
Chapter 1689 It’s not recognition

In the past few seasons, the God team, as the top team in the LPL division, left a deep impression on opponents from other division teams, and it was also too solid.

Therefore, in the minds of the players and players watching the game, even though they saw that the blue side army on the field had already played a comeback rhythm, they still subconsciously thought that after this wave of team battles, the blue side army should take the baron first and then push as a team. tower.

Because it's more stable this way.

It is also more in line with the original appearance of Team God in their impression.

But now...

Facts have proved, or in other words, the five members of the God team on the field have used their own actions to prove that today's God-God's Hand is indeed no longer the team it was back then.

Perhaps some characteristics are still retained.

For example, the coordination in team battles is still so perfect and tacit.

For example, the formulation and execution of tactics are still textbook-level.

But something is really changing, too.

Perhaps in the past, when the God team faced the rhythm of the situation just now, they would choose to take the baron first and then advance as a group to try to take advantage of it; but now the God team will act like a gambler that shocked the whole audience. Risky and bold decisions.


It is also the most correct and decisive choice.

There is indeed enough time for a wave.

When the incisor towers of the two purple square bases were bulldozed and demolished, the Minx team's auxiliary fan mother was also slashed from the side like a ghost by God's jungle widow, and was directly hit by the damage output of the policewoman and Varus. Kill and take away.

The purple side jungler Zach, who was resurrected and rushed out of the spring in an attempt to stop the blue side army's tower pushing rhythm, was also taunted by Shen's E skill, and then was also submerged under the output damage of the concentrated fire and fell to the ground again instantly.

When The-Sword's top laner Ekko and Fly's mid laner Snake were resurrected.

The two core ace players of the Minx team have given up.

The assassin and the snake girl were left standing silently in their own spring.

Waiting for the ending.

Suddenly, the picture angle of the electronic viewing screen on the wall was slowly moved towards the purple square base crystal uncontrollably.

The light twisted and expanded, and finally exploded with a roar.

Blue square.


Suddenly, the entire training room burst into thunderous cheers and applause, almost making the ceiling buzz. All the players watching, no matter which club or team they belonged to, were sincerely amazed at this moment. Let’s send their praise and congratulations to the winning team God.

This match was not only full of ups and downs, but also allowed the Blue Army to stage a classic comeback against the wind for everyone.

Even a minute or two ago——

No one could have imagined that this match would end so quickly.

Team God... won.

And it was won so cleanly, beautifully and not sloppily.

"Finally, we didn't let all the No. 1 seeds fall down." A professional player in the crowd lamented and sighed.

Yes, this morning, the Minx team defeated the No. 1 seeded teams in the two major LCS regions in Europe and North America with unparalleled and amazing momentum. However, in the first match in the afternoon, they were ranked No. 1 in the LPL region. Seed's God-The Hand of God fell off the horse and ended the winning streak.

This result made many people breathe a sigh of relief.


Finally, they have saved some face of the veteran teams in the professional e-sports circle.

The rookie team... after all, it's not like they can defeat all the seniors so quickly.

"To put it this way, I should really thank God."

Phoenix looked at his old rivals and friends beside him and smiled helplessly.

Spoon, on the other hand, looked gloomy and groaned:

"No need."

"Even without their God, we, MLG, can still regain our place on our own -"

Just when he said these words, anyone could tell that the top king of the MLG team was forcing his words and unwilling to admit it.

at the same time.

On the other side of the crowd, several members of the SSK team were slowly looking away from the viewing screen.


Although as the strongest team in the world today, watching this match will not put much pressure on them, at least the performance of the God team is enough to make them feel a little threatened.

If... this No. 1 seed in the LPL division has grown and improved to this extent.

Then even their SSK needs to be more cautious.

"Let's find some time to have an appointment with God."

Suddenly Han Shihao spoke and said something that caught several other people in SSK off guard.

Even Mafa couldn't help but look at his fellow mid laner in surprise.

"Are you going to make a date with God?" Ray scratched his head subconsciously and couldn't help but blurt out: "But doesn't our coach here already have other arrangements -"

The words fell.

Several other members of SSK couldn't help but nod subconsciously.

This situation seems a little strange and unusual, because for the SSK team, although they have the most professional and top coaching staff in the world, the status of several SSK main players in the club is far higher than that of others. The players and members of the team club are taller and have more say.

And this means that the main SSK players do not need to obey their own coaching staff like players from other club teams.

You can have the power and leeway to express your opinions and make decisions.

But at this moment...

Ray's blurted words implicitly revealed his subconscious obedience to his club's coaching team, and even several other SSK players seemed to have no objections to it and even agreed with it.

However, in response to such a reaction, Han Shihao just looked at his teammates calmly:

"Then I will go and talk to him about this."

"Besides, he wasn't the only one who had the final say in this training match."

The other people in SSK were silent again, and the atmosphere became slightly the same. In the end, Mafa nodded: "Okay, then you can make up your mind."

Cube next to him adjusted his glasses and smiled:

"That's fine."

"A fight with such a God... is indeed a bit interesting."

Ray also nodded in agreement: "That's right! That Huangxue Yege... is now qualified enough for me to put some effort into it. "

The atmosphere seemed to become a little more relaxed.

But if others were present to hear such a conversation, they might notice carefully that the wording of the conversation between several SSK main players did not seem to refer to the entire coaching staff of their club, but only to a specific "he" in the conversation. What does it refer to.

And besides...

It seems that the SSK team is recognized as the undisputed and unique core ace mid laner, but his attitude towards the "him" mentioned in the words is not as unconditional as that of several other teammates.

The update is here. The next chapter will be written around eight o'clock. . . The weather is getting cooler in autumn, so friends, please pay attention to your health.

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