
Chapter 1679 Declaration of Death

In this year's S6 World Finals, basically every major competition area has so-called dark horse teams emerging.

For example, BW-Blue Whale in the European LCS division, such as the Crown team in the North American LCS division, or the Korean Minx team currently competing against the God team on the field.

Several rookie dark horse teams also have core ace players with extremely outstanding abilities.

But let alone the difference in strength between these talented newcomers, at least in terms of mentality and personality, the core ADC player of the Crown team is more than a little stronger than the other newcomers of the same generation.

There is absolutely no arrogance and arrogance that a talented rookie player usually has.

Even though he had a slight advantage against the Season team's bottom lane in the past, it still didn't make the ADC player of the Crown team feel complacent.

Always humble and low-key.

He has never underestimated any opponent.

Although in the match against the God team in the morning, he was slightly better than Huangxue Yege in the bottom lane, but even so, there was still no complacency in the comments and praises of several teammates around him. On the contrary, It was a rebuttal.

Of course this is also true.

In this morning's matchup, the bottom lane battle seemed to be that his bottom lane suppressed the God team's bottom lane duo, but in fact, only as the opposing ADC, he himself could clearly understand what he was doing at that time. What a huge amount of pressure.

That was when he really went all out, but he could still barely suppress the rhythm of the night song of Huangxue on the opposite side.

And it was only because the first wave of opponents relaxed a little and allowed him to seize the opportunity that he was able to maintain a suppressive state from behind.

If we had to do it all over again...

Perhaps he may not even be able to take advantage of the God team's core ace ADC in the bottom lane.

The more important point is that even though his bot lane side already had the laning advantage at that time, when the laning period ended and the match advanced to the mid-to-late teamfight stage, the opponent's Huangxue Yege still started. Slowly regaining the rhythm from the team battle.

The opponent's team fighting ability... is even stronger than the opponent's strength and accomplishments!

This is where even I have to admit that I am inferior.

So at this moment, although several teammates around him rated the ADC policewoman Huang Xue Ye Ge's performance on the court as quite average, they didn't think so at all.

He was firmly convinced that even if it seemed that in the past twenty or thirty minutes, it had been Dawnstar's mid laner Varus who had dominated the stage, but as long as he was given a chance... Huangxue Yege's female ADC The police will definitely be able to perform a carry operation that will amaze the audience.

Even if you are at a disadvantage in the early stage, you can withstand pressure.

Even if you encounter various targets.

Even if there seems to be nothing done in the first few dozen minutes of a game and no chance can be found——


Just wait for a wave.

They are able to seize the opportunity in their hands in an instant, and then suddenly burst out to complete a heaven-defying turnaround.

This is what a most mature professional ADC player should possess.

I am very aware of the gap that still exists between myself and those truly experienced senior professional ADC players, but I will never feel discouraged by this, but will only give rise to greater fighting spirit and fighting spirit.

Because he knew that what he lacked was not talent, but just a lot of practical experience compared to other veteran players.

Just give him more time...

He is confident that one day in the near future, he can truly stand at the top of the ADC pyramid in the professional e-sports circle.

Only in this way can he truly live up to his talent and hard work.


Nor did he live up to the teachings of his mentor.

However, when he thought of this, he suddenly paused, and then he lowered his head slightly to hide the flickering eyes in his eyes from other teammates around him.

Speaking of his mentor——


In fact, although he regarded the other person as his most respected and admired teacher, the senior told him not to call him "master" with an extremely cold and indifferent attitude from the beginning.

He could understand what the senior meant.

Indeed, it was because his talent was still not enough. Even though he was stunning and dazzling compared to most people, it was still far from enough to become a disciple recognized by the legendary senior.

But he has never been discouraged by this. In his opinion, as long as he can continue to work hard and improve, one day he will be recognized by the senior and call him "Master" in front of the senior. ".

He has been striving hard for this as his biggest goal, and even his persistence in this goal exceeds his desire for various honors in the professional arena and even the world championship trophy.

In his opinion, this S6 finals is the best stage to prove himself, and it is also the most promising opportunity to prove to the senior that he is qualified to become the opponent's apprentice. Therefore, on the first day he arrived in Manchester, he had already I was full of energy and ready to start working hard.

However, things backfired.

Just last night.

He received a call from the senior with great surprise and surprise, but the news he heard made him feel dizzy at that moment.

The senior he regarded as his mentor had never said a word to him, and even when he was giving guidance, he rarely said nonsense. On that phone call, the other person's tone was as cold and indifferent as ever, but the words he said made him stay up all night. They could only sit on the edge of the bed dumbfounded, unable to accept and calm down:

"Although it's not necessary, I might as well tell you that I just accepted a disciple."

"Her talent and potential are far above yours."

"In the future, she will also be the only successor to my inheritance."

The atmosphere in the training room was still noisy and restless, and everyone off the field was still engrossed in watching the match on the field that had entered the final stage of the mid- to late-game.

But at this moment, his eyes were lowered, and his long golden hair and bangs fell down to cover his face, so that the other Crown teammates around him didn't pay attention to it.

No one noticed.

The crown's rookie ace ADC player, the hands hanging by his sides at this moment were tightly clenched into fists, so hard that his nails almost hurt and dug into his palms.

He was able to face off against the bottom lane team led by the support god Autumn in the North American LCS league, and still tried his best to play his own glorious peak moment.

He was able to gain the upper hand in a head-on attack against Huang Xue Ye Ge, the top ADC in the LPL region.

He worked very hard to get these rewards.

He understood that he still had shortcomings and deficiencies, so he continued to grit his teeth and work hard to improve without feeling complacent.


All just to gain the approval of his mentor.

But now...

But just that phone call last night, in the senior's seemingly indifferent words without any emotion, declared all his efforts to death.

An update was sent, but I didn’t expect that I wouldn’t be able to rest all night. . Now that the update is complete, you can rush to the airport directly. .

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