
Chapter 1704 The Rhythm of Tower Pushing

It only takes ten minutes to start.

Among the ten heroes on the blue and purple sides on the field, there have been obvious differences in level economic development.

Each... already has a core hero whose development is far behind several of his teammates and even far behind most of his opponents' heroes by more than one or two blocks.

On the blue side of the Assassin team, Nian Shisan’s jungler Mantis Kazik currently has a record of 3/0/2.

Almost every wave of roaming ganks, including counter-crouching, were all effective without fail.

It was as if this training match fully demonstrated the strength of the top wild king in the LMS region. As expected, it was Nian Shisan's offensive and aggressive style as always, almost suffocating the opponent's third route. of oppression.

Even in this process of constant wandering and ganking, Mantis Kha'Zix's number of jungle clearings did not lag behind the opposing jungler Lee Sin at all, and unknowingly evened the number of jungle clearings.

This is almost incomprehensible. You, a mantis, are obviously causing trouble and wandering around everywhere. You also spent a lot of time in the early stage targeting squatters in the bottom lane. How on earth did you manage to not even slow down your own jungle development rhythm?

But this is probably where Nian Shisan's strength lies as one of the two top wild kings in the world.

If there were no other unexpected situations, just looking at the development of the jungle hero Nian Shisan from the blue Assassin team in this round could almost declare the opponent's defeat.


Fortunately, the Crown Team on the purple side... also has someone who can hold up the table.

ADC policewoman.

When her teammates on the home lane were all at a disadvantage, the ADC policewoman on the purple side of the bottom lane stood up.

Although it is only a 1/1/0 record, which pales in comparison to the 3/0/2 record of the opponent's jungler Mantis, what is really eye-catching is the policewoman's last-hitting development.

10 minutes.

92 CS.

Even in the normal starting laning situation, this kind of data is already perfect, but if we also take into account the fact that the female policeman was targeted twice in succession by the opposite jungler in the early stage, and even lost a lot of troops. ,

Then such data is really shocking and moving.

You died once.

Another time, my teammates were assisting Niutou and it was difficult for me to make last hits online.

An opening that was targeted like this still achieved this miraculous level in ten minutes.

And that's not even the point.

The key point is that when the policewoman's ten-minute CS count reached 92, her opponent's ADC Ezreal on the blue side only had 55 CS, which was almost double the pressure!

This is the scariest thing.

Because if you are just an ADC policewoman and your personal CS development reaches this kind of data, it can also be said that it is because your personal basic skills are so scary. However, there are still many professional ADC players who can do this basic CS skills. .

But the current situation is that the ADC female policewoman is not only almost perfect in her own last hit.

And during the laning process, the ADC Explorer on the blue side's Assassin team was crushed to death.

He is also a professional first-tier ADC player.

In the ten minutes of early laning, he was almost doubled in the number of last hits, and this was only the result after his jungle teammates helped twice in the early stage. This is really chilling -

If you hadn’t thought about the two waves of help at the beginning of the Thirteenth Fighting Mantis...

Now, isn't this EZ's last hit even worse?

Being suppressed by five knives, ten knives or even fifteen knives is barely acceptable. Being suppressed to this extent for ten minutes can only show that in the early laning time, the ADC explorer of the Assassin team suffered a lot. The pressure is simply unbearable.

Players and players from several clubs watching the game may have had doubts about the fact that they suppressed the opposing ADC for more than a hundred CS against the Season team, but now——

But I already had to believe it.

Because the facts are right in front of them.

And it's only ten minutes... If we continue at this pace, maybe by the 20th minute, the female police officer will be able to kill more than a hundred EZs.

But of course this is only a theoretical judgment and statement.

Because it’s impossible to really play this match for 20 minutes and still have regular battles.

“It’s time for the purple side to change lines next.”

In the front row of the crowd, Lin Feng looked at the OB picture on the electronic viewing screen on the wall and touched his nose:

"It's time for the policewoman to pick up the rhythm of pushing towers."

On the field, the blue and purple armies each have such a core hero who is far ahead in development.

Although the ADC policewoman's kill statistics are far inferior to Nian Shisan's jungle mantis, she has the economy of a blood tower and a lot of CS, so her current development is no better than Kha'Zix's. Difference.

Of course, when a well-developed jungler meets a well-developed ADC, there is no doubt that the former still occupies the active position of the hunter. No matter how well-developed the female police officer is, if one is accidentally caught by a mantis, it will definitely cause a wave of instant damage. Seconds cannot give you any room for maneuver.

But fortunately, the Purple Crown Team has an auxiliary bull head who can personally protect the policewoman. The summoner's skill [Weakness] is also a powerful weapon to protect people, which can help the policewoman reduce the threat from the mantis to a great extent.

However, the threat to the policewoman is not only from the opponent's jungle mantis.

"This one...the assassin's lineup is also very targeted."

Li Shiyi frowned slightly:

"Top laner Jayce has developed very well, and now his burst can also kill anyone in seconds."

"The mid laner is also a prophet of the void... In a team fight with a hero like Grasshopper, as long as you have Flash in your hand, it will make you lose your temper at all if Flash directly forces the policewoman away."

In addition, there are also auxiliary Japanese girls’ ultimate moves and Q skill control——

It can be said that this one can completely predict that when the game rhythm enters the mid-to-late stage grouping, the output space of the female policeman will be extremely severely restricted. No matter how good your early development is, it will be difficult to deal the required output damage.

Zeng Rui beside him nodded solemnly:


"So we can't postpone it to a later stage."

Although the policewoman itself is an ADC hero who can exert her power in the late stage, the lineup of this blue side Assassin team has almost limited the space for the policewoman to exert her power in the later stage.


You can only look for opportunities in the early and mid-term.

The reality was just as Lin Feng had evaluated and judged. After demolishing the opponent's blue side's first-blood tower in the bottom lane, the purple side's Crown team quickly chose to change lanes.

The top laner's Twilight Eye went to the bottom lane, while the policewoman and Niutou moved to the top lane to lead the lane and continue to push the tower.

"If you push the tower fast enough, Crown's rhythm can also pick up—"

Players and players from several clubs off the court were talking about it:

"But it still depends on how the assassin responds..."

The update is here. The next chapter will be around nine o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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