.

EQ two connects with the last headshot bullet.

The combo was so powerful that it was almost suffocating, and the top laner Jayce on the blue team's Assassin team didn't even have time to make any response, and was directly controlled until death, with most of his health bar missing. In the blink of an eye, the policewoman burst out and took him away.

"You-have-been-(you have been killed)."

The game screen on the computer screen suddenly turned black and white.

Jace was returned to the fountain to await resurrection.

The female police officer's performance data has steadily reached 2/1/0.

As for the Purple Crown Team, the expressions on their faces in front of the computer screen remained calm and unchanged. They moved their mouse and keyboard to control their opponents and mark the outer tower for defense:


In the front row of the crowd watching the game, Zeng Rui couldn't help but shake his head:

"The tower is gone."

Su Xue, who was next to her, also participated in the comment: "Hey, isn't Jace's fault a bit too big this time?"


If Jayce can be more careful this time and not be forcibly hit by the opponent's bull head, then at least relying on the EQ's second company to clear the line from a distance can still make the opponent's duo push the tower at a slight discount, no. Just like now, after switching to the road for a while, the outer tower of the road has to be demolished immediately.

But in fact, this can't be entirely blamed on Jace.

Because it was indeed the duo of the Crown team who played too fiercely and too decisively in this wave.

Of course, what still cannot be avoided is the personal operation and performance of the female police officer.

Another set of combos like this.

Complete the kill directly.

The previous wave in the bottom lane may have caused the target's auxiliary Japanese woman to escape due to lack of damage, but now... a set of brutal kills took away Jace's head, and the damage output ability of the policewoman has been reduced. People can't help but feel chilled by the awe.

However, although the top lane side sees that the rhythm of the Crown team's tower pushing has picked up, the rest of the Assassin team on the blue side is not doing nothing.

Nian Shisan's Jungle Mantis roamed the bottom lane for a gank. He switched the purple side to Twilight Eye Shen in the bottom lane and immediately reduced his HP to half health in seconds, forcing him to flash out and escape in panic. Taking advantage of the situation, the Assassin team directly led the two men in the bottom lane. A wave of troops advancing can also pull out the opponent's purple side's lower defense outer tower at a glance.

At the same time, the first wind dragon also fell firmly into the possession of the blue army.

The attributes of the first little dragon are quite lucky for the Crown team, but the refresh of the second little dragon that follows is not so pleasant to see.

"Fire dragon."

Lin Feng was thoughtful:

"The crown is a bit unlucky."

Originally, the Blue Army of the Assassin Team has a terrifying damage output capability. If the next fire dragon buff is obtained again, it will be a deadly threat and blow to the Crown Team, which uses the policewoman as the core of their tactics. .

But it happened that until the second fire dragon was refreshed, it happened to be the strong period when the blue team's lineup began to exert force. It was easy for the fire dragon crown team to compete with their opponents rashly.

“It has to be a sneak peek.”

Li Shiyi gave his own conclusion:

"Otherwise, we are waiting for chronic death."

An Xin nodded slightly, and his eyes fell on the OB screen on the electronic viewing screen on the wall:

"Crown...has already begun to prepare."

Following the prompt announcement of the female voice of the system, the outer defense tower on the blue side collapsed with a roar and turned into ruins. The economy of this defense tower was still exclusively owned by the ADC policewoman.

This is already the economy of eating two defense towers alone.

And that's not all. After pushing the opponent to the outside tower, the policewoman closed in another wave of soldiers, and then retreated into the upper half of her jungle area. She brushed from the stone man to the red buff and then to the F6 wild monster in a full circle. All the wild area resources in half of the patch have been consumed.

This situation also caused commotion among several club players watching the game.


Almost one person ate up most of the entire team's economy.

It is equivalent to saying that the entire purple army is trying its best to give all resources to its core ADC position.

This is the policewoman whom she has placed all her bets on.


Lin Feng nodded, with a look of appreciation on his face:

"Crown Team's tactical system... is quite mature."

In other words this should be called enlightenment.

Just like the Assassin team always has their jungle captain Nian Shisan as the core, and all tactical ideas are centered around the jungle, although the Crown team is a new team, it also has an incomparable understanding of the situation of its own team. A clear and profound understanding——

The biggest tool they can rely on is.

Therefore, rather than bothering to think of other methods, it is better to protect the development of their ADC in the purest and most direct way, and believe that their ADC can carry the rhythm and lead them to victory.

"And...in this case, the policewoman won't have to wait until the later stages."

Zeng Rui's eyes lit up slightly:

"At this pace, the female police officers will be equipped with sufficient clothing and combat effectiveness by the mid-term."

The update is here. The next chapter will be about 11 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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