
Chapter 1688 Things have changed a long time ago

While Ray was reluctant but helpless to admit the performance of Huangxue Yege's ADC Policewoman, the team battle in front of the Dragon Fjord in Summoner's Rift finally came to an end.

Huangxue Yege's ADC Policewoman with her ultimate remaining health counterattacked and took away The-Sword's top laner Ekko's head.

At the same time, Varus, the mid laner of Dawnstar on the other side, miraculously survived.

This is something that the players and players from various clubs on the field did not expect at all——

You must know that just when Ekko, the top laner on The-Sword, went back to kill the policewoman with his ultimate move, Varus' health bar was already in critical condition. What happened to Fly's snake girl Cassiopeia? Everyone should be able to get this head.


Eye of Twilight, who happened to be the top laner of the God team, was dodged by The-Sword's ultimate move when E flashed and taunted, but by chance, he controlled the snake girl for a moment.

It directly bought a little breathing time for Dawn Morning Star.

And the opportunity to fight back.

Varus, who was saved by his teammate Shen, did not retreat at all. Instead, he seized the opportunity and turned directly to target the Snake Girl, who also had low health, to launch a counterattack. At the same time, the jungler Widow on the blue side not far away also quickly chased back. .

The three of them combined their concentrated fire damage to kill the fragile snake girl with residual blood in the blink of an eye.

And in this way——

This wave of team battles finally came to an end.

1 for 4!

The purple side Minx team's top laner, mid laner, jungler and ADC were all killed, and only one auxiliary, Fanma, escaped in a panic. In comparison, the blue side's God team only lost one auxiliary fairy. Not to mention the witch Lulu, the remaining widows and Shen, the two C-position policewomen and Varus all survived after being killed with extremely low health.

Huangxue Yege's ADC policewoman... even scored a wave of double kills.

Although it's just a double kill.

But the weight of this operation was enough to shock the players and players from various clubs in the entire training room.

It's enough...

In exchange for a thunderous applause!

Amidst the applause and cheers that suddenly boiled over in the audience,

Several members of God's team on the blue side of the field were also full of joy and excitement, and even Dawn Morning Star couldn't help but smile a little:

"Aye is nice."

Hearing such compliments from his old friend next to him, Huang Xue Ye Ge now had a beaming look on his face:

"Hey... it must be necessary!"

"It's been more than thirty minutes, it's time for me to show off!"


Perhaps for the entire thirty minutes before, his ADC policewoman was acting like soy sauce, and was extremely uncomfortable being restricted by various targets, and was even suspected and complained by many people in the audience.

But this is it.

A wave.

Just beat everything back!

Who dares to say that Team God only has Dawn Morning Star's midfielder playing the leading role?

His ADC, Huangxue Yege...

It is also another core trump card of their God-Hand of God!

On the other side of the field, the purple side of the Minx team, the atmosphere was completely silent. Several members of the team were already pale. They never expected that this wave of team battles would lead to such a result.

"Damn it...damn it!"

As the team's mid laner, Fly was almost furious at this moment:

"It was almost me who harvested it."

"Karma, what did you just leave for? The widows from across the street are here. Where did you go?"

"Even if you give me a shield, I can kill their Varus!"

But what's the point of saying this now?

The-Sword, who was sitting next to him on the top lane seat, didn't say a word, but his face also had a rare gloomy expression. His deep eyes looked at the female ADC policewoman on the opponent's blue side in the game screen on the computer screen, filled with a chilling chill. ——

did not expect.

He was actually tricked by the opposite ADC.

But soon The-Sword's eyes returned to calm and indifference.

It was true that he underestimated his opponent.

Naturally, we are destined to pay such a painful price.

But next time…

I will never let the other party have such an opportunity again.


Yes, it's a pity, but I can only wait until next time.

Because this time the overall situation has been decided.

There is no recovery.

The God team of the blue army fought such a beautiful team battle in front of Dalongfjord, and the situation on the scene seemed to be completely reversed.

The players and players from various clubs off the field were also surprised and excited——

In this way, the blue side can take advantage of the situation to win the Baron, and then rely on the Baron buff to make another wave of group pressure. Perhaps the rhythm initiative of this match can truly fall into the control of the God team...

Victory is in sight.


It's beyond what most people expected.

After winning this wave of team battles, the remaining four heroes on the blue God team seemed to have no intention of fighting the baron, and instead rushed directly towards the opponent's center.

Many players watching the game couldn't help but be stunned——

What's the meaning?

Is this... a push first?

It seems that it is not impossible. At this time, the resurrection time of the fallen heroes of the purple side on the opposite side has been very long, and the opposite side Ekko has just handed over the summoner skill [Teleport]. The blue side can indeed break the opponent's middle first. It is indeed more profitable to go to the high ground and then go back and take the baron——

But such thoughts did not last long.

Because some people have gradually woken up and realized the true intentions of the blue God team.

So the eyes of the spectators who guessed Team God's intentions couldn't stop staring:

This is……

"I want a wave!"

On the periphery of the crowd, Shi Hang exclaimed in surprise for the first time. His eyes were fixed on the four-man blue army on the field who had quickly joined forces in the middle to press onto the opponent's high ground. His eyes began to shine with excitement:

"Depend on!"

"It seems to work!"

Eight seconds.

The defensive tower on the high ground in the middle of the purple square was quickly bulldozed and demolished into ruins.

Another five seconds later.

The summoning crystal was quickly demolished under the concentrated fire of several blue heroes.

A wave of soldiers continued to advance towards the two incisor towers in front of the purple square base crystal.

More and more players and team members in the crowd watching the game noticed that just when the middle road was pushing for high ground, the blue team God team deliberately let Shen take the lead in the tower to carry damage and protect the line. This means …

I really want to take advantage of the opportunity and win the game directly!

There was a commotion in the training room again!

Although many players and players from various clubs have been mentally prepared, they still can't help but have expressions of disbelief on their faces——

This this……

Are you really trying so hard? ?

This is not the Hand of God they are familiar with. The strongest team in the LPL division they are familiar with. Shouldn't it be more stable and conservative? When did it become possible to make such a gamble? An adventurous move like a disciple! ?

Regarding this view, Nian Shisan sneered and looked at the members of his assassin team:

"Haven't your mind turned around yet?"

"Just look at this game..."

"Who really thinks they are the God team from before?"

"Damn it, things have changed a long time ago!"

Loud words rang out, and along with them, the two base incisor towers on the purple side quickly collapsed and turned into ruins.

The update is here. The next chapter will be after 11 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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