
Chapter 1687 Accurate calculation in one instant

The biggest difference between public ranking and professional competitions is not the difference in personal operational strength between players and professional players.

It's because in the professional arena, everyone plays more steadily, and it's harder for you to find your opponent's flaws.

At this time, it is even more necessary to watch the tactical battle between the teams and players on both sides and defeat the opponent in a more upright way.


Sometimes, when the tactical game can no longer help you establish a sufficient advantage, you may still need some personal opportunities to seek breakthroughs.

The opponent may not reveal his flaws easily.

Then you need to force out the opponent's flaws yourself, and even preset the space for the opponent's flaws in advance.


You have to be the first to sell your opponent a flaw.

Then put yourself to death and live again.

Just like the top laner Ekko on the purple side in this game, he has almost reached an unsolvable level in the middle and later stages of the game, not to mention that he is even more invulnerable under the control of The-Sword.

Frontal targeting and concentrated fire simply have no effect on him. It's like even Dawnstar's mid laner Varus always has his ultimate in his hands in such a fierce and chaotic team battle just to rush forward against Ekko. At the moment of the cut, he threw out the "Corruption Chain" to control, but he was still directly dodged by The-Sword's extremely fast reaction [Flash].

In terms of personal operation level and reaction speed, the core ace top laner of the Minx team has almost reached the level of Yonko.

That is to say, it is almost impeccable.

So if you really want to use certain calculations successfully, you must be ingenious.

If the opponent is completely unexpected, then there is no need to take precautions in advance.

But this problem is quite difficult.

Because how can a top top laner who is extremely powerful in terms of operational ability and sense of crisis be unexpected?

In the past ten minutes, the God team, including Dawn Morning Star and Huangxue Yege, have been thinking about this question. It was not until the moment the team battle started that they finally got the answer.

Unbridled and bold adventures taken to the extreme.

But it's also the only answer.

Thus came Huangxue Yege's execution, which was almost as risky as a gamble.

Ekko's ultimate move "Time and Space Break" has a powerful ability to retaliate, and the policewoman who is chasing behind Ikko all the way to point out people will almost die instantly if she takes the ultimate move.

However, opportunities also exist in this seemingly fatal situation.

"It is impossible for a top laner of The-Sword's level to fall into routines easily, and even in the most critical situation, he can rely on his strong operation skills in the shortest time. Respond quickly.”

Outside the crowd outside the field, An Xin explained patiently to Tang Bingyao beside him. The girl nodded with concentration and seriousness, while the girl paused slightly and continued with a smile:

"If you want to plot against someone else's Ike, you must create an environment where the other party can't avoid it and there is no room for maneuver."

"The maximum hand speed of other people's reaction operations may be completed in 0.3 seconds or even 0.1 seconds, or even faster."


"If we could accurately calculate the exact position where Ike would appear at a specific moment, and the inevitable short pause—"

"Then at that moment, Ike will have an inevitable breaking point."

Tang Bingyao suddenly realized after hearing this:

"It's... the movement trajectory of Ike's passive time shadow."

An Xin smiled and nodded:

"The moment the ultimate move R returns to the location of the time shadow, there is about 0.5 seconds of freeze in skill casting. This is also the only time when the player cannot perform any additional operations."


Just calculate the moment.

Make the quickest reaction within that 0.5 seconds to seize this only opportunity——

You can achieve a comeback.

As an ADC female police officer, the only way to seize the opportunity is the "Yodele Trap" of the W skill.

An almost ordinary-looking metal clip.

The atmosphere in the entire training room was filled with excitement as Ike was killed and fell!


At this moment, almost everyone, whether they were supporting God or supporting Minx, players from various clubs and teams watching the game, could not help but be excited and clapped their hands and applauded as hard as they could!


really beautiful!

For example, the players from KG and Hayami in the LPL division looked at the figure of the blue team's Barang Xue Ye Ge on the field with almost fanatical admiration!

What the hell...

So awesome! ! !

The people present were all top professional players who were qualified to compete in the World Finals. They all had good eyesight, so they all saw clearly the scene where Ike stepped on the trap just now.

Naturally, everyone came back to their senses and immediately figured out the truth of everything just now.

But even if you learn the truth...

It still makes people unable to stop being shocked and swaying!

This is simply a cheating level operation!

Amazing skills!

Who would have thought that a Piltover policewoman who was about to be trampled to death by Ekko's big move would actually be calculating her opponent's time assassin in the most critical situation?

Calculate the landing point of Ekko's ultimate move R.

Arrange and release a W skill metal clip in advance like lightning!


A set of combo.

Complete the counterattack against heaven!

The passive headshot triggered by the metal clip of the W skill, the passive headshot triggered by the E skill hitting the target, the headshot triggered by the passive skill A, and the huge anchor bullet of the Q skill "Peacemaker".

This is almost the most terrifying set of instant burst damage that the Piltover policewoman possesses.

At that moment, Huang Xue Yege played it out in one smooth motion.

So the outcome of life and death was determined in an instant.

What's this?

This is truly the most extreme and fierce counterattack that the world's top ADC player can do when facing the top top laner!

This can no longer even be described as "textbook level", because even if such a wave of operations is recorded and watched repeatedly, more than 99% of professional players will be completely unable to learn to imitate.

What this requires is a truly exaggerated big heart!

What is needed is the ultimate reaction speed and the calmest judgment of the battle situation.

It’s the hunter’s patience and tact…

As fierce as a wolf!

"Just this operation, if played in the next main game, is enough for Lao Ye to be officially included in the Seven Kings."

Lin Feng touched his nose and commented.

At the same time, on the other side of the crowd not far away, several members of the Crown team who were looking for trouble with the ADC policewoman Huang Xue Ye Ge were completely stunned and unable to say a word.

Silent, the eyes in his eyes flashed brightly and darkly, gradually becoming sharper.

As for the SSK team, the support Cube looked at his fellow ADCs beside him and raised his eyebrows, the meaning seemed to be self-evident.

Noticing the eyes of his partner, Ray was a little annoyed:

"Watch what I do?"

"I can also do this kind of operation...well, this guy did a good job this time -"

The update is here. The next chapter will be around ten o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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