
Chapter 1706 Rapidly formed policewoman

Therefore, including Li Shiyi and Zeng Rui, most of the players watching the game misjudged the situation of the Purple Crown team to a certain extent.

In their original opinion, there is no doubt that the core of this Crown team is the ADC Policewoman. However, the Piltover Policewoman is a hero who only really exerts her power in the later stages, so she just happened to encounter the assassin on the blue side. The team's targeted lineup directly limits the role of the female police officer in the later stage.

This seems to make the Crown team's choice of ADC policewoman a bit embarrassing -

Indeed, as a late-stage hero, your output space is already destined to be limited even before you are fully equipped.

Then the early and mid-term are not your focus.

It seems that this choice of hero has already made this competition half cold.

But now——

It seems that the situation has deviated from the original expectations of most of the players watching the game.

Although this policewoman is destined to not have much output space in the later stage, for now, when the purple square crown team supplies almost all resources to the ADC policewoman, the development of this Pi City policewoman seems to be It can pick up quickly in the mid-term.

"The two-piece suit is almost here."

"A two-piece set so quickly...the damage done in a group fight is already considerable."

"If you develop like this, will you need a three-piece suit in your early twenties?"

"Oh my god...that policewoman's output is about to explode."

There was a low commotion among the spectators.


The Piltover Policewoman's personal last-hitting development in the early stage is already the best in the game. The last-hitting skills follow the time and even exceed the time flow. 140 last-hitting hits in 13 minutes. Coupled with all the craziness of her teammates, the economy , almost before the game really entered the mid-term stage... they just relied on team resources to forcibly pile up an ADC policewoman with an incredible development speed.

That's why I was able to hit the top lane with a set of Niutou and directly kill the opponent's top laner Jayce.

A policewoman with such development in this time period...

It has almost exceeded the normal development that an ADC hero should have in 99% of professional competitions.

Even to an unscientific level of perversion.

We can’t blame the professional players in various clubs off the field for being surprised, because this tactical system that purely uses ADC as the absolute core and fully supplies the team’s economy to the ADC position has almost never been used in the world’s professional e-sports circles before. There is no precedent.

"It's also because there haven't been a few top ADC players who can really stand up to the table before."

Someone off the field touched his nose again out of habit.

If you want to use ADC as the core, the first prerequisite is that you have an ADC member in your team who is strong enough to serve as the core.

But looking at the entire world of professional e-sports, there are only a handful of professional ADC players who can truly be considered top-level, and there is not even one who can even be listed among the seven kings of the world.

Of course, SSK's Ray or Team God's Huangxue Yege are both qualified.

But the teams these two belong to don't need to have an ADC as the core.

So among the 16 teams participating in this year's finals, the one that really has the ability and needs to use ADC as the core of the tactical system happens to be the only one on the field at the moment, the purple team Crown Team.

They have it, so they can do it.

And they only have it, so they have to do it.

"A system that purely uses AD as the absolute core of four guarantees and one... is still a little risky." Zeng Rui's tone was hesitant.

Li Shi next to him nodded:

"Compared with other single-core and dual-core systems, it is definitely more risky."

Because you also give up a position in the team's economy. If you give it to the jungler, the jungler can better drive the three-way rhythm. If you give it to the top laner, you can almost defeat the whole game in 1V5. If you give it to the mid laner, you can also ensure your own team. A wave of explosion damage from the mid laner will instantly knock out at least one of the opponent's core C positions.

Can be transferred to ADC...

But you have to worry all the time that even if your ADC is extremely developed, if the opponent's top laner, mid laner or jungler catches a wave of opportunities, he will kill him without saying a word.

The fault tolerance rate of the AD core is too low.

"But it is indeed a very good training environment." An Xin commented with a smile.

Lin Feng scratched his head and suddenly said something that made everyone suddenly realize:


"Being able to carve a way out of the North American LCS and advance to this year's finals under this tactical system has been well tempered."

Indeed, the effects of training can already be seen.

After collecting a wave of jungle resources, the purple ADC policewoman chose to return to the city. When she went out again, she was already heading towards the middle line.

At the same time, the marking signal from the perspective of the purple side army was continuously clicked and given, aiming at the middle outer tower of the opponent's blue side army.

This is... to grab the rhythm.

It’s also an almost breathtaking wave of tactical decisions.

You must know that this time period should have been the period of strong development of the blue side team belonging to the Assassin team. However, the purple team Crown team relied on the unconventional rapid development of the ADC female police to advance their strong stage. At this time, directly choose to confront the opponent head-on in the early and mid-term.

The current blue army has lost both its upper and lower defense towers.

If the outer tower in the middle is demolished again, the vision and development space of the Assassin team will be instantly reduced by more than one-third, and their period of strong power will be greatly reduced, even for the next fire dragon. Competition will be affected.

So there is no doubt that this wave of purple-side Crown teams are pressing in from the middle to push down the tower, and it is impossible for the blue-side Assassin team to give up the last tower so easily.

So you can see that several heroes from the blue army on the mini map are also rushing towards the middle road.


It is true that the purple side moves faster.

When there was only the mid laner Prophet of the Void in front of the defense tower on the blue side, the Pi City Policewoman under the control and her auxiliary teammate Niutou quickly pushed the line of troops to the tower.

The policewoman raised her gun.

Quickly start leveling the tower at point A.

Suddenly, a Q skill "Peacemaker" anchor bullet was fired from the gun, instantly penetrating the body of the target Void Prophet under the tower and breaking the shield. The next moment, the purple side's auxiliary bull head suddenly launched a WQ skill two rounds towards him. He rushed towards the target Malzahar under the tower and rushed away!

Wow! ! ! ——

The whole training room was shaken and exclaimed again!

It’s this routine again!

As long as Niutou seizes the opportunity, he will rush forward regardless of anything else, without considering anything else. As long as he controls the target, the policewoman will definitely follow up and control him in the next second, and then it will be the same as before. The same rhythm as killing Jace's wave.

The policewoman can be so cruel even if she is unreasonable!

I just don’t give you time to react!

Just aggressive!

that is……

Want to kill you!

The update is here, the third update is done. Good night, good night, friends. See you tomorrow.

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